Showing posts with label Major Moments. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Major Moments. Show all posts

Monday, April 8, 2024

Total Eclipse of the Sun in Dallas

 Ever since we went to Portland in 2017 to see the eclipse, we have known about this one in Dallas.  Eighteen months ago plans were made to be at a friends house in East Texas for the event, but the clouds and her sweeties health prevented that from happening.  Instead, we are in our backyard in Dallas and have fingers crossed that Mother Nature is friendly.  A glass of wine, lawn chair, and some glasses are all we need.  

Friday, June 2, 2023

Road Trip Time - Gunnison, Telluride, and Raef's Graduation

 Our Spring/Summer road trip is underway.  Leaving Dallas around 4 p.m. (yep, right in time for traffic - so express lanes are our friend) on the last day of May means we likely won't see our home the entire month of June.  Crazy, right?  The car is truly loaded down with deliveries to be made along the way.  The plan is stops in Telluride, CO, Billings, MT, Bigfork, MT, and Provo, UT before making our way home again.  

Saturday, May 27, 2023

Jared's High School Graduation, Bekah Birthday, Jacob ScholarshipTreats

 It is high school graduation number four for us today.  We've made it to Abilene for Jared's special day and are greeted with his montage.

Saturday, May 13, 2023

Jon's College Graduation

 With 19 grandchildren, I knew the day would come when the college graduations would start.  It's here and I'm leaving retreat for a drive to San Angelo to witness Jon's graduation.  I have about a 3 1/2 hour drive this morning and the ceremony is at 10.  I manage to arrive with about 20 minutes to spare and it was a lovely drive this morning.  I didn't stop to take any pics but will try on the way back this afternoon - yes, I'm driving back as well today.

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Beachtime - Happy Anniversary to Us! Days 1 - 3

 It is our 12th Anniversary and we are loaded into the car ready to make the trek to the beach for a week of rest, relaxation, and time together.  The car is PACKED! 

Friday, July 15, 2022

Abilene Day 2 - Retirement Ceremony and Family Time

 It's Day 2 in Abilene and the celebration will continue and peak today.  Sooo much to do and then --- bask in the day.  

Mister and I get started with a trip to a new-to-us coffee shop.  Mezamiz was fabulous and here is the LINK to the spotlight post I did.  OMG --- I would so hang out here for various events and just chill time as well.

Thursday, July 14, 2022

Out to Abilene - Retirement for Louis ---- Day 1

 With two grands in tow, we are out of the house bright and early and heading to Abilene.  Our son-in-law in retiring from the military and his ceremony is this week.  So many fun things are planned for those attending and I'm super excited.  Two sleepy kids?  Well, maybe not so much ---- yet.  They will be once we arrive and the fun begins.

A quick stop at Jen's and we are all on our way to the base.  Entrance is not without it's issues, but everyone gets through and we are soon on our way to the B1's.  Louis spent his career as a navigator on this huge plane and we are about to see it first hand.  His squadron is the BATS and the first thing that greets us is the batmobile.  Gotta laugh.

Without wasting any time at all, we are onto the tarmac and heading for the plane.  It's dang hot, but no one really cares as this is pretty cool.

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Until We Meet Again - Dear Paula

 How do you say good-bye to someone you've only known a few years and felt like you've been together your whole life?  It's something I'm doing right now as painful as it may be.

I am an older woman, as she was - there was only a year between us - and when I first attended funerals everyone dressed in black because it was a time of mourning.  However, it is not a time of mourning but, rather, a time of celebrating her life.  I'm going to bring it a bit brighter and happier today, as she would want it. 

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Utah and Baby Blessing of Torsten

 Finally!!!  I am making my way to Utah for Torsten's baby blessing.  It's a beautiful day to fly and I'm plugged into a movie --- happily on my way.

This newest grandson makes #18 for me.  Wow --- what a troop I've got.  Each one is such a blessing and I'm eager to put the newest member into my arms AND spend time with his older siblings.  The last time we were together was in June at the family reunion.  Ahhhh, bring it on and let the hugs begin.  I'm ready.

Just look at these beautiful snow-covered mountains.  THIS is another thing I miss looking at.  I am not to the point of missing the cold it brings along.

Sunday, October 31, 2021

Heading North Again - Montana Days 1&2 - Mom's Bday and Halloween

The fall trip to Montana has begun and it's oh so early of a beginning.  We have put our home in the rear view mirror at 3 a.m. and are making our way to the airport.  Ya just never know how long the lines will be and it's best to be prepared.

Sunday, October 10, 2021

Surfside Beach Vacation -Day 2 - Our Anniversary

 Happy Anniversary to US!  It's been 11 years since this sweet man took me on and has showered me with love and nurturing.  Words do no adequately express how much I adore him.  Mister, you are the BEST!

Okay, back to the present.  We decided months ago to spend our anniversary on the beach - just the two of us.  It's a new concept, but we're giving it our best.  

Monday, June 28, 2021

Family Reunion - Day 3

With an early departure for sleep last night, our condo is awake early and spending some much loved time visiting on the upper back deck once again.  Mister and Becca went up first and then I joined them with Jen following shortly after.  Well, perhaps we woke her as we were sitting right outside her room, but . . .  Before it was over Matt, Jacob, Cassie and Mairead all spent  some time with us.  I cannot express how much these moments meant to me.  It is our last day with everyone and I want to make every minute count, if possible.

Sunday, June 27, 2021

Family Reunion - Day 2

Ahhhh!  I think I'm the first one up.  Well, at least in this condo.  Grabbing a glass of water and my book, I am off to the front porch.

After a bit, Zyra joins me and is surprised that we're the only ones awake.  We have such a fun talk and when Mister joins us, we decide to get out of the sun (which has come over the top of the house and is blasting me) and checkout the upper level deck at the back of the house.  Perfect.  Watching the wildlife below makes for some fun and then peeking at the other condo deck shows little movement on the other side still.

Saturday, June 26, 2021

Family Reunion - Day 1

 The gathering is happening.  We are in full swing and loving it all.  Mister and I have decided that this will just be "mostly" a picture blog.  If a story is warranted I'll add it in - so enjoy. (I'll name each grand at their first appearance.)

Caleb and JP

Saturday, May 29, 2021

Jacob Graduation

 Another grandson is hitting the "High School Graduation" milestone.  These years just seem to by flying by at an ever-increasing speed. The rational me knows that is not actually happening, but it sure feels like it.  At any rate, the after-work, made dash to Abilene is under way and we arrive at the center with only moments before it is time to go in.  That gives us time for a few pics.  Yep, crazy hair alert going on here.

Monday, December 21, 2020

A Christmas Star

 Joining up with the rest of humanity --- all watching the Christmas Star come to fruition in 2020 as a last breath of hope for this year.  Yep, that's us.  Nearby Flag Pole Hill is the highest area we can think of without driving forever.  We'll give it a shot.

Saturday, October 10, 2020

Happy Anniversary to Us!! We've Hit 10!!!

10-10-10 --- The date was chosen with care and I cannot believe it is now 10-10-20.  Ten years of marriage to my sweet Mister and I would not trade a single one of them for something else.  Perhaps a day or two, but that's marriage, right?

Due to work constraints, we had to back our anniversary trip up a week and are simply hanging around Dallas a bit today.  Deep Ellum and a new coffee shop start us out, but upon our arrival to the shop, it's packed and no place to sit.  Well, dang, that defeats the entire purpose.  If we have to take the coffee to go, we'll just go down the street for beignets and chicory coffee.  A little nostalgia for New Orleans.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Utah - Day 6 - Mairead's Blessing

It is a beautiful Sunday morning in the Salt Lake Valley.  The skies are blue, it's not quite as cold, and we have a blessing taking place.  Everyone is up and dressed bright and early and while the last minute items are being attended to, I grab the girls for a couple of quick picks.  Where are they looking?  Oh, a show that is just more fun than smiling for Gammy.

If I stand in front of the television, perhaps it will work?

I tried for selfies with them both, but Ava opted out rather dramatically.  O it is.

Now to dress Mairead and then we are ready to go.  I take that chore on with glee and grab the camera.  Hey there pretty girl.  Without bow.

With bow.  Cassie did such a beautiful job on both the dress and bow.  Right?

Hey Momma, look here real quick.  Fifty per cent isn't terrible is it?

JP --- will you do a selfie with me?  WOOHOO!!!!!

Out the door we go and walk the two blocks to church.  Settling in, I have Mairead and JP is busily munching next to me.  Are those bubbles?

The blessing goes so well and not a peep out of our star of the day.  Perfect.  She is happily hanging out and on Mom's lap now.

Once home, the race is on to get all the food out for guests and several hours of chatting and playing pass by.  The house gets put back into place and right before naps, I ask if they want a family picture.  Most do.  JP -- not so much.  First one, interesting.

Next one --- nice.  It's a wonderful day here.

Mom and Dad with their precious new one. 

AND, even I managed to have a picture with her.  This part of the day is done and it has been very nice.  Now for some quiet time (I sewed while four slept and Cass and O played Mario Kart) before dinner and baths.  My time here is rapidly coming to an end and a storm is heading our way.  I hope those two don't collide.  O has had school cancelled for tomorrow so we will have one last play day together.  Fun times ahead.

Friday, December 13, 2019

Jen's Graduation!! and Family Soccer

My daughter, Jen, has been working towards today for several years now.  She is a mother of five and works full-time as a science/math teacher at a private school AND helps with the curriculum development there.  Finding time to earn a Master's degree --- well, I am in awe and would not miss this for anything.  After helping Jen iron her gown, she left to join the other graduates while we collected everyone from school and followed.

I drove over to Abilene this morning and my granddaughter arrived shortly after me.  Ummmm -- apparently the shoe closet is in the trunk of her car.  I admit, it probably works as well as anything else.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Mom's 80th Birthday Trip - Day 6 - Party Time

Today is the celebration of my mother's 80th birthday, which technically doesn't take place until the 30th, but a Saturday event just works better.  Naturally, we have a bit of snow to help out.  As I go out to the living room, Mom is outside waiting for Bailey and I snap this picture.  It's dang cold out there and Bailey photo bombs (literally) my picture.