Monday, June 28, 2021

Family Reunion - Day 3

With an early departure for sleep last night, our condo is awake early and spending some much loved time visiting on the upper back deck once again.  Mister and Becca went up first and then I joined them with Jen following shortly after.  Well, perhaps we woke her as we were sitting right outside her room, but . . .  Before it was over Matt, Jacob, Cassie and Mairead all spent  some time with us.  I cannot express how much these moments meant to me.  It is our last day with everyone and I want to make every minute count, if possible.

Put down that drink, Becca.  The camera is out.

Watching roadrunners below.

Time to feed the troops again.

EVERY possible moment spent visiting with grands.

Someone has Ryan's hat

Ooooh, now someone else.

Jacob has requested a haircut and Aunt Becca is happy to provide.

Jen finishes it up and there will by a dye job sometime tomorrow or the next day.  He's going with black hair.

I love how both condos are going at any point in time.  Different groups, great conversations.

Throw in games that test the mind.  Watching Zyra and Jon was WONDERFUL!

In the other house, Grandpa and Bekah have settled in with a project.  Lots and lots of tiny sticker pieces.

It's time for the game we put together yesterday.  All around the table y'all.

And away we go - 

Utter joy over squirtguns.

Baby feels --- such a fun time.

Teamwork took place.

Once one game is finished, Uncle Matt institutes another with one of the prizes.  It's a tiny Etch-A-Sketch and Matt chooses what you must draw.

I'm keeping this in - but OMG - diet time.

Naturally, muscles will come into play.  Also height measurements, but I didn't get any pictures of that episode.

Leave them to their own and all kinds of entertainment shows up.

Before too long, it's time to get everyone ready for family pictures.  Jen is helping out with Zyra.

Look at this little miss.  Oh my.

We have packed our stuff, emptied the room and departed for the photo shoot.  Good-byes will be said there and I'm trying oh so hard to be brave.  This is tough.  Doug and I are there first so she gets our personal shots done quickly as we have to leave after the family shots.

Matt's family arrived shortly after us, so they went next and I was able to get a few pics of the group.

While the photographer is working on Matt's family, all of the others arrive.

Time for the family shots.  I've selected a few of the whole group to share here.  I'll share the individual families pictures after they have, if they do.

First -- the whole clan.  I am so blessed to have absolutely every person here for this.  My children, their spouses, and all grands.

Next ---- with the grands.  This is simply wonderful!!!

Last - with my amazing children.  So much love for these incredible parts of me.

Just my kidlets (I had already left for these, but love them so much.)

And with that --- good-byes are said and as my son walked me to my car, I drew on his strength in a way I never have before.  He pretty much had to hold me up.  Leaving was the hardest thing I have done in a very long time.  I don't know that an event like this will happen again in my lifetime, but I surely hope so.  What a treasure.

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