Saturday, December 31, 2016

2016 - Year in Review

Another year in Texas!!!!  I am still loving this state, more than I can say.  A Montana Girl I will always be, but . . . . gotta love Texas too.  I have thoroughly enjoyed this year and all that it brought.  Some not so good, but most crazy wonderful.  Here's the recap -

January started out with me taking classes the first three days.  I have done this for several years now and am sad that it is our last time in doing so for our teacher will not be doing the New Year classes in Plano, TX anymore.  Drat.  That was followed up by a trip to Montana for 7 days - 3 at Rhiana's with one switch day and then 3 at Matt's.  Through this month's flights, I found the inspiration for this year's quilt mystery: Chasing the Sun.  Also Telluride for 8 days and able to share in Raef's birthday.  The month finished out in Rainbow, TX with the beginning of our winter retreat.

February began with retreat until the 7th, playing at the zoo with the LEGO exhibit, Las Vegas to meet up with my Mom, Sis, and Brother-in-law.  Then back to Telluride for 6 days to help with kids and watch Amanda model in the TAB show.  Even Mister was able to go this time.  Nice birthday celebration for him.  From there, he and I made a mad dash to Belton for Bekah's cotillion.  That even resulted in changing clothes in a parking lot.  Ya do what ya gotta do.

March brought us time at Jens for a few days (I just went home with them from Belton and the cotillion) before Mister picked me up.  Retreat mid-month and then to Utah for 6 days.  Other fun included the zoo and bluebonnets.

April showed Texas beauty in an East Texas day trip, an art festival, and Dallas Blooms.  Jen and Bekah came to town for a few days and then we went to Abilene for Jon's birthday and to watch soccer games.  Mister spent his birthday with family and we were able to have a couple of great couple activities with a Real Ale Dinner and a trip to Johnson City.

Marvelous May shared the wonder of the birthday season in the form of a trip to the Wichita Falls area and some great experiences.  Ten days of retreat and a trip to the zoo kept me busy until Elena and Malea arrived at the end of the month.  Let the Gammy Camps begin.

June flew by so fast.  The girls left on the 4th and I had an overlap already in place.  Jon arrived on the 4th and stayed until the 10th.  We kept busy sewing, sewing, sewing and he walked away with a quilt he made.  Jared took his turn, we had a switch-out day at the water park and I returned home with Josh for 5 days followed by Jacob for another 5.  That's 5 camp sessions this month.  Wow.

July let us play with Hyrum and Zyra for 9 glorious camp days, our new granddaughter, Ave, arrived, and we finished out the month with another camp session with Raef, Ryan, and Caleb.  That's it.  Camp Sessions are over for this year.

August allowed me some amazing time with those I love.  Our family reunion at Surfside Beach was wonderful and I wish it happened every year.  I cannot wait for another chance to do this.  We were treated to a special visit from Montana friends, Emily and Orrin, at the end of the month.

September brought the end of summer and a trip to Utah for Ava's blessing.  My return sent me back to Surfside Beach for another 10 days with friends - an experiment in back-to-back retreats down there.  LOVED it.

October, my favorite month, let us celebrate our anniversary and then see me off to retreat.  We went to Jens for her 40th birthday and I ended the month in Utah enjoying the season.

November sent me to Houston right away for The International Quilt Festival.  OMG --- so amazing and so much fun..  Mister and used vacation days and ran away during the crazy election to discover the fun that can be found in West Texas.  Our annual retreat right before Thanksgiving, which we spent with Jen, finished out the month.

And that brings us to December.  What a quiet month.  We had little activity, spent Christmas Eve alone and we to Jen's for Christmas Day.  A quiet New Years Even home brought 2016 to an end.  Let's see what 2017 will bring.  Until then --- keep in touch.

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