Monday, June 28, 2021

Family Reunion - After The Gathering

 Well, that's it.  We are back in St. George, the tears have temporarily stopped and my sweetheart has found a wonderful spot for dinner and a drink - George's, of course.  

One of the things I noticed in St. George is that on the side of one bluff, DIXIE is written and I have wondered why.  NOW, I get to find out.  Utah's Dixie is the nickname for an area in Washington County in southwestern Utah.  It's climate is milder than the rest of Utah, with an elevation of 2,700 feet.  It was first settled in 1854, as part of Brigham Young's efforts to establish an Indian Mission in the region.  The settlers began growing cotton and other temperate cash crops during the 1850's.  The largest community in the region, St. George, was founded in 1861, when Brigham Young selected 300 families to settle the area and grow cotton and other crops.  The region had become known as Dixie by 1860, in reference to the attempt to grow cotton.  Many settlers were bona fide Southerners, who were steeped in the lore of cotton culture.  Dixie, it became, and Dixie it remained.  The name "DIXIE" is one of the distinctive things about this part of Utah. 

Dinner is perfect.  Ahhhh.  Now, off to the motel and some sleep so I don't think about how close my kids are and I'm missing it.

Today is the super hard day.  We have to kill time before our flight.  Again -- gotta keep the mind busy.  First up - a coffee shop.  Feel Love seems appropriate.

It's a cute little shop and all is good, but they struggle with NOT giving us all the paper products to throw away.  This just mystifies Mister and I.  Soooo much waste.  Even more with the pandemic.  We are good with a cup - no lid - and a napkin for our goodies - no box required.  Opting to sit outside and enjoy the view is the perfect choice and the morning begins as it should.  We do notice that below us is a dive shop and send a note to Jen.  Perhaps that is something the older boys AND she would enjoy.

With a little bit more time available, we stop by Quilted Works shop for a quick peek.  Love, love, love it.  To see more check out this Quilted Works LINK.

And that's it.  We are off to the airport and once again driving down a road between two states.  To the left of us is Utah and to the right is Arizona.  I had to time this just right, but it's the truth.

Inspecting the ride before turning it in.  Always gotta have proof, right?

Two flights later -- nope, no plane shots - and we are in Dallas, looking for food and a drink.  A stop by the new On Rotation wasn't too far out of the way.  It is beautifully colorful and so much larger than their previous space, but the beer is just as great as always.

And now, the day is done.  We are heading home and hoping for a good night's sleep.  See y'all around.

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