Sunday, July 17, 2022

H & Z Are Here!! Days 4 and 5 (Includes zoo)

 It's Day 4 with the kids and our last morning in Abilene.  When we arrive with donuts and breakfast for all, they are already packed and Hyrum even has his suitcase downstairs.  Impressive.  Also, they are starving, lol.  Their Montana schedule has not been easy on them down here.  People don't even start moving until around 9 and by then, these two are narrowing in on lunch back home.

Hey it's not ALL sweets.  There are ham and cheese croissants too.

A little bit more of family time -- for the love of me, I cannot remember what held all of our attention just then.

We've given Louis a small extra gift and he has a chance to open it here.  Laughter all around.  He also has his new RETIRED t-shirt on that was a gift from his sister.

With that ---- we are outta here.  The drive back to Dallas is ahead of us and we're taking the kids to the water park along the way.  Time to drive.  By 1:00 we have arrived AND it's HOT, HOT, HOT out.  Goodness.  

Fortunately, I find a picnic table in the shade and send the kids off for some fun.  No water for me today as the sun is just too intense and I'm already tired from the past few days.  I do track the kids down now and then for a picture.

Then, Grandpa heads out to see where they've gone and gets these pictures.  (Up at the top)

Back at the top - 

They go until lunch and then settle in with us.  After that, they pretty done in as well and since they did all the rides, they are ready to go.  As I said, it's dang hot out there.  All the way home - this was the scene in the backseat.

There is ALWAYS Grandpa/Zyra time - 

Dinner is at Tony's and Hyrum declares this the BEST AL FREDO PIZZA he has ever had and sincerely tries to eat the whole thing himself.  His face throughout is one of pure bliss --- then followed by worry that he can't eat it all ---- like we're going to be upset.  Grandpa and Zyra to the rescue.  OH -- this is  AFTER Zyra finished off her PERFECT EGGPLANT dish.  They were super happy with dinner.

The scene as we left.  They DID IT!

At this point, the three of them wanted to watch Monty Python and the Holy Grail.  Have at it y'all.  Not my cup of tea but they all enjoyed it.

7/17 - Early breakfast by Grandpa and out of the house we go.  The zo has been requested and we aim to provide.  First stop is the hippos and Gus puts on quite the show for the kids

From above.

A stop at the aviary has us watching this bird try and try to get a twig that is tangled in the overhead netting.  He REALLY wanted it.

Gorilla fun --- it was a power struggle and great to watch.

Let's sit down and talk about it.

This one is keeping an eye on us during the whole thing.  Well, maybe he's just keeping an eye on Zyra.

Now, what kind of a conversation is this?  Let's not look at each other and stand our ground, okay?

Owl time - 

Ahhhh, the obligatory elephant pic.

Some lion love - 

Look how cute her paws are curled up.  And how big they are.

Onto the elephants -

And finally --- feeding the giraffes.  One of my favorite spots in the whole zoo.

Across the way are the painted dogs and, along with us, they are HOT.  What I wouldn't give to drop the temp about 10 degrees.

One side of the zoo is done and we are off to perhaps my most favorite spot of all --- feeding the birds.

I LOVE watching the kids interact here --- makes my heart happy.

Into the Underzone, which is open again.  Woohoo - 

There is a new resident in with the tamarins.  The red-rumped agouti.  Look that one up as it was new to me too.

Told you it was hot out.

If I have to get up, I'ma gonna stand in the water.

That does it for the zoo today.  Lunch at Rodeo Goat - burgers always make the belly better and then we are off to the Cidercade for some indoor (read COOL) activity time.  

They find this Nintendo game next and Hyrum NEVER moves again, except for a quick restroom break and then back to it.  FOR THREE HOURS.  Zyra?  Well, she moves on rather quickly.

Even Grandpa finds some games to play.

So, remember my sad story of the ID that didn't go to Abilene?  When we got home, I immediately went and got it and my credit card from the pocket in my skort - right where I had left it.  

While here, at the Cidercade, I decide that I want to have a glass of cider and my ID is in the car as I didn't want to cart my purse all over the place.  Out  I go to get it and once again put it in my back pocket.  I won't forget this time.  Meanwhile, Grandpa and Zyra are making the rounds together now.

And Hyrum is still where we left him.

I missed out on Grandpa doing the dance thing with Zyra.  Drat it anyway.

If you want to spend time with H, ya gotta go where he is.

I've been playing a pinball game off and on while here and this is the highest score I achieve.  Not sure just what it means, but I worked my way up to it.

Well ---- it's after 6 and time to depart.  We have thoroughly killed a day. Did I mention that it's hot out?

We all opt for ice cream (well, frozen custard anyway) for dinner.  That's reasonable grandparenting, right?  This day is in the books.

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