Saturday, January 1, 2022

Happy New Year!!!

 Happy New Year!!!

2022 has arrived and I laid in bed quietly watching the downtown fireworks show coming from Reunon Tower.  I can hear the show, even as far away as I am.  Enjoy the pics.

The first day of the year finds us sharing time with the animals at the zoo.  I'm not taking a ton of pictures today, but . . . here comes a tiger.

We spot the otters in the lower part of the habitat --- rarely seen there and a blurry pic, but it is what it is.

The capybara is back in with the anteater --- kind of a stand off though.

Breakfast for the tortoise - 

Birds of prey sunning themselves --- love it.

Hello Harpy!!

Cheetahs out and about 

The lion pride is content this morning -- just to lay in the sun.  I can't believe how much these cubs have grown.

Kind of a mix on the savanna - 

Well, hello there - 

Back at the lions - Bahati in for a wellness check - 

Izwi is starting to get his mane --- so cool.

I know I said not too many pics, but how can one resist?  Apparently, I'm not capable of it.  Off to check out the gorillas and both the young'uns are having fun.

While Dad snoozes - 

Through a window so kinda blurry - 

Checking from above - no window 

Peek-a-boo, I see you.

Strike a pose!

Our weather is turning tonight and the plants will not like it.  Time for the covers again.

That's it --- we are off to meet Mister's friend for a late lunch/early dinner in Rowlett.  Happy New Years to all!!!

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