Showing posts with label Food. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Food. Show all posts

Sunday, January 28, 2024

Girls Trip - Day 3 - Sea Day and Sushi Class

 We are at sea and the only thing on the agenda for today is a sushi class that Gwen and I are taking later this morning.  For now, breakfast in the dining room.

Monday, December 4, 2023

Making Marshmallows

 Putting together packages for mailing is always a daunting project around here.  It means Chex Mix (done) and cookies (done) and gifts (almost done), etc.  It also means candy.  Today are marshmallows.  I know several people have asked for this recipe, so here ya go:


2 tsp. butter
3 envelopes unflavored gelatin
1 cup cold water, divided
2 cups sugar
1 cup light corn syrup
1/8 tsp. salt
1 tsp. clear vanilla extract
Optional toppings:  melted chocolate, hot fudge and/or caramel ice cream topping.  Optional garnishes:   baking cocoa, confectioners' sugar, crushed candies, chopped nuts, colored sugars and/or sprinkles.

Here we go:  Line a 13 x 9 pan with foil and grease the foil with butter; set aside.

Saturday, December 2, 2023

7th Annual Cookie and Ornament Exchange

 It's time once again to start the preparations for this years Christmas Cookie and Ornament Exchange.  The end of October has arrived and I'm up in Montana.  Gwen has selected this years make and take and gifted them to all.  Today is the day to make the sample.  What do you think?

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Big Adventure Sea Day ?? Chef's Table for Dinner

 After yesterday, I'm kinda glad for a day to relax.  We have definitely put in some miles with climbing a mountain added in.  Taking it slow - some casino time (I JUST sat down when Mister took this picture, but I DO love the piggies), towel art,  and . . .

Saturday, December 10, 2022

Yard Work Reward - Locura, Celestial, and Rain

 After a very busy day in the yard, we are rewarding ourselves with an evening out.  I have no idea what the plans are - but we are on the road.  First stop has my eyebrows raising a bit as we are right below the interstate in an interesting area.  Mister has read about Locura Small Bites and their "famous" elote dishes.  I guess it's a veggie night.  The weather is crazy and we are ducking rain as we go, but find a spot to sit under a covered patio and Mister is off to order.  Being willing to go on adventures like this is part of the magic of our relationship.  One just never knows how amazing something can be if we just step outside that box.  This place is exactly that.  We start with Traditional and Truffle cups of elotes.  So very good.

Friday, July 15, 2022

Mezamiz Coffee Shop - Abilene

I haven't spotlighted a coffee shop in awhile and I simply LOVED this place.  

Mezamiz is located in The Cloisters Courtyard Shops in Abilene, TX.  If you are there or going there -- put it on your list - it is definitely worth the stop.  Come take a peek along with me.  

Sunday, March 6, 2022

LDU Coffee

 New coffee shops are always fun.  Today we are going to LDU Coffee and take some time to learn the story behind it.  In their own words:  Mark and Adam Lowes are "two hairy Australian men who happen to be brothers, and also happen to enjoy making and drinking coffee together.  With only the best American machinery, a little European flair and a healthy Australian disrespect for trend and tradition, they created an original recipe and style.  Their coffee was different to anything else they had tasted before and they got so excited about it they opened a little store in downtown Perth that became an almost instant phenomenon.  They play the music they loved, served the coffee they loved and spent every minute working on making their customers feel special during their time in the store.

After successfully testing their recipe on countless Australians for nearly a decade, the brother began to wonder if there was a bigger challenge awaiting them.   Through a remarkable series of events, Mark and Adam found themselves in Texas reveling in local music, eating tacos and brisket, and drinking the most incredible beer they had ever tasted.  The only thing they couldn't find was strong coffee.  So, the new challenge was upon them.  They believed their unique coffee style and service could contribute something to the might of Texas food and drink culture."

They have 3 store in the metroplex and we are fortunate to live by one of them.  The boys both live in Dallas and today we are lucky enough to get some visit time with Mark.  As a result we now know just where to go for the "coffee scene" when we make our journey to Australia and New Zealand in a couple of years.  Woot, woot.  Oh, they won't tell anyone what LDU stands for, but I'm going with Land Down Under as my guess.

Sunday, December 5, 2021

Brock and Jill Come To Visit - Days 4 & 5

 Welcome to another day in the tour group.  With a little in the house, sleeping in wouldn't happen even if we wanted it to.  We have a lot of living still to get in and we have not achieved our goal of having guests fall asleep in the car while driving yet.  Yes, it's always a goal.

This morning we are off to France for breakfast.  Some might say New Orleans, but even that was French in base.  Le Bon Temps in Deep Ellum has the BEST beignets.  I think they are even better than Café Du Monde in Louisiana.  Are you ready?  

Friday, December 3, 2021

Brock and Jill Come To Visit - Day 3

 Wow --- short night - or so it seems to the older set in our home.  At any rate, we are up and ready to start this very busy day.  So many fun things ahead and I'm looking forward to it all.  Some boy toy time with the gears while the gals get dressed and soon we are out the door.  Our first stop is Cafe Brazil as this was a request from Jill.  It's one of the things she remembers from her trip here for our wedding.  For the eternally curious, here is a LINK to that fun day as well.  The food is grand, as always, and after our meal, while we wait to pay the bill, Greyson and Uncle are having fun outside looking back in at us.  Just check out this wonderful food porn.

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Brock and Jill Come to Visit - Days 1 & 2

 It's been a whirlwind of a week getting ready for guests (yes, we LOVE guests and playing tour guide is one of our favorite activities) and today has finally arrived.  An airport pickup at 1:30 p.m. and then home to drop off baggage, have a light lunch and get settled in.  Once Uncle is off work we are off for some dinner at one of our favorite local BBQ's - Intrinsic Brewery.

I'm going to be honest here and tell you that I struggled with the amount of pictures to include in these posts (today and the next few ones as well) but y'all are just gonna have to put up with an explosion because I know my niece will want to see all of them.  Just scroll on past if they don't interest you as much.  

Greyson is definitely keeping tabs on where Mom and Dad are.  He's not upset being with me, but still a little unsure.  We'll get to be friends.  I can feel it.  As Brock and Jill return, one has succumbed to the lure of the loaded baked potato.  Yep, it's Wednesday.

The rest of us had meat platters and they just were so very good.  Check Texas BBQ off the list.  From here, it might be international all the way.  At least that's the plan.

Saturday, November 27, 2021

Thanksgiving - A Little Late

 After a week of couch living, I am finally up to Thanksgiving dinner.  My poor sweetheart has been fending for himself and grousing a wee bit about missing the holiday.  We had to stay home from Jens and it was a really boring day for us.  I was able to get a little done yesterday, but today --- I'm good as gold.

Today -- we are making our own dinner.  There are just somethings that shouldn't be missed.  Mister's turkey looks amazing.

Saturday, September 18, 2021

Saturday Fun

 Out --- we want out.  It's been a crazy, stress-filled week and a bit of a break is desired.  With Octoberfest running rampant in the metroplex, checking out the closest bit of un seems okay this early afternoon.  Vector has a special event running and even has a small art fair.  Why not?

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Easter Weekend - Family, Food, Furry Friends, and Fun

 Easter Weekend has arrived and it's just us again.  We've decided a little bit of family would be nice and still have the chance to wander together so we are off to the Lake Whitney area.  Jen and her crew are camping there for the weekend and we are just gonna stop by and spend a couple of hours.  But first --- coffee.  Overflow Coffee Company in T B Bond Emporium is perfect.  We are able to nab a seat and people watch for a bit.

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

First Attempt at Homemade Ginger Beer (Ale)

 13th -  Soooo - Mister has decided to take on a new project this month.  I absolutely love Ginger Beer and Moscow Mules.  I don't love the prices associated with either so we are going to attempt our own rendition of Ginger Beer.  Since we are calling this the "first attempt," I'm assuming there will be a second attempt as we work through the kinks.  

At any rate, today we begin.  We have some quart jars cleaned and ready for use.  Mister found his fermentation tops (used when he makes kimchi) and thinks they may be helpful.  From there ---- the Ginger begins to be culled.

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Temperatures Drop --- Basil Pesto is Made

 The temperatures are dropping in Dallas and Mister's basil plants are enormous.  Now what?  We start by cutting them down and placing as many in the kitchen window as we can to use daily.  The rest goes into two batches of pesto -- one for the freezer and one for dinner.

We thought we'd share our process with y'all - 

To start, you need about 2 cups of basil leaves, 1/4 cup of pine nuts, 2/3 cup extra virgin olive oil (divided) and 2 cloves of garlic.

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Delicata Squash - So Good!

 In my Facebook group, we have a BINGO card that I am trying to mark off.  One of the items is to try a new veggie.  Well, I was a bit worried as I didn't think there were that many I hadn't tried BUT then I remembered the squash family.  There are so many types and I'm still a baby with them.  While at the store, I picked up a Delicata Squash.  Yep, never heard of it before either.  It's cute and fairly small.

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Making Peanut Brittle - Holiday Tradition

 Oh so many years ago, a friend by the name of Ying Custer shared her fabulous Peanut Brittle recipe with me.  I have not attempted any other recipe since that time.  Yes, it is just that good and oh so easy.  I also discovered, this year, that I have not shared this on the blog before.  Well, lucky you -- this is your year.

FIRST - If you live in the south like me, check the humidity.  This really works well on dry days.  Today we are 35%.  That works.

SECOND - butter a 9x13 pan or cookie sheet with sides.  Now you are ready to start.

In a heavy pan bring 2 cups of sugar, 1 cup of white corn syrup, and 1/2 cup of water to boil.  I stir the whole time, but the recipe really doesn't say.

Saturday, December 5, 2020

4th Annual Cookie and Ornament Exchange

 It's that time of year once again.  My annual Cookie and Ornament Exchange is about to commence.  That means a bit of work is required.  First, the house had to be decorated!!  You can peek in on that with this LINK.  Each year we do a craft and I've selected a super easy one for 2020.  We need easy right now.  

The clear bulb is written on with either silver or gold and then filled with beads/pearls.  Top it off with a bow and call it done.  Perfect.  

Next, cookies!!!  This turned out to be rather last minute due to a new range arriving, but they are now done and oh so yummy.  I did Banana Spice and Soft Pumpkin Cookies --- about 8 dozen of each.

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Slow Cooker Beef and Potatoes Au Gratin --- It's a Sew Day!!!

In our Facebook Group and on my blog, we are playing a BINGO game and one of the squares directs us to "make something new in the kitchen."  I have a friend coming over for the day and we will be busy, so a crockpot dinner seems fitting.  Since it's all new to me, I'll share it with y'all too.

Slow Cooker Beef and Potatoes Au Gratin works for me as I have all the ingredients on hand and don't have to go outside.  I'm still trying to be so good.

Let's go ---- Brown one pound of ground beef with a touch of salt and pepper to season.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Naan Bread -- First Time and Love It!

I LOVE to be in the kitchen and baking/desserts are my absolute favorite thing to work on.  What I don't like is the mess so I try and make a day of it when I'm going to be in there.  Why make that mess more often?  Today, I have put two loaves of English Muffin bread off to rise (I've done a post on it in the past here is your LINK), have Oatmeal Raisin cookies mixed, and put four small panna cottas into the refrigerator.  Now, I'm moving onto Naan bread and this is a first for me.  That means I have to find a recipe to use as a base, make it once, and then start my own adjustments.  The one I've selected is from  I'm not doing a pictorial of the making of the dough as it is the same for any dough but I will share the recipe: