Saturday, December 10, 2022

Yard Work Reward - Locura, Celestial, and Rain

 After a very busy day in the yard, we are rewarding ourselves with an evening out.  I have no idea what the plans are - but we are on the road.  First stop has my eyebrows raising a bit as we are right below the interstate in an interesting area.  Mister has read about Locura Small Bites and their "famous" elote dishes.  I guess it's a veggie night.  The weather is crazy and we are ducking rain as we go, but find a spot to sit under a covered patio and Mister is off to order.  Being willing to go on adventures like this is part of the magic of our relationship.  One just never knows how amazing something can be if we just step outside that box.  This place is exactly that.  We start with Traditional and Truffle cups of elotes.  So very good.

Mister follows that up with Lamba Fried corn, which to me looks a bit like octopus.  Pretty crazy looking, but also very good.

For me, the winner of the night is this salad.  OMG.  I am raving about it as I eat.  It is a ribbon salad with mango, cucumber, and carrot in a lime-sesame, herb dressing.  It is worth the trip down all by itself.

I did mention it was raining, right?

Between downpours, we dash to the car and change our location to Celestial Brewing.  This little brewery is fun and, after snagging seats at the bar, we settle in for the evening.  Yep, it's a night out.

At some point, another customer brings in this unique beer to share.  Things don't go real well for me with it.  Sure hope this comes out or I will be hunting down a new white top.  Argh.  All in all, a nice time for us and we're back home a little after nine.  Rather late for us two old people.

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