Showing posts with label Red Hatters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Red Hatters. Show all posts

Friday, August 11, 2023

I'm Still a Red Hatter - Hard to Believe, Right?


As remarkable as it seems, I am going to attend a Red Hat function today.  In the crazy world I live, I wrote to our Queen, Cynthia, last April and actually said perhaps I should withdraw due to lack of activity.  This year, 2023, has been bonkers for me as anyone who follows my blog can attest to.  However, being the gracious Queen, that she is, Cynthia took my information and encouraged me to join in when I can.  Today, I can.  Hallelujah!!

It's time to have some fun and I'm dressed and ready to go.  Fortunately, a few new purple items have come into ownership for me and so I am not wearing the same clothes as before.

Friday, December 9, 2022

Holiday Red Hats

 It's that time of year again --- when Red Hats gather to celebrate the wonderful holiday season.  I look forward to it each year and this year was no different.  I have struggled to attend Red Hat events this past year and hope to get my own schedule a bit more under control next year.  Did I say that last year?  It is entirely possible.  At any rate --- come along with me to share in this event.

Saturday, September 24, 2022

Red Hats in Frisco

For the second month in a row, I actually get to attend the Red Hat Luncheon.  Shock, right?  I know.  I also know I won't be able to go in October and possibly November as it stands right now so I need to enjoy while I can.

We are off to Gloria's in Frisco and that gives me a chance to explore around the grounds for a bit as our arrival is a wee bit early. 

There are depictions of a Cow Camp, complete with awesome sculptures.  

Saturday, August 27, 2022

August Red Hat Luncheon

 My schedule allowed me another opportunity to enjoy the company of the Red Hat ladies.  These moments are hard to come by so I treasure them when they take place.  Today, we are off to the Outback in Addison.  Mister is dropping me off so we can explore someplace else this afternoon, so he'll be around to take the group picture at the end.  It's a plan.  

My arrival is met with some shock --- partly because it's rare that I get to attend and partly because I didn't decide until the last minute.  However, it's great to be here.

Saturday, April 16, 2022

Red Hat Fun


I FINALLY have another opportunity to meet up with the Red Hat ladies today.  Conflicts seem to arise with a regular frequency, but I have high hope for 2023 when my schedule changes a bit.  At any rate, today we are meeting at Chocolate Angel High Street, a tea room inside High Street Antiques.  It's a delightful place and PACKED.  Perhaps, because it is the Saturday before Easter, or perhaps because it's just awesome.  Let's find out.

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Off to "Italy" With Red Hats

 It's a Red Hat Day!!!

The past couple of years have been challenging for me and being active in Red Hats.  It seems as though each time I was gone or running an event of my own or somehow missing emails.  Today, the planets have aligned and I'm able to pull it all together and attend.  

The plan is to meet at Little Rom in Plano and somehow I manage to get myself dressed and there on time.  Please, let's not get into that statement more than to just smile and know that life hands us little (or big) obstacles now and then.  At any rate --- I'm here.

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Red Hats After a Year Break


It's been over a year since I was able to attend a Red Hat event.  Partially due to the pandemic, but also due to scheduling.  However, the stars aligned today and I've dug out the proper attire.  Mister has dropped me off and the fun is about to begin.  As usual, I do so enjoy watching the exchanges that go on as friends see one another after a gap in time.  It warms the heart.  Queen Cynthia is sharing the birthday certificate with all as we missed the May meetings.  This is a birthday celebration for ALL.

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Red Hat Valentine - Miss Etta's 95th Birthday

For two months in a row, I am able to attend Red Hats luncheon.  I know that that is coming to an end quickly, but I'm loving it while it lasts.  March is out for me and although I can't locate the email, I think both April and May hit during my retreats as well.  It is what it is.  I'll be pretty clear after that until fall.  Fingers are crossed!!

Anna is in charge of our gathering today and it involves a hat contest and I'm loving the creativity put into these.  I didn't play this year, but others did and they are so fun.  As people gather into the room, plans are being finalized and friendships are being renewed.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Red Hat New Year

Happy New Year to all my sister Red Hatters!!!  It feels like forever since I have been able to attend a Red Hat event.  One of my goals this year is to try and clear some time for it instead of booking EVERY weekend a year in advance.  I know I'm good for this month and February.  March - already hosting an event.  The dates for April and May are not out yet and I know those two months are difficult.  My fingers are crossed for the first weekend in May as it is my birthday month and I'd love to wear my wonderful red dress again.  Time will tell.  At any rate --- back to the present!!!  I am available today and I am looking forward to it.  Let's go!!!

Fonda is our host for this gathering and my picture of her didn't quite turn out, so I'm borrowing one from our Queen, Cynthia.  Here's Fonda AND Cynthia.

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Red Hats at Rockfish

Can you believe it is August already?  Wow --- The summer has flown by and it's time for another Red Hat event.

My life is a bit on the crazy side today, but I really am looking forward to the time I get to spend with my Red Hat Ladies.  Each month I feel as though I get to know them a little better, making the whole thing more and more comfortable.  I am racing from event to event today and by the time I get to Rockfish Grill, I really just want to sit down and take a deep breath. Whew.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

July Red Hatters

Welcome to JULY!!  We are starting the second half of our year and I can't believe how quickly it is passing by.  When an event takes place once a month, it truly shows how quick the months come and go.  I've been with grands for almost two months solid and ready for some interaction with friends.  It's time.

This week Spring Creek BBQ is the gathering locale and I'm off - leaving Mister alone for a bit.  We have a lot to do today, but this is taking priority for me.  After two years in the chapter, I am starting to feel like one of "them."  All things take time and it's truly worth the wait.  Are we ready to laugh and share for a bit?

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Red Hatter's at North Haven Gardens

When I joined the Dallas Re-Gals two years ago, MY GOODNESS has it been two years already?, I knew that each member takes a turn hosting an event.  My time has come.  So, I put on my thinking hat - red, of course - and set to coming up with an idea.

My sweet, enabling hubby knew that I wanted to do something in addition to lunch and was always on the lookout for ideas.  One morning, we were at North Haven Gardens enjoying brunch and the new plants.  He glanced around the room and mentioned that he though this would be a nice lunch venue.  Hmmmn - it DID have possibilities.  When our meal was complete, we walked into the gallery to look around and met Dana Wilson.  I mentioned Red Hats and her eyes lit up.  She handles events and had a great plan.  A catered lunch, a speaker (herself), and a workshop -- all for a great price.  I was hooked.  We selected a date and were off --- a few snags along the way with dates, but the day is here and we are ready.

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Easter w/Red Hats

Happy Red Hat Easter!!!  We are gathering on a crazy rainy day in Plano, TX.  Serious water is falling from the sky and just getting in and out of cars is a challenge.  Does it matter?  Well, not to me.  It's Red Hat time and I don't want to miss out unless I have to.

Spycee (Jean) is our Queen for the day this month and upon my arrival, I discover she and Estella have been eagerly waiting for the gang to gather.

Spycee has decorated the table with sock monkeys, one of who dances and it's dang cute but I ruined the video.  You would have laughed like crazy.  He dances and sings, "Here Comes Peter Cottontail."  Perfect.  All my sock monkey lovers would be going crazy.  Obviously, it's the bunny that dances, not the duck.  Okay, okay, technically he just walks across the table while the music plays.

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Red Hat Valentine's and a Contest

Live, Laugh, and Love was the theme of my quilt retreat last weekend and with Valentine's upon us, it seems fitting to carry it right on through.

I am not absolutely sure that I will attend today's Red Hat event as I have really missed my sweetheart and it's the last weekend I have with him for awhile.  It's also his birthday party this afternoon and I still have things to do for that.  However, the idea of fun with my Red Hat Sisters wins and now I'm racing to put together a hat for the contest.  Someone mentioned just adding hearts to a hat and for some reason my mind just opens and everywhere I look I spot something I can use.

Saturday, January 26, 2019

2019 Red Hat Season Begins

I have had a super busy week but am back home in time for Red Hat fun.  Our 2019 season begins today with a fun birthday party hosted by Jenn.

Welcome to January.  Mister and I are on our way to Richardson and Jeng Chi to meet up with the ladies.  He drops me off out front and I feel as though I really am in a little Chinatown.  It's wonderful.

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Red Hat Holiday Spirit

 December is here and that means a Red Hat Christmas is right around the corner.

I was so hoping to be finished with all the dental issues I am having this year, but it just didn't happen.  Thus, here is my picture as I dress for the event.  Ugh --- My biggest hope is that next year, I will once again be able to smile huge and strut that happy person big and bold.

I want to be THIS Red Hatter:

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Halloween, Red-Hatters, and Babes Chicken Dinner House

Boo!  Are ya scared? Ah come on now, let me have just a wee bit of fun, won't you?

It's red and purple time again.  I have been away so much lately that it almost feels like I'm the newbie once more, but in reality I'm over a year old.  Crazy.

It's Halloween Season and that means the annual trek to Babes for the Big D Re-Gal Red Hatters.  I finally get to use the costume I bought for the June Sock Hop and then had to miss.  I have used it once for a costume at Brazos, but today it finally is fulfilling it's ultimate purpose in life.  RED HATS!!!   Oooooooh.

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Red Hats Abound

It's been awhile since I have been able to attend a Red Hat function.  June's was right after we returned from Utah and my sweet man found out he had melanoma cancer.  It just felt like I should be with him.  Then July came around and I had surgery so that one didn't work either.  I've just had surgery again this week, but I'm going to give it a valiant effort.  It's hard --- oh so hard to wander out without teeth, but I can't be in complete hiding for the next three months.  I'm dressed and ready to be brave.

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Red Hat Birthday Celebration

May is the birthday season for me.  It's also the birthday for our local chapter of Red Hatters, The Big D Re-Gals.  The chapter is Sweet Sixteen.  How fun.  As I'm sitting her noodling this post, I have come up with my own version of Ringo Starr's song You're Sixteen:  Cue the music -

You came on like a dream
Red, purple and bling
Shining like bright stars
You're sixteen, you're beautiful and you're ours

You're all glitter and hats
Giggles and chat
Lunches lasting for hours
You're sixteen, you're beautiful and you're ours.

You're our baby, you're our pet
We fell in love on the day we met
Cynthia started it all, we joined along
And now we are over twenty Re-Gals strong

You walked into our lives, full of surprise
Now our hats boxes tower
You're sixteen you're beautiful and you're ours. 

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Red Hatter's in Wylie

After missing last month while I was at retreat, I am excited and ready for a Red Hat Day with the ladies.  Today we are off to Wylie, TX and the Ballard Cafe.

For some reason, I am running late once again.  What is up with me?  I was dressed over an hour and a half ahead of time.  Talking with my sweetie let time run away from me once again.  I really need to set a timer next month.

At any rate, I am here and ready to relax and have some lunch.  Are you hungry?  I sure am.  The table is full but a few openings still exist and I grab one.  Sitting down, I take a deep breath and power down.  Wow.  What a crazy last half hour.  A few quick pictures . . .