Saturday, June 12, 2021

Out and About - McKinney, TX

 I had a Red Hat event this morning so Mister and I are doing some wandering for the afternoon.  McKinney seems to be a great destination and there is a brewery we have not yet been to.  I know --- hard to believe, right?

Tupps brewery!  What a fun and lively place.  So many beer options makes it hard to choose sometimes.

A peek around the place.  Believe it or not, the music is the EXACT same person as our visit to The Dogg House earlier this month.  So odd.

A quick stop at Franconia follows but, sadly, the place appears to be struggling.  It was a far cry from the last time we were there.  Two other customers in the place.  Drat.

As we start to leave, I spot an old building and Mister drives in.  In is an old cotton mill.  Any chance it looks cool inside?

It appears to be empty inside but kinda cool at the same time.  I wish we could go in but I'll have to settle for a crummy picture through a window.

At one end of the building, some entry is allowed for a few visitors to businesses.  This stairwell seems to be pretty original.  Very cool.  And with that, it's back to the house for today.

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