Thursday, October 14, 2021

Surfside Beach Vacation - Day 6

 It's our last full day at the beach and we are staying put to enjoy every minute of it.  Rising before dark to walk and see the sunrise, Mister locates a tarp that was left in the sand and goes about trying to get it to the trash.  He is unsuccessful, though, as it is really covered with wet sand.  Maybe it will loose more today when the tide goes back down.  Not long after we are out, a bit of color begins.  It's gonna be another glorious sunrise.  Seriously.  Just follow the glory with me - 

The colors are changing.

This is at it's most vibrant stage.

Yep, little old me out watching the magic.

Let the lightening begin.

What is good for the goose is good for the gander.

Clouds are low again today so the lady arrives a bit later.


We are back - it's porch coffee and breakfast time.

Pelicans overhead --- my face just lights up each time.

We have both finished our books and Mister is off to the water for a swim while I get out a project to work on.

Two hours later, he is back at it with a boogie board in tow.  Where he got it, I sure don't know.

Our afternoon hideaway.

WAAAAY too soon, the day is passing and we are ready for the evening walk.  Just look how low the tide is.  We have a really big beach to roam.

A meeting of the minds.

Bird foot prints everywhere.  Love it.

The sun is heading down.

By the time it is in full color, we are back at the house and watch from the deck.  What a lovely way to end the day.  We've still got the evening ahead.

Pics an hour apart.  Yes, that gorgeous sunset is behind us and in front, it still looks normal.  Mister is soaking up every last minute he can here.  Tomorrow, a morning walk on the beach and then packing up for the fun drive back.  See you back here then.

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