Saturday, December 2, 2023

7th Annual Cookie and Ornament Exchange

 It's time once again to start the preparations for this years Christmas Cookie and Ornament Exchange.  The end of October has arrived and I'm up in Montana.  Gwen has selected this years make and take and gifted them to all.  Today is the day to make the sample.  What do you think?

Thanksgiving has come and gone now, so it's really time to kick things in gear.  Starting to get organized, but I have a long ways to go.  

I'm down to six days before the party.  All the recipes have been turned in and so I'm typing like a crazy person.  Mister has filled the printer with ink and away we go.  Once they are printed, they get cut to fit the sleeves and everyone's packet is ready to go.

The last day of November and it's cookie day!  Time to bake 10 dozen cookies.

I'm using the graham cracker flour that Gwen gifted me.  We shall see how it goes.

By the time the chore is done, I have the table set up to hold samples and all my cookies are bagged and boxed.  More items off my list.

December arrives and that means we are down to 24 hours and counting.  The big push is on.  The house is almost done with decoration, table is set, food prep is done and cleaning is still ongoing.  It'll happen.

12/2 - The day has arrived.  I'm up early and have Mister helping in the kitchen.  The pavlova needs to be finished and the bacon and eggs cooked.  Guests arrive and the ornament exchange/sampling table is full.

Cookies, cookies, cookies galore.

Visiting together while waiting for all to arrive.

Since Stephannie has to leave early this year, we take the group picture first.  Woohoo!  Back row:  Lori, Sherri, Stephanie, Jen, Gwen, and Frieda.  Front:  Yours truly and Stephannie.

First up is the ornament exchange.  We are doing things in a slightly different order this year.  Lori has my jingle bell ornament that I got in Montana.  I think she likes it.

Stephannie and Jen manage to get the same ornament.

Stephannie and Sherri share theirs --- soooo cute.

Gwen and Frieda with their treasures.

After the ornament exchange --- cookie samples can be seen.

My turn and Mister took quite a few pictures.

It's a stick of butter --- how fun.

Time to eat - Mister has the bacon done and I've finished up the egg log.  

My pavlova - with a cinnamon roll nearby.

After brunch, it's time to start the make and take project.  I've put up sewing machines in several areas of the house and things get going nicely.

We have sewing and gluing happening.

Everyone takes turns and go from machine to machine.

The TA-DONES - Sherri, Stephanie, and Frieda

Lori, Jen, and Gwen

That's it for this year.  What a fun time and I can't believe I forgot to give awards for decorated notebooks.  I know there were two of them.  Drat.  I'll give them next year, I guess.  My mind can only hold so much information at once.  I had a great time and already look forward to next year.  Gwen is the last to leave and we get a rare chance for a selfie together.  Hugs to all.

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