Showing posts with label Around Dallas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Around Dallas. Show all posts

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Ducks and a Gorgeous Sunset at White Rock Lake

 It is time to get out of the house.  A trip down to White Rock Lake always calms the soul and allows nature to permeate and relax us.  As we approach the Pelican viewing point, a Mama Duck and her little ducklings catch our eye.  Do you see them?

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Still Birthday Season

 My birthday weekend continues.  Today Mister has started out with a brand new coffee/pastry shop and it is sooooo yummy.  I guess calling it a bakery is more apt and they are working to enlarge their offerings.  

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Birthday Fun - Dallas Zoo (Hippo Heavy), Davis Coffee, Manhattan Project, and Family

 It's my Birthday!!!  We are off to the zoo bright and early for a member morning and while we are walking around, my phone is constantly buzzing.  I LOVE IT!  Who wouldn't?  I heard from my mom, four children, three grandchildren, and two girlfriends while enjoying the zoo.  Crazy, right?  At any rate, you're more interested in the animals, I bet.  Here ya go:  Baby flamingoes.

Sunday, April 28, 2024

A Weekend in the Life With Rain

 There are just some times when ya gotta get out no matter what.  We are having rain, rain, and more rain, but every so often it lets up enough to make a dash someplace.  This morning we are off to breakfast at a new-to-us coffee shop, Middle Ground.  We spotted it last night while at dinner in the same shopping center and want to check it out.  Along the way - ya just never know what you will encounter.

Friday, April 26, 2024

Artscape at the Arboretum and a Beautiful Sunset

 We have tickets to the Member Preview of Artscape at the Arboretum this evening and the weather has given us a small window with which to enjoy it.  Come along for some fun and an evening walk.  Century plant preparing to bloom.

Saturday, April 20, 2024

The Impressionist Revolution - Monet to Matisse at DMA

 For those who follow this blog and my quilt blog, you will know that I LOVE Monet.  When this new exhibit was announced, I instantly wanted to see it and cannot believe it has taken me two months to do so.  At any rate, today is the day and you know the drill - I'm going to educate you against your will as this is how I remember and learn.  If you only wish to look at the pics - go for it - they are amazing and these are some of the greatest artists in my humble opinion.  It is the 150th anniversary of the first Impressionist exhibition and this is a fitting celebration for it.  The core members of the Impressionist movement included Claude Monet, Edgar Degas and Berthe Morisot.  They set the foundation which following generations of avant-garde artists reacted, from Paul Gauguin and Vincent van Gogh to Piet Mondrian and Henri Matisse.  Come along with me today and see how many you recognize BEFORE reading to see.  I'll place the pictures first this time.

So - how did it all get started?  In 1874 an artist's collective that called itself the Anonymous Society of Painters, Sculptors, Printmakers, Etc. opened the first of what became eight group shows held over the course of twelve years.  The participants in each exhibition varied, and, beyond a shared rejection of artistic tradition, so did their subjects and approaches.  What unified these independent artists we now call the Impressionists was the desire to publicly exhibit their work.  Read that again --- all they wanted to do was exhibit.  Seems innocuous enough.  However, the only public exhibition venue for living artists in 19th-century Paris was the annual Salon organized and juried by the state-run Academy of Fine Arts.  Artists who diverged from Academic tradition (the styles and subject matter favored by the Academy) frequently experienced rejection and were left with no other avenues to garner critical and financial success.  By organizing their own exhibitions, the Impressionists bypassed the official system, an act that was as rebellious as it was entrepreneurial.  Despite the artists' efforts, the Impressionist exhibitions scandalized the Parisian public and were generally considered a failure.  Apart from a few forward-thinking critics and collectors, there was little appreciation or market for this subversive artwork until well after the last show in 1886.  Read that again --- Subversive.  Oh how I laugh when you think of what is subversive today.  Okay - here we go and I love this first one.

Sunday, April 14, 2024

A Day in the Life of Mister and Lady - Beauty and Destruction

 Life is so interesting sometimes.  Our day started out like many weekend ones do.  An early morning walk around the Arboretum.  Time together just appreciating the beauty around us.  I am so thankful to have this incredible garden to just roam whenever we wish.  Sooooooo glad we don't have to reserve to attend anymore.  Spur of the moment is just fine.  At any rate, off we go.

Monday, April 8, 2024

Total Eclipse of the Sun in Dallas

 Ever since we went to Portland in 2017 to see the eclipse, we have known about this one in Dallas.  Eighteen months ago plans were made to be at a friends house in East Texas for the event, but the clouds and her sweeties health prevented that from happening.  Instead, we are in our backyard in Dallas and have fingers crossed that Mother Nature is friendly.  A glass of wine, lawn chair, and some glasses are all we need.  

Saturday, April 6, 2024

Member Morning Walk at Dallas Zoo

 Taking time for each other never gets old.  With our membership to the zoo, we are blessed to enjoy the early morning member days.  Today the special presentation is in the aviary and it's wonderful.  So much to constantly learn about the animal kingdom that surrounds us daily.  Take a peek at a few pics from today -- not too many today.

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Sunset at White Rock Lake

 Evening walks need to come back.  Here we go - off to the lake tonight to check on the birds and watch the sunset.  By the time we get there, we are bit too late for the sunset, but it's still dang pretty.  As we walk up to the dock, a nutria is nearby having his/her dinner.

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Easter at Dallas Blooms

 Happy Easter!!!  We opted to wake early and head to the gardens and spend Easter morning with the beauty around us.  Here are a few pics to make you smile.

Saturday, March 30, 2024

OHB Easter Egg Hunt

 We don't have a lot of plans for this weekend, but the OHB Easter Egg Hunt is happening and it's always a fun time.  Bobby opts to come along and learn a bit more about craft beer.  All of the sampler glasses in the pic are his.  Too funny.

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Dallas Blooms w/Mister

 This year has been challenging to find time to thoroughly enjoy Dallas Blooms.  Some years we manage weekly visits and, yet, this year, not.  I went with my niece last week and have finally made it here with my sweetie.  The tulips are about gone, but the azaleas are FABULOUS.  Enjoy the eye candy and I'll share some fun along the way.  Upon our arrival, we were sent through a different gate for the early morning walk.  At the front gate, people were lining up for an Easter event that included breakfast, pictures, and an egg hunt.  This was our first view.

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Artiste at North Park Center

 This just happened.  An advertisement peaked my interest, I mentioned it to Mister, and when work was finished for the day - we made it happen.  In case you can't read the sign:  "Experience the artistry of flowers like never before in Fleurs de Villes ARTISTE, the bespoke floral exhibition on view in Texas for the first time at NorthPark Center.  The exhibition features a curated collection of 15 one-of-a-kind fresh floral mannequins, all created by North Texas' most talented floral designers with themes chosen by the region's vibrant arts and cultural organizations.  Each floral display distinctively showcases the featured institution, encompassing the disciplines of dance, music, theater, visual arts, and more.

Sunday, March 17, 2024

Out and About - Shopping and Such

 Upon my return to Dallas this morning, Mister and I were off for some breakfast upon my request.  Dallas Diner it was and then we decided to hunt down a washing machine - or at least try to.  We haven't been to Nebraska Furniture Mart up in The Colony.  Perhaps this will work.

Friday, March 8, 2024

Brock and Jill and Greyson - Round Two - Day 4 - Dallas World Aquarium, Dallas Zoo

 Up, up everyone.  It's a full day and our wonderful visitors have to fly away this afternoon.  We are going to do our best to send them off on a high.  We had early entry to the zoo, but it's still pouring out.  Supposedly that is supposed to end around 11 so we are punting once again.  First stop is the coffee shop.  I didn't have access to this information and made a whole pot of coffee first - but a cake will happen this week now.  It's all good.  With rain really not letting up, we decide to go to the Dallas World Aquarium first.  Maybe we can get both in that way.  Straight downtown and in - it's pretty busy with the rain and all, but we'll still have a good time.  Enjoy the pics, comments only when necessary or helpful.

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Brock and Jill and Greyson - Round Two - Day 3 - Grapevine, LEGO Land, Meow Wolf and Ephesians

 Rain, rain, go away --- we want to play!  I don't think it will happen at all today, so a punt is required.  We rarely get rain that is socked in for a full day, but today just such a thing is happening and it will continue until tomorrow.  Be that as it may, as I said - "Punt."  Mister has to work in Irving again all day today, so everyone is up early to drop him off at 8.  Grapevine is just down the road and we have planned our day for that area.  First up --- Breakfast!  We find a spot downtown that is open --- you would think from the picture that it is the bakery, but you would be wrong.  it is Chez Fabien, the Bistro.  Oh, and breakfast is divine.  Truly.  This Strawberry Romanoff Crepe is to die for.  It was large enough that all had a share and even Greyson declared it "Yum."

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Brock and Jill and Greyson - Round Two - Day 2 - Northpark Mall and Taste of Fort Worth

What to do - what to do?  I have a driving schedule for today and am trying to figure out how to fit some fun in.  Mister has to be in Irving for meetings from noon to eight.  Brock is in conference until 4.  Jill and Greyson are ready for anything.  We let Brock and Jill sleep in a bit and get Greyson fed and ready for the day.  He and I leave to pick her up and decide to go be mall walkers for a bit (I have to be back at the house by 11 to take Mister to Irving - this is one of those times when one car is a bit harried and Mister's meetings were TOTALLY unexpected when we planned this visit with Brock and Jill).

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Brock and Jill and Greyson - Round Two - Day 1 - Arboretum and Klyde Warren

 Spring has arrived in Dallas and so has my niece, Jill, and her family.  I am off to pick her up this morning for a bit of a walkabout.  Dallas Blooms is in its third week and I still haven't been.  It's time.  With quick hugs and looks to hurry from the hotel staff, we start making our way there.  Oh goodness --- the parking lot is pretty full and we have a bit of a walk, but it will be worth it.  I promise.  First stop is the gift shop as Greyson needs a hat.  Done and away we go.

Into the garden and AHHHHH -

Saturday, March 2, 2024