Saturday, October 16, 2021

Still Vacation Days - Huffines Art Festival and a Little Shopping

 Even though we are home from the beach, vacation time continues and staying at home doing chores just doesn't fit in.  My calendar shows that the Huffhines Art Festival starts today and since it's one of our favorites, movement is underway to get out of the house.  Come along and see all the fun fall displays along with anything we see that really catches my eye.  

I LOVE scarecrows and anyone who has ever been to my home in the fall can attest to that.  They are everywhere!  I just love the autumn colors and feel.  Today, the air is crisp as we go in and we even have sweaters/jackets on for the moment.  It's a beautiful day and we are ready to walk.  The first task is to find coffee and while Mister waits for it, I take a few pictures at the front of the festival.

Music pavilion - the first performer is warming up.

Beer garden, but it's just a wee bit early for that.

The Little Red Flower Truck is here today and it is just loaded with beautiful goodness.

One of my favorite colors of roses.

Ahhh, the coffee is here.  I've also managed to find some pastries in my wandering.

These are POTTERY!!!

So, at this booth, I was not that fascinated with the beaded jewelry but check out what she uses as her display.  Tons of old suitcases.  Genius.  Easy to pack up and a unique way to show them off.

For me, part of what tempts me into a booth is the display.  I know that seems petty, but it's like curb appeal when selling a house.  The names of shops also can pull me in all by themselves.

Mister is really liking this particular pottery piece but passes it by.

I come upon this booth filled with baskets, placemats, bowls, etc. all done with a method similar to the one I have been exposed to recently.  Unfortunately, the owner of the booth was not willing to talk about it at all.

Oooooh, the paperwork in these presentations.  Such intense work.  The pig is just wonderful.

So, I'm really not a "funky" art lover but this booth stopped me cold.  It is Jan Byron's and she is right here in Dallas.  I giggled and giggled and giggled over these.  Talking with her, she explained that she started with a saying and then did the head, followed by the body, clothing (all of which she crochets), and finally the little do dads.  She asked me not to take individual pictures and I've honored that BUT I want to point out the one that really spoke to me.  It's lower right in the picture  The one with four circles in a vertical line for the head.  It says, "Dance with all the people you've been."  Perfect.

Did anything come home with us?  Yes -- I found a couple of ornaments for an upcoming exchange.  They are paper mache' AND red/white.

Mister purchased this lovely piece of pottery and it has already found a home on the shelve in our front room.

That's it for the art festival, but we do have a few errands to run so a stop at Lowe's happens where a roof part, mop, candles, and a new door mat are purchased.  Believe me, the mat I had picked out was prettier, but probably not as effective.

While there, I spotted this gnome -- isn't he just so cute.  No - didn't come home with me.

Home to drop off goodies, have some lunch and then it's back out for a little bit of fun.  OHB and my fav White Rock Coffee Porter along with some rounds of Shut the Box.  I do like this little dice game and it's great for two people.

Well, that's pretty much it for today.  We only have one more "play day" left before the world comes back to call.  See ya tomorrow.

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