Tuesday, July 19, 2022

H & Z Are Here!! Days 6 and 7

 What shall we do today?  That is the question I asked and they responded with "the children's garden."  Now, I'm not real sure of this as I think they've outgrown it, but as I have a membership, I'm willing to give it a whirl.  The first place H&Z head is to the maze.  

It takes them about 3 minutes.  Yep, my inkling is on target.

We're here so we might as well walk around a bit --- it's always fun for ME, but then, I'm old and like plants and flowers.

A quick stop at the water guns.

It's more fun to bug each other.

Wind machine fun ---- H really gets into it and has me laughing.

Checking out the kaleidoscope.  

Behind the waterfall ----  love it.

Looking through the waterfall -

And with that -- they are done.  Total time spent there was about an hour.  Lunch at Chick Fil A (they claimed to have never been) and all is happy again.  Time to go home.

After a cool-down period (it's VERY hot again today), I decide to put in a movie that they haven't seen.  I'm actually kind of surprised, but . . .  Karate Kid it is.  Grandpa even shows up with popcorn for all while we are watching.  He has to work today and we're trying to stay out of his hair, but I think he wants us there.  Dinner is out for Thai at one of our favorite restaurants, but I am not sure it's a hit.  I DO offer to trade meals.

A little bit of games tonight.  THIS was fun and we loved watching their minds work.  After this, some games on Google and they do SO good with them.   At this point, laundry is done and we are knowing that our fun time together ends tomorrow.  ARGH.

7/19 - It's a busy morning with breakfast, packing, showers, and preparations to travel.  My ID story continues here.  OMG.  I cannot find my ID again.  I've contacted the Cidercade (last time I KNOW I had it) and it was not turned in.  I've looked EVERYWHERE.  Super happy girl and I have to get into the airport this morning to fill out the paperwork to send the kids home.  My passport is retrieved from Mister and I'm set for this morning.  What the heck is my problem?

Pictures - memories to hold tight to.

We get to the airport with a bit of time before they board.  Zyra wants lunch.  Please keep in mind that it is 9:30 in the morning.  All the restaurants are serving breakfast, but that is not what she wants.  We just keep walking (keeping in mind how far we will have to go on the return trip and how long it takes).  Finally --- TGI Fridays has their full menu.  Halleluiah.  

The food meets the need and we make it back right as the gate agent is ready to board the unaccompanied minors.  That's them.  Very few minutes to hug and say good-bye and they are down the jet bridge.  

I am not leaving until the plane does (things happen, ya know) so I find a nice seat and go online to make an appointment to replace my driver's license.  IF I knew the number AND the audit number (seriously?  If I had that information, it would likely be in my hand) then I could just request a duplicate.  At any rate, I schedule an appointment and sit back.  It's eating at me though.  Finding a spot near the window, I literally DUMP my entire purse onto the floor and VOILA --- there is my ID.  I swear I looked in there at least half a dozen times.  Now to cancel the appointment.  Goodness, am I getting old or what?  I have NEVER misplaced my ID and now I've done it twice in one week.

The plane leaves and takes my darlings back home.  We LOVED having them here and have fingers crossed to see them again before too long.  Love and hugs to all.

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