Showing posts with label Years In Review. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Years In Review. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 31, 2019

2019 - A Year in Review

I'm 61 years old and looking back on another year of my life.  They certainly seem to go much faster than they did 50 years ago when I lived for Christmas and it took so very long to arrive each year.  I know the passage of time has remained the same, so why the perception of it flying by?  I'd love a bit of a slow down.  Please.

As Ellen would say, "Anyway . . . "  Let's get this post started.

Monday, December 31, 2018

2018 - A Year in Review

It's another one of those years that end in 8.  Nice round numbers that mean I'm aging --- rapidly.  I do have to admit that this has been one of the hardest years of my adult life.  Honest!  There has just been so much to overcome and without the love of my sweet hubby, I wouldn't have seen the end of this year.  I'm thankful to be moving on - wish I could say thankful for the experiences, but it's still too new.

I would love to say that January held something.  But it didn't.  The flu was rampant in Dallas and we opted to just stay home much of the time.  I sewed, does that count?  I did attend a Red Hat function and we went to the museum once just in case sewing didn't count.

The following month allowed for 10 days of retreat, lots of visits to Dallas Blooms and my sweet hubby's birthday.  We have tons of decisions ahead so staying close to home happens a lot.

Sunday, December 31, 2017

2017 - A Year in Review

This year holds the end of the 50's for me.  I do have to say this has been one amazing decade in my life.  So many changes and so much love.  I am in a happy place and so, so thankful to all who touched my life.  Here's my recap:

We started out the year in January revamping the office and making a better place to work for my sweetheart.  He is able to work from home a bit now and this will make it all better.  I went to Telluride to help Amanda move as she has lots of changes in her life too.  Matt and his family came to visit and I started the slipper extravaganza.  Some crazy women decided to make a pair of slippers for everyone on their birthday.  She should be medicated.

Valentine's Day, Mister's Birthday, 10 days of retreat plus another 4 days retreating/taking class occupied most of February.

Saturday, December 31, 2016

2016 - Year in Review

Another year in Texas!!!!  I am still loving this state, more than I can say.  A Montana Girl I will always be, but . . . . gotta love Texas too.  I have thoroughly enjoyed this year and all that it brought.  Some not so good, but most crazy wonderful.  Here's the recap -

Thursday, December 31, 2015

2015 - Year in Review

Wow -- another year has come and gone.  It truly seems that the older one gets, the quicker the years fly by.  I have absolutely no idea where it went.  Shall we take a look back and see?

January started out with Elena and Malea here for 2 weeks.  What a super special treat for us.  From there we went right into watching the Ohio State Marching Band - which I have admired for YEARS -- and then off to Boston I went with my nephew, Bob.  That was such a fun time and so great for both of us.  With such a great start to the new year, this month ended on a really tough note.  A dear friend lost his battle with cancer and I lost a true soul mate.  I don't think I've known sadness this deep before.

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

2014 - Year in Review

The purpose of this post is for me to reflect on the past year and look forward to all that a new year will bring into my life.  I have enjoyed 2014 more than can be believed.  I found a passion that had been simmering on the back burner for over 20 years and brought it back to life.  In doing so -- I made connections with grandchildren that I will treasure always.  Come take a look back with me and the wonders of twelve months in my life.  After reading this, please feel free to enjoy the blog posts that match.

January started with me taking quilt classes the first two days and a decision by Mister and I to make a quilt for each of the grandchildren for their birthday this year.  Now you can see the direction our year took, can't you?  We started working together and with a birthday on Jan. 17, we really needed to get going.  It was accomplished and we took a deep breath as it was shipped out on time.  THEN we realized that another birthday was two weeks later.  Oh my -- and thus it began.  With 12 grandchildren and one on the way - it was going to be a busy year.  Two quilts down this month and plans for the rest underway.  Cass's baby shower was this month as well and I couldn't believe another little one would make an appearance in our family in the spring.  Such fun.  I also made a hand quilted table runner that Mister picked out in Hawaii last year and gifted it to him.

February arrived and without any grands birthdays one would think we could relax, but no.  We have a problem in our family with babies being born between April 7 and May 15.  Seriously.  So Mister and I planned and cut and sewed like crazy people.  We also spent 9 days in Cheyenne enjoying Amanda and Rhiana's families.  It was snowy, fun, and allowed us to give Trent and Amanda some much needed time away together.  It is so much fun to be able to help out this way.  Once we were back in Texas, Jen and Louis needed some help as well so we were off to watch grands while they snuck away to Arizona for some special time with her grandmother.  In there -- a fun birthday for Mister as well.

March delivered spring and a decision to host a wine event at our home.  So we kicked spring cleaning into gear and truly went through every inch of our home over a weeks time.  Whew.  We also did a lot of walking at the Arboretum and the lake in addition to spending time with local family and friends.  Of course, we were sewing away as well as adopting new machines to love.  Our sad spot this month was learning that a very close friend had a very advanced stage of cancer.  This struck close to our hearts and sent me to the machine to make him a lap quilt to use while at chemo.  I think as many tears as stitches went into that quilt.

April brought change as Scott and Cass had decided to return to Provo.  I was sad but knew that they would do what was best for them and they left with a tricot quilt for that lovely new granddaughter who would be here soon.  The house seemed empty though.  The birthday season started this month as we gained another teenage grandchild and a quilt was delivered.  Mister and I then thoroughly enjoyed the spring with road trips and many morning walks at the Arboretum.  Oh the blooms.  Art festivals and restaurant hopping took up the rest of the month.  Two more quilts went in the mail, one was delivered to a neighbor friend that was having a baby and we were almost 1/2 of the way through the quilt saga.

Ah May, sweet May.  This month is ALWAYS nuts.  No exception this year.  I was able to attend my first quilt retreat this month and I have to say that I am indeed hooked.  Jen came along and that made it an extra special Mother's Day for me.  Next up was a trip to Wyoming for Ryan's birthday.  I had already shipped two quilts for girls birthdays so we were now more than halfway there.  Returning from Wyoming, I brought Elena and Malea home with me for 10 days of girl time and then returned them to their mommy.  The month ended with a nephews graduation and another quilt (yep - we wanted more to do) gifted.  A beautiful quilt went in the mail for grandbaby number 13 and we were up to 14 quilts now.  Oh my.  A trip to Temple ended the month as we got to help out by attending awards ceremonies for grands.  I am so thankful to live close enough to be available for these moments.

It's June and we received a new granddaughter -- Miss Ophelia entered the world to spread some joy around.  It also meant that school was out and Camp Gammy and Grandpa had begun.  We had Texas grandsons for 14 days and delivered a quilt to Bekah as well this month.  We were two moving units.  While Jon stayed with us -- he wanted to make a quilt and who was I to deny that?  His finished product was pretty dang sweet.

July warmed up the state and brought us grandsons from Wyoming.  The boys came to play for 10 days and as I returned them, Rhiana asked me to stay and help her for awhile so I obliged of course.  A week later, I returned home to see my sweetie and start our morning walks again.  I did so miss him.  I finished a special quilt this month and he asked if he could keep it.  Well of course.  Why didn't I think of that?

August sent me back to Denver to pick up more grands one week after returning from Wyoming.  This time the Montana duo were here to share time with Grandpa and I.  They stayed for 11 days while their parents enjoyed a little time to themselves.  I am thrilled to be the replacement each year.  During all of this, I had three children moving.  Amanda and Trent bought a dental practice in Telluride, Jen and Louis were transferred back to Abilene, and Rhiana returned to Billings.  Wow.  Changes everywhere - including in our home too as Mister started a new job.  Before school started, I was still running camp as two grandsons had not visited yet.  As the month closed and school was in session everywhere, we managed to have time with all but Bekah.  So sad but we will find a time soon.

September opened with a trip to Provo to meet Ophelia and watch her be blessed.  What a treat for me and I am so very thankful to have been a part of it.  The rest of the month was filled with special moments watching Texas grands in activities, time with Mister's family, and sewing, sewing, sewing.  We had decided to make quilts for the grown children as Christmas gifts.  Yep -- total insanity here.  Oh, and our moms too.  Mister and I found some time to ourselves and checked out a few festivals and enjoyed many morning walks.

October arrived and I couldn't believe this year was almost over.  There was a fall feeling in the air and I loved it however, the month started with a vengeance and we were hit with one crazy wind storm.  Tree limbs and debris everywhere.  No power for almost a full day and many were without for several days.  We celebrated 4 years of marriage this month and took a wonderful trip to east Texas where I was completely mesmerized with the scenery.  The time with Mister was pretty awesome as well.  We spent time in Abilene for special moments (Jacob's birthday and ordination - quilt delivery), at soccer games, and at family events.  Towards the end of the month, I went to Telluride to spend some time with Amanda and her family.  It was my first time there and I loved my week in the mountains.  Before my trip, I put another birthday quilt in the mail and only had one birthday left.  That made 18 delivered quilts so far and Mister and I actually spent Halloween handing out candy --- big candy bars to the few trick or treaters that came our way.  I finished a couple of quilts for myself this month as well.  So amazing to me.

November was here and I was so excited.  I decided to host a retreat and it happened this month.  When I was in Provo in Utah, I made totes for everyone as a gift and wanted everything to work out just so.  It was fantastic and we scheduled two more for next year.  I made some great new friends and came home on cloud nine along with a finished wedding quilt to send to my nephew and his wife.  The last grandchild quilt was delivered this month.  Yes!!! We did it.  We had a great Thanksgiving with our home filled with laughter and love.  The Christmas spirit took root this month as well.  What a fun month and another new quilt for me as well.  Twenty quilts have been gifted and I had three to keep thus far.

December walked in and I realized that I had one heck of a lot to do still.  We spent the month working on gifts, sharing time with Jason and his family, and enjoying the season around the city.  The boxes were filled for shipping and 4 quilts went in the mail.  Another was delivered on Christmas day and two more a couple days after.  I can't believe we did it.  Thirty quilts this year and one just oh so close to being finished.  What a fun year and I cannot believe how lucky I have been and how much I have learned.  Perhaps next year we will do some traveling again and then again perhaps I will just happily quilt away.  Who really knows.  We threw a surprise birthday party for Mom H that was enjoyed by all and the month ended with a house full of family enjoying each other and then Miss Elena and Miss Malea staying on for awhile.  New Years Eve started my classes and the cycle began again.

It has been an amazing year and it's hard to believe it is already over.  I am only looking forward and enjoying life as much as it is possible for an old woman to do.  Please join Mister and I in this endeavor and let's all make time for wonderful moments to occur in our lives.  Thanks for sharing your time with us and making us feel loved as well.

Lady and Mister

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2013 - Year in Review

This post wishes each of you a very Happy New Year and hopes that you, like us, are looking forward to another year of unexpected highs and lows.  Let us all hope there are more of the former than the latter.

It is time for a look back at 2013 --- Another year has flown by!  For us, it was a year of great changes and one surrounded by family.  I cannot ever share in words the joy I have felt with the memories we have made this year.  I can honestly say that I believe I KNOW each and every one of of my grandchildren.  With 12 of them (and another on the way), that is saying quite a bit.  We were also blessed to spend wonderful time with all of our children and our parents and siblings.  What more can one ask for in a year?  After looking at this, feel free to find the blog entries that match.

January:  We started out the year in spades.  I was able to reignite my love for quilting on New Years Day by taking a class the entire day.  It took me out of my comfort zone in colors and techniques and set the stage for the year to come.  Mister and I then were able to spend a wonderful week in the Caribbean visiting Puerto Rico, Saint Maarten, and Anguila.  It was absolute heaven and a wonderful way to start the year.

February:  The month began with us driving down to Temple for Jared's birthday and baptism.  We are so lucky to have been there for this major event.  The middle of the month found us in Hawaii for Mister's birthday.  We spent 9 days enjoying this beautiful state while visiting two different islands.  Mister accomplished his goal of visiting all 50 states with this trip - yay for him!

March:  Change came to us -- I was no longer employed and thus we put several travel plans on hold.  At the same time, Matt let us know that he would be leaving United in the fall and so some of our travel privileges would be lost.  We determined to devote the remaining travel this year to family so that we would have time with all in case finances prevented it in the future.  We also started to discover our own city again -- there is just so much to do here.  We ended the month down in Temple for Easter with Jen and her wonderful family.

April:  Art fairs, movies, and museums occupied our city excursions this month.  We were able to visit Austin to enjoy events with grandchildren.  I discovered my love for crafting again and worked on a ceramic project for Elena along with some sewing.  Mister, too, was busy creating and made me a beautiful quilt frame, allowing me to put a quilt on and start hand stitching it.

May:  The annual excursion to Montana for Elena, Malea, and Zyra's birthdays started out our month.  We were there for 8 days and upon our departure, we had two little charges with us.  Malea and Elena returned to Dallas with us for 8 days of pure joy.  I received my first vintage sewing machine as a birthday present this month and we were hooked.  I named her "Annie" in remembrance of the my aunt who instilled in me my love for sewing.  I started quilting in earnest and we ended the month at another major event for a grandchild -- Jon's ordination.

June:  I began this month traveling to Montana for Elena's dance recital.  What a grand time and oh my but it took me back so many years.  Mister and I then went to Wyoming for 5 days to help celebrate Ryan's birthday.  We returned home and made a trip down to Temple for Bekah's birthday.  Oh my but this time of year is full of grandchildren getting older.  We end the month by having Hyrum and Zyra at our house for 8 days.  Again --- we were overflowing with wonderful memories.

July:  The first of the month found us helping Scott and Cass move in with us for awhile so they could save some money and pay some bills.  We only had about 2 days and then had to hit the road for the family reunion in Wyoming.  We had 4 days filled with children and grandchildren.  Each time we are able to do this, I treasure the fact that I have all my "bairns" with me.  My heart is so full when this happens.  Upon our return, we explored Dallas a little more and discovered Cedar Ridge.  What a wonderful place.  Another trip down to Austin this month and we returned with Jon and Jake for 5 days followed by Bekah for 3 days.  We had such a good time with all 3 of them and I truly love the talks we have now that they are older.

August:  Where is this year going?  I made a quick trip up to Montana for Rhiana's birthday so that Elena and I could do a little surprise.  Our home was then blessed to have Jared come and stay for 6 days.  The rest of the month was spent sewing, sewing, sewing.  I discovered recycled shirt fabric and Mister bought me a featherweight sewing machine.  We ended the month down in Round Rock with Bekah and Jake's soccer tournament.

September:  Quilt classes started this month out in fine fashion.  I was able to take 2 of them and once again learned oh so much.  We made a quick trip up to Montana for some more time with family and then to Wyoming to help Amanda.  We had 5 wonderful days with the boys.  We spent the rest of the month discovering estate sales and Craigslist in detail.  We worked Grapefest for a friend and purchased a Wheeler and Wilson treadle.  Our collection is coming along nicely now.

October:  The first week we found a beautiful Memphis treadle at an estate sale and it made it's way home with us.  Rhiana was in need of some help, so we took the girls for several weeks.  We discovered full time parenthood again thoroughly enjoyed having them.  Our anniversary was spent in the town Mister proposed in and at the same spot for lunch.  Amazing that he could plan this and include two little ladies as well.  We took a trip down to Temple with Elena and Malea in tow for Jacob's birthday and finished the month returning the girls to Montana and spending Halloween and Hyrum's birthday with family.

November:   My passion for sewing took solid hold this month.  I could not seem to get enough and was out in the studio early each morning and well into the evenings.  We added another sewing machine - a Singer 306 and I finished several quilt tops.  I took a trip up to Mom's and while on my way found out that I get to be a grandmother again.  Cass and Scott are expecting next June.  Time to start looking at baby things again.  We hosted Thanksgiving at our home and it was filled to the brim for 3 days.  We cooked and shopped and sewed for hours.  I was in heaven.

December:  An ice storm hit Dallas the first of the month putting us in the house for 5 days straight.  It was even too cold to heat the studio so I worked in the office.  Celtic Solstice, the mystery quilt, started and I made 5,512 little pieces of fabric into units for it.  Bekah and Jen came up for 3 days of sewing and soccer --- something I will treasure forever.  Christmas was quiet this year with just us two as Scott and Cass spent the week in Utah.  I ended the year exactly as I started it --- in quilt classes.

Another great year is in the books.  It was a year filled with family and I will always be thankful for that.  It was a year of growth for Mister and I and we both found new or revived old interests to share together.  We eagerly look forward to 2014 and the ups and downs it will present to us.

Happy New Year all.

Mister and Lady

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2012 - Year in Review

This post wishes each of you a very Happy New Year and hopes that you look with anticipation at what lies ahead.  I know I do.

Taking a quick look at 2012 --- WOW!  We had such a fun year and just saying that does not do justice to it.  Here is a quick review and feel free to look up the blog entries to match most of these.

February took us to Wyoming to help out with grandkids while two of the girls had surgery.  We spent 4 days there with 5 grands and then went back to Dallas with 2 in tow for another 10 days.  What a treat.  I am ready for my annual time with Hyrum and Zyra again.

March delivered Cass to our house on her way to Orlando for training in her  new position with Jet Blue at DFW.  We were so excited to have them near us and have had great times together all year.

April brought us Scott for a week while he also interviewed for and started a new job.  It also found us traveling north two weekends in a row for birthday parties - one to Wyoming for Caleb and the other to Montana for Zyra.

May -- the very first weekend  (and so three in a row now) we were back in Montana for Elena's birthday and the birth of Malea.  She was my special birthday present.  Next stop was Peru and the incredible Machu Picchu.  What an amazing trip and month.

June led us to exotic Egypt where we discovered that it was not as exotic but incredibly rich with history.  While we were gone, our house emptied of guests as Cass and Scott moved out to Richland Hills to be closer to work and have their own home.

July gave me the chance to fly with my granddaughter down to Houston, put her on another flight north and return to Dallas all in the same morning.  Great one-on-one time.  This month also reminded me that I am human and I was given the choice opportunity of some time in the hospital.  Yay!!  Sad part was that I missed the flight to bring Bekah home from her trip north, giving the opportunity to her grandfather instead.

August is wedding month and so a week after surgery, we hit the skies again for my nieces wedding in Montana.  The weather was incredible and she was such a beautiful bride.  Returning from there, I collapsed, rested, and headed to Surfside Beach with all of my children and grandchildren for another week of rest and much wanted family time.  I loved every minute of it and wish I had the budget to do that annually.

September led us down to Temple and Austin for soccer time with grands and Cass time in Austin.  We do love Austin and take every opportunity to go down there that we possibly can.  Then, on a spur of the moment decision, we took off for San Francisco and the Napa Valley to watch the grape harvest and   tour SF to the hilt.  The harvest was amazing to me and I learned so much and will be looking for 2012 wines in the future.

October is our anniversary month and so we spent 10 days in New England being "leaf peepers" and had such a grand time.  We finished the month in Austin on Halloween for the Leonard Cohen concert.  It was incredible as always.

November started out with a rare treat for me.  Cass and I flew to San Francisco and the rest of her sisters soon joined us for 4 days together of bike riding, eating, touring, eating, shopping, and eating, lol.  What fun and I hope to have another chance to do this in 2013.

December marked a destination and wonder off of our bucket lists.  Our trip to Iceland with its amazing beauty and three nights of Northern Lights will be a treasured memory for both of us forever.  Prior to our flight there, we were blessed to spend 3 days in Wyoming with our grandsons and gave mom and dad a break.  We also got to play Santa while there so all in all a great time.

Whew --- what a year.  Add in our movies, dinners out, friends over, and just laxin' at home and I really can't complain even if I thought I should.  On to 2013 and all it holds for us.

Happy New Year all.

Mister and Lady

Sunday, January 1, 2012

2011 - Year in Review

Happy New Year Everyone!!

Looking back on 2011 --- We had a great year filled with travel, family, and fun.  Here is a quick review and please look up the blog entries on these for more details.

We started the year with a Trip to Las Vegas.  It was Raef's birthday and I wanted to play in Vegas for a few days.  The month ended with us down in Temple for Jared's birthday.

February took us to San Antonio Wyoming for time with Jen and family and then to explore the area.  It also brought us SNOW!!  Lots of snow.

March found me traveling to Montana to pick up Elena and bring her down here for a most delightful week.  We also ended the month moving Mister's from her home to a retirement community.  She loves it.

April took us down to Temple for Pinewood Derby construction and then on to San Diego/Los Angeles with Matt and Becca.  Mid-month was Jen and family up here for Scarborough Fair and Easter.  We finished the month with the arrival of anew grandson.  Welcome Caleb.  I went to Vegas to help for a few days and then on to Montana for Zyra's birthday where I met up with Mister again.

May -- We made the rounds and went up to the Flathead the first week and back to Billings by the weekend for Elena's birthday.  Whew, after two weeks, it was time for my own bed again.

June let me explore the wonderful city of Boston.  How fun.  It also took us down to Austin for the National Tae Kwon Do tournament which Bekah was in.  The month ended with the experience of a lifetime and one I will forever hold dear.  Thanks to Mister's Valentines gift of a turtle nest -- I was given such a treat and memories I will treasure forever.

July gave us the chance to just hang around the house and enjoy Dallas.  This type of month is awesome as well and sometimes much needed.

August brought the family reunion to Texas.  I organized it with a beach house rental in Surfside and was on pins and needles hoping everyone would have fun.  Cass and Scott arrived a week ahead to help and spend time together.  It was such a great time and we cannot wait to go back again next year.  Just having all of my children together once a year is such an incredible high for me.  Ah, the memories.  Once we returned from the beach, we still had a few days with Cass and Scott.  What a fun two weeks.

September was the beginning of our subscription to the Dallas Theater Center.  We have really enjoy our "play" nights and hope to continue this for years to come.  It also delivered Hyrum and Zyra to us for a fun week.  I flew up to Denver and met Becca to do a kid trade.  She then flew back to Billings and I flew with the kids to Dallas for time together.  A week later, we did the reverse, meeting Matt in Denver and returning them against my will.  We loved having them here.  The Texas State Fair is this month and so Jen arrived to spend time there with us.  What a fun month.

October is our anniversary month and so we spent a weekend in Hot Springs, Arkansas enjoying all it had to offer, including the old bathhouse.  We were also able to go to Chicago with Matt and Becca for a few days.  We finished the month down in Temple, watching the grands while Jen and Louis went  away for Jen's birthday.  Whew.

November was another quiet month for us mostly spent with our Texas family (Yep, Jen's) and with a small trip down to Lake Granbury for a night with Willie Nelson.  Good times.  I also got busy baking this month -- gearing up for Christmas.

December started with a "help" from Amanda and so off to Cheyenne we went to help them get moved.  It was a great time and we even managed to get a little Christmas in there as well.  Ending the month was time with Jen and Cass.  Cass and Scott arrived for 10 days and helped make the holidays special.  Jen's crew came up for Christmas and we had a full but oh so happy house.  Sometimes I think I live for these moments when I am surrounded by those I love so dearly.

What an awesome year.  When we fill it in with friends, dates, and just time together, Mister and I can say that our lives are full of love and fun times.  We look forward to 2013 with all the surprises it will bring us (and a new granddaughter).

Love to all,

Mister and Lady

Saturday, January 1, 2011

2010 - Year in Review

Another year has gone and this time it is the first full year here on the blog.  Thank you for following along with us in our daily life and just being a part of my journal.

This year was, simply put, AMAZING.  How could it be anything but?  If you have kept up, you know what I am talking about but here is a recap for you anyway --

January arrived with us spending New Year's Eve in a motel as Mister was doing an incredibly cold bike ride the next day.  Call him crazy.  Kyle and Rhiana came to visit the first week and then we were off to St. Louis for a simply wonderful late Christmas gift to each other.  We then flew to Ohio for a few days before flying to South Dakota to watch kids while Jen and Louis took a much needed break.  From there we went to Billings.  What a crazy, long trip.

February brought us 12 1/2" of snow.  Yep, that's right.  We live in Dallas and got 12 1/2" of snow.  Wow.  The rest of the month was spent around town and with me being able to do the Birthday Season for Mister for the first time.  What fun that was.

Friday, January 1, 2010

2009 - Year in Review

Hmmmn.  Where to start?  I want to end each year with a review post highlighting the wonderful moments of the previous months.  Since this is the first one, I'm not real sure how to go about that but will give it a trial run and make corrections next year if need be.

The year (prior to the blog) saw me still commuting back and forth between TX and MT to work and finish up details with the business in Billings.  Additionally, I experienced my first ice storms, found the perfect cinnamon roll recipe, and made friends here in TX.  Life was still in flux for me, but I was making the steps necessary to start over and starting to recuperate.  Treatment was pretty  much behind me, and I found an amazing friend in Mister so that when my divorce was final in March, he asked to see where a relationship together would go.  I let it go to Montana - up to Bigfork to meet my mom.  The rest of the spring was spent falling in love with the Dallas Arboretum, still going back and forth to Billings, and container herb gardening along with working at MedQ.  I did manage to make a trip to Ohio to spend some time with Amanda and her boys and Mom came to visit Dallas over Easter.  At the end of April, Mister took a trip with me to South Dakota for Jon's baptism and in May this blog became a new journal for me.  I hope it takes on a life of it's own and helps me to remember and relive many special moments.  Now, come along for the rest of year with me and you can look up entries that go along with the months if something interests you --