Showing posts with label Holidays. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Holidays. Show all posts

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Road Trip - Day 34 - Billings Fourth of July

 Happy Independence Day!!!!  We have a party to attend at Matt's house this evening, but until then there are still hours to use up.  Elena has to work until around 3 so the rest of us are off to the park for a bit.  It's been a few years since I was down at Pioneer Park and it's still as pretty as I remember it.

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Easter at Dallas Blooms

 Happy Easter!!!  We opted to wake early and head to the gardens and spend Easter morning with the beauty around us.  Here are a few pics to make you smile.

Saturday, December 2, 2023

Relaxing Together - Garland, TX

 After a solid week of "getting things done" we have a chance to just relax.  The party was this morning and everything went well.  Now, as I walk back into the yard after saying good-bye to the last of my guests --- this beautiful light hits the trees out front.

Christmas Through the House 2023

 It's that time of year once again.  It's a lot of work, but I do so love how the house feels once it is all finished.  Come along and see how it turns out.

11/30 - time for the totes to come down from the attic and take over the house.

7th Annual Cookie and Ornament Exchange

 It's time once again to start the preparations for this years Christmas Cookie and Ornament Exchange.  The end of October has arrived and I'm up in Montana.  Gwen has selected this years make and take and gifted them to all.  Today is the day to make the sample.  What do you think?

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Thanksgiving Time w/Family

 It's the day before Thanksgiving.  The house is clean and I've met Jen in Grapevine to take a glass together.  Here is the LINK to the Vetro Glass post I did sharing all of our fun.  We have a great time and even wander Main Street in Grapevine for a bit.

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Annual Autumn (Perhaps Winter) Journey to Montana - Week 3 - 1st half

 The beginning of our 3rd week has us going into Kalispell to run some errands.  Home Depot and Costco fill the needs and apparently, my closet as well.  I grabbed two more shirts and a pair of gloves - both to stay here.  The two shirts I bought earlier were the exact same and I LOVE them so they will go home with me.  We got back to the house and Mister wasn't quite done being out of the house for a bit.  We went back into Bigfork and walked around to see the Scarecrow Contest.  Each business that participated had one out front.  Had we done this last week, they wouldn't be covered in snow, but it is what it is.  Right?  Walk along and enjoy the fun.

Saturday, April 8, 2023

OHB Easter Egg Hunt 2023

 For the third year, Mister and I are off for some childish fun.  An adult Easter egg hunt at OHB.  Joey is there with BBQ and my fav White Rock Porter is on tap.  Perfect evening for us.  They are doing things a bit different this year and each egg has a raffle ticket in it.  They are only putting out as many eggs as they have prizes, so everyone wins AND you are limited in the number of eggs you can find.  Men get one and ladies get two.  Yep -- taking it and don't care if it's discrimination.  The doors are opening soon and everyone is getting ready.  Off we go.  Here are a few pics I got before the room filled up ---- yep, I went it early.  You can tell the eggs are hard to find.

Here they come - 

We have our three eggs and are back at the table, awaiting the feeding frenzy that is about to begin.

Mike (I think) is in charge and does a great job.  His humor and wit keeps us all laughing for the two hours it takes to award all the gifts.

Our take.  Looks like some fun visits coming up.  See ya around.  (We also were gifted another card at the end - Haystack, I believe.)

Saturday, December 31, 2022

Jen's Family Visiting

 We have a super full house.  There are big boys laying all over the place and I love the fact that they are all here.  Jen's family arrived last night and we stayed up rather late chatting so this morning they are a bit slow moving.  I'm in the kitchen making scones and frying bacon, but they are all still in dreamland so I move about with my camera.

Saturday, December 3, 2022

6th Annual Cookie and Ornament Exchange -

 I am in shock that this year will be the 6th Christmas Party.  Time just zooms by each year, but this is something I really look forward to.  Let me share the process leading up to the party AND all of the fun of the actual day.  Come along and enjoy.

July - I'm already thinking ahead.  I have picked out the make and take ornament and ordered green buttons.  In September I realize that that will not be enough and add some red ones to the plan and await their arrival.

Friday, December 2, 2022

Christmas 2022 in our Home

 November 27th and it has begun!  Are there more totes than before?  I've determined that each one will be thoroughly gone through this year and the items that are no longer used will leave.  It's a plan.

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Happy Thanksgiving - Abliene with Jen and Josh Bday

 Once Mister finished work for the day, we hit the road to Abilene.  A little over three hours later, we have arrived and dinner is served.  We are starving and homemade chili hits the spot perfectly.

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Happy 64 to Me!

 Another year in my life has passed by and I'm into my 65th year with all the changes that brings.  The "birthday season" is limited this year as we just returned home from Montana and I leave again tomorrow.  I'm enjoying each moment, though and thought I'd share some of my joy with y'all.

Mom sent me home with money and I took advantage of shopping with Mister, bringing home a couple of skorts and three shirts.  Bring on summer.

The mail has brought some treats - 

My actual birthday arrives and I am greeted by a coffee treat in bed.  My sweet love went out and bought this just for me.

Video phone calls are the BEST!!!

Mister's treat for tonight is tickets to the symphony at the Arboretum.  I cannot thank him enough for this wonderful, romantic evening.

Even with changing weather, we enjoyed every minute.

As evening comes, the place is magical and the music divine.  I am simply in heaven.

Heading to retreat the next day, more treasures came my way.  I am so thankful for friends and family that share the love.  Happy Birthday to Me.  Bring on 65.

Saturday, January 1, 2022

Happy New Year!!!

 Happy New Year!!!

2022 has arrived and I laid in bed quietly watching the downtown fireworks show coming from Reunon Tower.  I can hear the show, even as far away as I am.  Enjoy the pics.

Saturday, December 25, 2021

Merry Christmas 2021

 Merry Christmas!!!!  From our house to yours --- I hope the day is filled with love and laughter.  Phone calls are my link to family today and I'm so thankful.  Do we stop to think about how our world has changed to make just that one little thing so much better?  I can remember when a "long-distance" call meant we could quickly say hi and give any important information.  That was about it.  Cell phones opened a whole new world here and it's one I'm so thankful for.  Especially on holidays.

My sweet Mister and I only do stockings for each other and they are generally, small and simple gifts.  Sometimes silly, sometimes pretty cool.  It's a way of letting each other know they're important and for just some fun.  At our age, if there is something we want or need, it usually just gets bought.  We don't wait for a holiday and then the "obligation" to purchase something.  I think, for us, it all works.

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Around Town with Mister's Family - Arboretum Too

 Our nephew, Bob, called and wanted to get together as his trip to New York was cancelled and he is having a "staycation" in downtown Dallas instead.  We'd love to spend some time together and make plans to meet up for coffee and a trip to the Arboretum.

Loving the gardens as we do, we could walk them everyday and the holidays just bring them to life in a fun way that one never tires of.  Come along for a few pics.