Thursday, July 14, 2022

Out to Abilene - Retirement for Louis ---- Day 1

 With two grands in tow, we are out of the house bright and early and heading to Abilene.  Our son-in-law in retiring from the military and his ceremony is this week.  So many fun things are planned for those attending and I'm super excited.  Two sleepy kids?  Well, maybe not so much ---- yet.  They will be once we arrive and the fun begins.

A quick stop at Jen's and we are all on our way to the base.  Entrance is not without it's issues, but everyone gets through and we are soon on our way to the B1's.  Louis spent his career as a navigator on this huge plane and we are about to see it first hand.  His squadron is the BATS and the first thing that greets us is the batmobile.  Gotta laugh.

Without wasting any time at all, we are onto the tarmac and heading for the plane.  It's dang hot, but no one really cares as this is pretty cool.

We have GREAT guides who share tons of information about the plane (sorry, I can't continue the share) and allows us to go up inside a few at a time.  Believe it or not --- no room on these buggers for many people.

Our entrance - 

Some fun moments with family - 

I'm in the second group and wearing white pants today -- how smart am I?

Louis goes inside first and then we go in groups of two or three.  During my turn, I manage to grab a couple of fun pics that don't break rules.

Love this --- his brother is on the way up to  join us.

This is across from Louis seat (which I cannot show as there is just too much there).  I wish you could see just how small this really is.

Sooooo - this is a highly cropped pic of me in the cockpit.  Yep, can't show much but if you want to see it personally, ask me sometime when we're together.  I have the full one.  You would not believe how cramped it is in here, nor how hot.  Yes, the plane is off so no cooling, but we've been informed that even at full a/c, it doesn't get below 85-90 in here.  OMG.

This next pic just makes me laugh and I'm pretty sure I'm not breaking any rules.  Gotta love the label.

More family - 

Somehow I don't get a picture of Jen going up.  I think she had done it before and passed this time.  As a matter of fact, earlier this week she actually drove this massive piece of machinery down to the end of the runway.  How cool is that?

More information being given.  Mister has such great pictures, but he is still working on them - maybe I'll add a few later.  

Gather round grands (and me) - 

Just the grands - 

The B1 in all her glory - 

Bekah took this pic and I stole it --- hey, it's good.

We are also treated to another moment but ALL phones were left behind and I can't share pics.  Live bombs were seen and I learned oh so much about just how incredibly accurate these amazing servicemen can be.  What a crazy, cool morning.  Back to the bat cave - just joking, the hall makes me smile though.

Time for lunch break and after a snafu at the bowling alley, it's off to the BX shopping center and the food court.  As we enter, they are doing a few contests and some of the kids join in.

A little video to share.

While waiting for our food, it actually starts to rain.  OH WOW.  We haven't seen any water fall from the sky in a long time and this one doesn't last long, but gives hope.

We are now split into two groups and half go off to the simulators and our half goes to the AFE - Aircrew Flight Equipment building.  Upon our arrival, we are shown some pretty cool stuff.  First, these amazing night goggles.  I took a minute and captured what I could see through the lens.

People were also given the opportunity to get harnessed up and sit in the same chair that Louis did.  Those harnesses are on so tight that you cannot stand upright when wearing them.  OMG --- hours and hours in those, attached to the chair, and in that crazy hot plane.  I absolutely could not have done it and bow down to my SIL.  (There were others who did this too, my phone only captured these two as I was sending pics to their mom.  Mister has the rest.)

Anytime sewing is taking place, my attention is riveted.  THIS was pretty cool and I talk about it a bit more in My Quilty World.

The next room we are taken to allows us to see what all goes into packing the equipment that each one of these amazing people wear.  Again - I am in awe.  First up - a parachute!

Then the backpacks/vests and all the items inside.  There is just SO much on their persons at all times.

From there, we are given time in the simulators and I had about 30 minutes to discover just how crazy hard flying a B1 is.  Didn't quite nail the landing, but a touch and go kept me from crashing and my arms were killing me by the end.  No pictures of this part, unfortunately - but just know that it was super cool and fun.

The kids have been gems all day so it's time to let them blow off a little steam, so another try at the bowling alley nets us success.  Time to just relax a bit.  Not the best pics, but better than nothing to help the memory stay put.

That's pretty much the end of the planned activities for today.  Back to the house for dinner.

Mister and I call it a day.  The kids want to stay with cousins and we are letting them.  Now - to check into our AirBNB and see what we've got.  Oh, it's so cute and great little cottage close to just about anything we would need.  Take a peek.

We decide on a quick drink down at Sockdolager Brewing (2 min away) and it's the perfect end to the evening.  Lovely sunset to boot.  It's time for sleep as tomorrow is another jam-packed day.

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