Saturday, December 3, 2022

6th Annual Cookie and Ornament Exchange -

 I am in shock that this year will be the 6th Christmas Party.  Time just zooms by each year, but this is something I really look forward to.  Let me share the process leading up to the party AND all of the fun of the actual day.  Come along and enjoy.

July - I'm already thinking ahead.  I have picked out the make and take ornament and ordered green buttons.  In September I realize that that will not be enough and add some red ones to the plan and await their arrival.

9/30 - I've dug around outside for more parts and pieces, but I have everything for the ornament now.  It's time to make a sample.  What do you think?  This is just so dang easy.

11/22 - Can you believe it's almost the end of November.  Peek at this picture and you'll know that I am not even close to a party in two weeks.  OMG.  Today, the recipe hunt continues as I'm typing recipes and need to locate my own.  Also, some brown button hunting is taking place.  I need trunks.

11/29 - All of the recipes are printed AND trimmed AND put into the page sleeves.  Whew!

I've also sorted all the buttons by size and believe that this is ready to go as well.

12/1 - It's baking day.  About time right?  This year I am making one of Mister's favorites.  It is a Lemon-Ginger Shortbread.  So, so good.

Ten dozen takes awhile, but they are done and I'm breathing a bit easier.

12/2 The house is finished and here is the LINK  to share in the warmth of our home at this time of year.  I do so love it.  Once I have all the work finished, I start in on cinnamon rolls for tomorrow.  Jen arrives around midnight and I'm still working on these sweethearts.  Tomorrow will be a long day.

12/3 - The long-awaited day has arrived and I'm doing pretty well.  Up early to get the kitchen under control, showered, dressed and greeting guests.  Oh, it feels so good.  Mister has the television up and running with the parade, but switches it to pictures of our past events.  Catching up and visiting while the meal cooks and we wait for all to arrive.

The food is done.  Come one, come all.

After our meal, it's time to get creative.  How many trees will happen?

They've all finished --- time for pics.

Stephanie and Lori

Jennifer and Jennifer

Samantha and Gwen


Now, for the ornament exchange.

And the results -  Stephannie and Jennifer

Lori and Jennifer

Samantha and Gwen


And ME!!  


Mister comes out of hiding to take our picture -   Back row:  Samantha, Gwen, Jennifer, Stephannie, Stephanie.  Front row:  Yours truly, Jennifer, and Lori.

It's time to taste the cookies.

Followed by the cookie exchange - look how great these are.

Sitting and chatting for a bit.  I don't want it to end.

I am so thankful for all the ladies who take time out of a busy season to play for a morning.  My love to all.  Here is the egg dish recipe.  See y'all next year - save the date for December 2, 2023.  Hugs to all.

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