Sunday, October 10, 2021

Surfside Beach Vacation -Day 2 - Our Anniversary

 Happy Anniversary to US!  It's been 11 years since this sweet man took me on and has showered me with love and nurturing.  Words do no adequately express how much I adore him.  Mister, you are the BEST!

Okay, back to the present.  We decided months ago to spend our anniversary on the beach - just the two of us.  It's a new concept, but we're giving it our best.  
As I made the bed, my eyes spotted the red crab of my quilt and memories of a dear friend washed over me.  I'll be taking her with me as we walk today.

Early this morning we rose to peek out the windows at the sunrise.  Without any concept of time regarding its appearance, we just got really lucky and started walking on the beach.

Learning about sunrises is always a review lesson.  One forgets that the most glorious color is waaaaay  before the lady shows up.

In fact, the color lightens to almost nothing.  Check out the striations in the sand.

And the friends walking along with us.

Sometimes many, 

sometimes not.

Ya never know what will be delivered each morning -- perhaps a jelly fish

Or, maybe some shrimp.

The first picture above was at 6:42 a.m. and it is now 7:20.  Here comes the lady.  Be ready for picture overload.  It's been awhile, y'all.  I need to relive every  minute right now.

So perfect.  At this point our lovely lady went into the clouds.

And stayed there long enough for some glorious pictures.

And that's pretty much the crowning glory for today.

Mister spots some wood on the beach - here goes the photographer.

AND this little gal was so cute.  We even took a video of her but you couldn't really see what we found so amusing.  She went about the beach, stopping and stomping her foot numerous times before moving on.  It kept us entertained for quite some time.

I mentioned above that I would be thinking of a friend while walking today.  I think she walked with me as the beach was littered with whole shells resembling angel wings and it's rare to find them still connected.  When I returned to the house, I learned of another dear friend who received her wings yesterday.  My heart is with them both today as I know they are in a better place.

We have been blessed with a great spot here in Surfside.  Finding it through Air BnB was a lucky thing and we could not have hand picked a better spot.  So many views and this one overlooks the stairs to our upstairs apartment.  I'd love to call it a condo, but aren't those like a luxury item?

Mister made breakfast for both of us and now, it's just time for relaxation and the books we brought to read.  Feet up and happiness explosion about to begin.  At one point, I spot a "tent" blowing in the wind and decide to look into it.  Turns out these lovely blue/teal buggers run about $250.  Goodness, but that is a lot.

Hmmmn - someone snapped a shot I was unaware of.  Yep, it's beach dresses this week.  Why on earth would a person put more on than required?

Mister settles in with his book as well, but before he starts reading, a story is told.  He went to Half Price Books before we left so that he could take a book with him on this trip.  Apparently, he forgot his glasses and bought the book with the pretty cover.  See why I love this man.  As he opens the book and reads the first lines, it is about a 62 year old man with glasses and his wife has given him a new phone to replace his flip phone.  Some of my friends will crack up as they read that.  We sure did.

Just looking out now and then.

Anybody EVER see my sweetie so relaxed?  I wish I was right now.  My mother called to tell me that my cousin had contacted her with news that my Aunt Annie had passed away September 25.  Not only that, but my cousin, Jeff, had also passed away several years ago.  OMG.  It's hard to grieve so many at once and, yet, have so many questions as to why we're just now finding out.  Phone calls being made back and forth right now and I'm doing my best to help my mom from here.  It's nuts.

It's the 5 o'clock picture.  We decided to take a picture each day at the same time.  If you read yesterday's post, you'll see one also.

We planned for this trip quite nicely.  I made several dishes that would store well so we wouldn't have to cook while here.  However, for today, I brought all the required elements to create a lovely charcuterie platter (or two).  A nice chardonnay brings it all together making it a rather romantic night.  Happy Anniversary Mister.

Even the beach provides our entertainment for the evening, once again.

My sweetheart out on deck as the sun begins to go down.

A picture or two - PELICANS!! - and we are off for our evening walk.

Oooooh, sunset on the beach.  Divine.

We are blessed with splendor the entire mile and a half to the spot we plan to turn around.

Anyone who has followed my posts in the past may recognize this.  We have walked to where I stayed for several Septembers with a group of quilting friends.  No, not in these A-frames.

YES, in the teal house.

Proof that this is a new picture and I'm actually here.  No one is staying in the house now though.

Time to wander back as the sun is long down and it'll be dark by the time the mile and half return trek is finished.  A stop at one of the iconic signs.

AND MORE beach entertainment as we walk along.

LOOK how many people are standing around.  One would think they could just pick it up and move it.  I know that is not realistic, but do something, people.

By the time we return to our deck, set out some chairs and pour another glass of wine, it is very dark, but we have thoroughly enjoyed this special day together.  We'll finish the night off with some star gazing.  Seems right.

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