Sunday, October 31, 2021

Heading North Again - Montana Days 1&2 - Mom's Bday and Halloween

The fall trip to Montana has begun and it's oh so early of a beginning.  We have put our home in the rear view mirror at 3 a.m. and are making our way to the airport.  Ya just never know how long the lines will be and it's best to be prepared.

Off we go and the lights of the city are absolutely beautiful.  We have more than 2 1/2 hours of flight time ahead and I have found Cruella on the entertainment.  It doesn't take me long to settle in and enjoy - the flight seemed to zip by and I thoroughly enjoyed the movie.  

We have seen a sliver of sunrise a couple of times but it is indeed chasing us and as we land in Salt Lake City --- it is finally a wee bit brighter. 

This is our first time in Salt Lake's new airport and we turn the wrong direction to find Terminal B.  Since we have 2 hours before our next flight, a quick peek around happens.

Now back the other way.  This new design is two VERY long terminals connected by an underground tunnel (ONE) that is not centered and takes approximately 7 minutes of walking and two escalators to navigate.  As long as you don't have a quick connection, it can happen, but it's not very user friendly AND by the time we get to Terminal B and have to walk all the way to the other end (which is being extended), we are down to one hour before our flight.  WOW.  A quick stop for coffee and a scone before we board happens as it is almost 9 as we start out to our plane.  We have been going for 7 hours now.  Goodness.  

It gets really interesting now.  Out the gate door we go and into a REALLY long covered walkway that takes us out to a small indoor terminal with busses waiting at each "gate".  We also pass a VERY BIG pit that is part of the construction.  No idea what that is all about.  Up the portable jet bridge and one look back at the airport.  You can see both terminals and the distance between them.  So odd.

Up, up and away - no movie this time, so it's a book holding my attention.  That, and all of the crazy conversations going on around us.  I've never been on such a chatty flight.  Goodness.

The next time I look out the window - we are directly over Flathead Lake and the two couples in the front and back of us hear Mister and I talking and start asking questions about the area.  I guess we gained the "chatty" title at that point too as we answered as many questions as we could.

It's nice to not have smoke as we land and the view is pretty wonderful.  We head for the baggage claim (small plane, gate check) and are amazed at how quick it all arrives.  Out the door but a quick stop at the cutest shop ever.  This place ALWAYS has a great display out front.

Sis and Joe are retrieving us and I am oh so ready for some food.  It's off to Moose's Saloon, an iconic place in Kalispell and one I haven't been to since I was about 17 or 18.  Oh my.  It is still exactly the same.  Sawdust floors, wooden booths with years and years of carving, and zero windows.  Old time saloon at it's best.  The offerings are pizza or sandwiches and by the time we leave, I am satiated, happy, and ready to go see mom and wish her a happy birthday.  Yep, she is 82 today and time with her is the reason we are on this trip.

Take a peek around and enjoy a true Montana legend.  So fun.

A few turns away -- the park we stopped at last trip is  bursting with autumn gold.

Okay - Bigfork is next.  I have a gift for Mom and the second part of it is at the house as we arrive.  Yay for on-time shipping.  Up it goes -- Happy Birthday.

Dinner out for the evening is the plan and Sis has made reservations at a lovely restaurant right up the hill.  Our view as we settle in is simply amazing.  I'm a bit homesick.

Memories in the making.  Happy Birthday Momma.

My food is divine.  In fact, everyone is so happy with their dinner and the entire experience is amazing.  I want to come back here on another trip.  Truly yummy.  Where are we?  Schafers.  Look it up and give it a try if you are up in this area.  So, so good.

Back to Mom's for candle blowing ---- too funny, right?  We are all so very full that the thought of cutting the cake and actually eating some is just not in the cards.  Again, memory making is what it is all about.

A gift from Sis --- what a nice wallet.  I'm a bit jealous, but I gave up wallets quite awhile ago.

And with that, the birthday is pretty much at an end.  Mister and I have heard that the Northern Lights are supposed to be wonderful tonight so at around 10 (still no sleep going on) we drive out to a rural area and give it a peek.  Nothing.  Back around 11:30 and it's time for some much-needed sleep.

31st - I'm not sure how to even start this next part.  At 2:30, Mom knocks on our door and is not feeling well.  I'm out of bed and calling 911 within minutes and the paramedics arrive, analyze the situation, and off Mom goes in the ambulance with Mister and I following behind.  Several hours later, a diagnosis, medication ordered and a funny family story of self healing later, we are back home by 8.  Mister and I jump into bed for what we hope will be more shut-eye.  It lasts one hour and a call from our granddaughter, Elena, wishing us a Happy Halloween wakes the dead.  Sleep is just not meant to be.  

At this point, I give up.  Perhaps tonight.  So ---- Happy Halloween to all!

It's a quiet day around the house, just visiting and enjoying time together.  I'm ready to move on and tomorrow brings an all new month and more fun up here in Montana.  We'll see ya in the next post.

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