Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Utah and Baby Blessing of Torsten

 Finally!!!  I am making my way to Utah for Torsten's baby blessing.  It's a beautiful day to fly and I'm plugged into a movie --- happily on my way.

This newest grandson makes #18 for me.  Wow --- what a troop I've got.  Each one is such a blessing and I'm eager to put the newest member into my arms AND spend time with his older siblings.  The last time we were together was in June at the family reunion.  Ahhhh, bring it on and let the hugs begin.  I'm ready.

Just look at these beautiful snow-covered mountains.  THIS is another thing I miss looking at.  I am not to the point of missing the cold it brings along.

Once I've been picked up at the airport and the trip back home is finished, we are off racing to a party that JP is late for.  I'm just doing the drop off -- with O as my guide.  It's his first "on my own without parents" party and he is super excited.

The joys of just watching children play.  I LOVE it.  

We're all just sitting and playing (school is being skipped to "be with Gammy") and I'm taking a chance to decompress from flying.  The older I get, the more that seems to take out of me --- why?  It's just sitting.  

Everyone has new Christmas toys that are still exciting and fun to use.  I cannot believe how much Mairead has changed.  She actually ran to me for hugs and hellos for the very first time.  She's willing to talk to me and even sit on my lap.  Wow.  The two older girls are full of hugs as well and lots of stories and creative play.  Once upon a time I was good at "pretend" play too.  What happened?  It seems as though I'm waaay too logical now.  THAT doesn't make sense.  Old -- that's what it is.  I'm old.

There is a flurry of excitement as we are joined by my daughter, Amanda, and her son, Caleb.  They have driven over from Colorado and I'm THRILLED to have two daughters together at once - PLUS another grandchild.  It'll be a full house for a couple of days, but that's just perfect.  The kids are instantly thrilled that Caleb is here and are soon off to play.

I've moved to the other room and grabbed a baby to watch and help at the same time.  Pictures happen and I love these moments.  

It's a busy room.

Cousin time.

I turn around and am blessed to spot a quiet moment for Cassie with her little one.  Super sweet.

Mairead has been in heaven since Auntie arrived.  She loves her so much and, once, again, wants nothing to do with me.  I'm good with it.

Especially since this one doesn't seem to mind at all.

As our very busy, super exciting, fun day comes to an end -- we are snuggled in with the movie Encanto and some popcorn.  Pssst ---- what a fun movie.  Oh, and this sunset. (keep reading, multiple day post)

1/9 - Good Morning!  Today is blessing day and there is a a lot to accomplish, but always time for fun too.  The girls are all dressed up and Mom has the chance for them to open their crystals that have been growing.  First up is Ava - 

TA-DA --- 

Up close and personal.

Now, it is O's turn.  She has a white one in a canning jar and that presents a few issues of it's own.

However --- SUCCESS.

I tried to get Mairead into the picture too, but she really wasn't having any part of it.  I picked up these dresses for the girls before Christmas, while I was in Montana --- super cute.

Ahhhh - here she is.

Now - for the star of the day.  Hello Bud.

Let's toss in some brotherly love --- check out those curls.

Everybody JUMP now --- 

Whew ---- no pictures for awhile -- the blessing is done.  People are being fed and it's time for a few family pictures.  We're waiting on Dad here --- 

One unhappy - it is what it is.

Some improvement - 

Mom, Dad, and Torsten ---

Now --- outta those close.  It's time to play for a bit before bed.  Another blessing day is in the books.

1/10 - Chillin', just chillin'.  It's one of those perfect days where no one cares about school (yep, they're still skipping to be with Auntie on her last day) or anything else.  A giant coloring festival is happening with all members participating -- well, except the baby.

I take advantage of this time with two daughters and grab a photo.  Love, love, love being able to look back and re-live the memory.

One with Caleb too ---- they are leaving today and I'm pretty dang sad about the whole thing, but oh so thankful that I had this time together.

Once Auntie and Caleb have departed - a fort ensues.  Yep, EVERY cushion from the sofa has been put to use.

The finale for the night is time to finish their winter scene that is taped to a wall.

Mairead has her own.  Ingenuous.  

1/11 - What a pretty day!  We are off to have some fun, but I can't help taking a few pictures of the snow covered mountains in the background.

Thanksgiving Point is the destination and we are visiting the Museum of Natural Curiosity.  It's a new building to me and I'm excited to go.  Our view as we walk in the door is fabulous and I'm sure the day will hold lots of fun for all.

The first area we go to is the town of Kidopolis.  I'll share some pictures of the town along with the fun shots of the kids as we go through.  Not a lot of comments, unless a story is triggered.

Performing on stage at the theater --- 

The Music Store is PHENOMENAL!  OMG.  I was in love the entire time we were in there.  The harp is played by simply moving your hand as you would if playing the strings.  Laser lights play the notes.  I LOVED IT!

Across from it was this pipe organ.  As the kids typed, bubbles rose, rainbow lights came on and music played.  Wonderful!

There are 3 rooms off to the sides which allow for electronic composing of music and the actual playing of drums.

At one point the whole gang has quite the song going.  So, so fun.

We make stop at the bank (with a vault of cash included) and then it's on to the LEGO room for a sit down as baby has needs too.

Mairead discovers the "little windows" that are in various places around the building.  Super fun idea for toddlers.  I would have missed them if not for her eagle eyes.

The Magic Shop is full of fun, one of which is to appear as a floating head.  I don't think the whole body was supposed to pop out, but, hey, they're having fun.

He gets it - or he's just shorter.  

Soooo much more, but I put the camera away and just played.  One pic with Mairead while getting lunch.

The same mountains on the way home --- yep, it's been a full day.

As we are getting everyone ready for bed, a child is missing.  I find her.  Where there's a will, there's a way.  I didn't say anything, took the picture, and quietly watched to see what would happen.  She played for a bit and then got herself down, very carefully.  All in all --- impressive for a  2-year-old.

O's hair is soooooo long, but she said she was ready to cut it.  Wow.

1/12 - Ahhh, that dreaded day has arrived way too early.  Ava is going back to school today so we grab a quick pic and then I take her to class.

Back home, we are getting ready to take me to the airport ---- twosie time.

I've loved this time together and it's hard to go, but I must.  I had told the girls that I fly "over the mountains" to go home and they were surprised, so I took these pictures for them.

Mister is still working when I land in Dallas, so it's the train for me.  Passing Irving.

Almost home.  Mister picked me up at Mockingbird Station and treated me to dinner before going home.  Whew --- Back in Texas.

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