Friday, June 2, 2023

Road Trip Time - Gunnison, Telluride, and Raef's Graduation

 Our Spring/Summer road trip is underway.  Leaving Dallas around 4 p.m. (yep, right in time for traffic - so express lanes are our friend) on the last day of May means we likely won't see our home the entire month of June.  Crazy, right?  The car is truly loaded down with deliveries to be made along the way.  The plan is stops in Telluride, CO, Billings, MT, Bigfork, MT, and Provo, UT before making our way home again.  

By 10:30 we are out of Texas and entering New Mexico.  We're in for a long night.

6/1  Good morning!  We stopped for a wee bit to nap and are nearing somewhere in Colorado as the sun comes up over the mountain.

A quick stop at Monarch Pass to peek around.  I would be fun to visit later in the day and ride the gondola --- perhaps another time.

Gunnison is up next.  What a cute town.  It's my first time here and I really do like it.

The trees lining the main street are in full bloom and absolutely beautiful, PLUS they smell divine.

We've found a coffee shop and sustenance is coming soon.  Yay!

Tributary Coffee Roasters is a cute shop with fun seating, but this table is certainly an odd one.  Unless I sit my cup just perfect, it tips into wells in the wood.  Gotta be alert today.

On the road again.  We're a bit earlier than planned so are enjoying the drive this morning.

Scenes from the window - 

Mister wants to get closer to this one - as it has a nice reflection - so we make a quick stop and then, the breeze comes up and it's not perfect anymore.  Figures.

Back on the road --- just a small detour happened.

It's just beautiful here .  Blue Mesa Resevoir.

We've crossed the bridge and found a road Mister thinks might take us back to the dam.  Nope - we're on the other side of the gorge, but there is a viewing area and rest stop so we get out for a quick picture.  As I look over the edge, I spot stairs leading down and quickly return to the car and tell Mister to put his walking shoes on.  I grab my tennis shoes and am soon ready for a small adventure.  Let's go down into the ravine.

We came down these - and these - and these.

Overlook - halfway down.  We gotta go back up - that'll be fun.

Water rushing down the side of the mountain from spring thaw.

Continuing down.

It's just so beautiful and calm.  Loving this small "hike."

We're down.  Looking back up.  Wow.  After a nice rest and relaxation by the water's edge, up we go.

As I'm getting back into the car, I notice this rock formation overhead.  Pretty cool.

We decide to back track over the bridge again and find the road to the dam.

Our new view.  We were down there on the other side.

Do you see the landing where we parked and the stairs down?  Can't see the water from this angle - but it's down there.

Bringing the picture in tighter --- see them now?

This was such a fun stop.  Time to get going though.  Within just a few miles of returning to the highway, we hit what Google tells us is a 6 minute delay.  Well ----- it became an hour.  Traffic was held up in one lane and the road was completely out.  By the time the cars came through, we counted almost 100 and I'm pretty sure we had an equal number going through on our turn.  A truly long 6 minutes.

We caught up with the clock through the many traffic stoppages.  Yes, there were more.  In fact, three in Montrose alone.  Goodness.  Time to get to Amanda's.  Cassie and the grands are already there and games are in progress.  It's so good to get cuddles and hugs from all.

We LOVE Amanda's home.  It is full of windows and show the beautiful surroundings in such a great way.  The fresh air is great.

These moments of cousin time are so fun to see.

We are just enjoying watching the interactions of all.  Clothing choices are fun too. Flowers are being planted outside --- great project to keep littles busy.

I love this raised bed for herbs.  May need to go this direction next year.  Yep, more changes coming for us.

A slight play error results in Grandpa to the rescue.  Time for a quick fix.

Then some spins to test Grandpa's back and resilience.  Fun to watch.

Outside cousin fun - 

Mairead is decorating everyone nicely.

Moments to connect.

Hugs good-bye and then we're off to our AirBNB in Ridgway.  

6/2 - Good Morning!  We arrived after dark last night and didn't get a chance to look around the place.  Come along as we check it out.  We are staying at the Adobe Inn, which is a hostel.  

Here is the common room.

Eating area - 

Small kitchen area - 

TV room - 

Restrooms - 

Our room - 

David Temple is the manager/partner in the business and is a chef from the Dallas area.  He treats us to a lovely breakfast and it's dang good.

Checking out the downtown area, we discover a farmer's market, but first, this beautiful view.

By the time we've made it to Telluride, it's almost noon and Telluride Brewery is right near Amanda's house so we decide to check it out real quick.  A nice visit with the owner and bartender and then onto family again.

The house is hopping and we join in where needed.  Eight grandchildren and two daughters in the room.  How fun is this?

Ophelia's hair is just long and beautiful.  Love it.

Selfie with Ryan --- it's been awhile since we've had time together.

Checking out memories in childhood scrapbooks.

Usie with Caleb on the way to graduation.

Let the ceremony begin.

Here he comes - 

During the ceremony, each student is give a chance to speak to the audience on their years here in Telluride and/or future plans.  Raef is waiting his turn.

Raef's part in the slide show -

The awarding of the diplomas - 

And it' done.  Woohoo!!

Congradulations!   Yep, I spelled that exactly the way I wanted to.  High school graduate number 5 out of 19.

Family pics - Caleb, Raef, Ryan

Add in Mom, Amanda

Grandparent time

Aunt Cassie - 

Three generations - 

While we were gone, the grands decorated the railing upstairs with art.

Family gathering around to celebrate.

Trips down memory lane.

Selfie time again.  With that, it's time for us to depart.  We are hitting the road once again bright and early tomorrow morning.  Our time here has been wonderful and it was so fun to see all again.  So much love being left behind us.  Until the next time --- hugs and kisses and nothing but the best for Raef as he ventures into his new career of being a helicopter pilot.

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