Sunday, December 25, 2016

Merry Christmas!!

I ended yesterday's post wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and I'll start this one the same way.  I truly hope your hearts and filled with love and peace -- at least for today.  Hold each other close and make memories that can never be taken from you.  That's my plan.

After sleeping in a bit, I realize that if I want to finish my lefse before going to Abilene, I need to get up and get busy.  By 8 I am in the kitchen working away and my sweet man comes out to help thus enabling us to be finished in a little over an hour.  We settle in for some fresh lefse and tea for breakfast and then spend a little time opening packages and sharing in the fun of Christmas morning.  He has spoiled me once again and I am so lucky to have this man in my life.  This kids have sent some amazing treats and we just know there are many wonderful memories ahead of us.  This year is going to just be such fun.

Suddenly it is almost noon and we have a 2 1/2 to 3 hour drive ahead of us.  We'd better get a move on.  Before we know it, we are buzzing along down the interstate with me stitching on a hand project and Mister holding on for dear life due to the wind he is driving directly into.  Ick.  He's beat by the time we get there and just wants to sit and relax a bit.  That's fair.

Josh has received a geode set for Christmas and wants Grandpa to see how it all works.  Then Jen gives us a gift of tea and a fun date night activity.  Life is good.

I take a bit of time to talk with Jen, check out her table and see if she needs any help in the kitchen.  Not yet, everything is under control and looks great.

Grandpa wants to give his gifts of the VR headsets so the kids gather around to open then and within minutes, they have them up and running.  Oh my, the grandparents who complain about kids using too much technology have really done it this time.  Now they are in their own little worlds completely.  Goodness --- was this a smart gift?

Even mom can't resist.

The Sudoku game that I sent is on the piano and I can't stand walking away from it without giving it a try.  Somehow I have messed something up and wasn't intelligent enough to send answer sheets with the games.  Perhaps I need to have a followup gift of those.

More visiting and fun chats (including some one on one time with Bekah) and it's time to get the finishing touches on dinner.  Oh, now the place settings are finished.

Gather round everyone.  Somehow I think these kids got away without changing into their dinner clothes.  Too funny.  We have a wonderful, relaxed meal and chat for quite awhile after, telling lots of old family stories and talking about future job prospects for Jon and Bekah.

Pop open those bottles -- we need to have a toast.

Here's to a happy, healthy new year with lots of love and family time.  Cheers!

After dinner is cleaned up, several rounds of Apples to Apples gets played and Grandpa comes out the winner.  It's fun and interesting to watch people argue the reasons that their cards should win.  Fun times and great memories.

Jen's tree is loaded with ornaments that I have sent over the years and it turns out that I need to keep better track of what has been sent.  I have managed to duplicate at least a couple of years.  Dang.

One stocking made by me and the rest by Jen hanging below a nativity I made one year and a painting I gifted them with.  Wow.  That's cool.

The boys are all very busy and deep into something on the computer, but it's time for us to hit the road.  We won't be home before midnight and well, we're old.

Gotta get, but it turned out to be a very nice day and I'm so glad we made the trip over there.  My grands are super cool kids and have no issues dishing back any teasing I give them.  I love having that type of relationship with them.  See ya later -- enjoy the last week of 2016.

Update:  Wine from Matt has arrived

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