Friday, August 11, 2023

I'm Still a Red Hatter - Hard to Believe, Right?


As remarkable as it seems, I am going to attend a Red Hat function today.  In the crazy world I live, I wrote to our Queen, Cynthia, last April and actually said perhaps I should withdraw due to lack of activity.  This year, 2023, has been bonkers for me as anyone who follows my blog can attest to.  However, being the gracious Queen, that she is, Cynthia took my information and encouraged me to join in when I can.  Today, I can.  Hallelujah!!

It's time to have some fun and I'm dressed and ready to go.  Fortunately, a few new purple items have come into ownership for me and so I am not wearing the same clothes as before.

Pssst --- it's DANG hot out here.  I've been hibernating in the house this month as it's my first month at home in what seems like forever.  Will this heat wave ever end?  I'm putting money on NO.

Today's destination is Sonny Bryan's Smokehouse in Richardson.  I usually go to the original building down on Inwood Road, so this is a new adventure for me.

The ladies started gathering together and formed a line to place our orders.  This is a LOT of red and purple in the restaurant and many are looking our way.

From left to right:  Visitor (and friend of Jean) Betty, Jean, and Queen Cynthia

I'm fairly close to the end of the line -- giving a chance for a couple of pics.

Once all the ordering is complete, everyone settles in for some yummy, tummy appeasing, food. 

We have such a great turnout this month that two tables are required.  How fun is this?  I'm so glad that this one worked into my schedule and I get a chance to see all but a couple of members.

I wasn't lying about the food - and I ate the whole thing. 

I'm so full that perhaps the rest of the meeting should happen laying down.  It's an idea, for sure.

Queen Cynthia makes the rounds taking pictures of all.  She actually started with me.  Smile Chicca.

Enjoy putting names to faces, I know I did.  Jean and Betty (we hope she joins the group).

Diana and her friend, Velma (another visitor that we hope joins our group)

Anna and Frankie

Fayrene and Pat -

Arlene and Sharon -

Billie and Queen Cynthia - 

Cher and Vickie -

We interrupt this roster to share a pic of our own

Amber - 

Back to the roll call - Jackie and Fonda

Kathy and Nuray - 

And last, but certainly not least, is our Queen for the Day - Sophie.  She has done a fabulous job with door prizes and fun all around.  Not to mention I stole her chair and she was the most gracious person about it.  I really need to be more aware of my surroundings.  Thank you, Sophie, for being the perfect Queen for the Day.

August Birthday girls dressed in opposite colors:  Diana and Jean

Kathy took her vows today and is officially a member of the Dallas Re-Gals.  Take a peek.  Queen Cynthia dubs her as "Sassy Cassie."

With that, a bit of visiting happens (I'm actually letting Anna know that I will be there in December as that is my next open date for Red Hats).  Next year, I promise to do better and I know I've said that before, but I'm hoping it happens in 2024.

Group picture time:  Back row - Arlene, Yours Truly, Anna, Nuray, Pat, Cher, Billie, Vickie, Betty, Jean, Sharon, Jackie, Amber, and Queen for the Day, Sophie.  Front row:  Kathy, Fayrene, Fonda, Velma, Frankie, Diana, and Queen Cynthia.  

I guess that's it for this time.  Thank you to all for a wonderful gathering.  Until December, keep having fun.

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