Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Road Trip Time - Colorado to Billings 1st Half

 It's a gorgeous day in Ridgway, CO.  A peek around us as we hit the road.  It's going to be a beautiful drive and I'm looking forward to all the eye candy.  Our destination today is Billings, MT and my son's house.  Time to drive.

As we get on the road, the sun is just starting to peek over the mountain.  It's 6:30 a.m. and we're ready for the next stage of the trip.

Two and a half hours later --- we're at a higher elevation and the clouds are lower.  The combination is leaving a beautiful view along our journey.

By 1, the terrain has completely changed.  We are just outside of Casper, WY.

Food --- food would be nice.  I've located a brewery just off the interstate that will work perfectly.  Not a  bit out of our way.  Gruner Brothers Brewing, here we come.

When we entered, it was almost empty, but a graduation party soon filled the place up.  It's an odd place for one, I think, but it is what it is.

The outside deck has a great view of Casper.

Time to go - we're on the final leg and make it to Billings around 7 in the evening.  There's been rain all along our drive, in Telluride, and apparently Billings has had it's share as well.  While we were driving, Matt woke up to this:

When we arrived, he was still hard at work trying to pump the last of the water out.  By the time he finished, some cookie fun and bed.  Everyone was tired and ready, including us.  Fortunately, tomorrow is Sunday and we can all spend some time together.

4th - With a good night's sleep, the house wakes and starts the day.  Chores are done and we've had a nice visit.  Lunch is at Carverss and I'm looking forward to it.

I'm not sure where these two put all the food, but . . . . no small desserts here.

Grandpa to the rescue - or is he?  Perhaps, his sweet tooth has kicked in as well.

Afternoon fun in the backyard --- the crown is a perfect touch.

It's always fun to spend time with these two --- now, that's a stack of UNO cards.

At this point, I'm out.  This game just makes my heart pound.  Literally.  So nervous.  I'll just listen from the other room.  This is pretty much how the day went.  Chatting, playing, and just enjoying each other.

5th - It's a work day for Grandpa and Matt, but the latter is able to come home early and do a steak grill in the backyard and my gorgeous daughter-in-law has the best sides to go with it.  OMG - soooooo, good.  You can see that the yard is drying out nicely.

More afternoon games.

Braiding hair while visiting.

Out front, I've discovered some product of all the rain.  Multiple varieties of fungi along the driveway edge.

6th - The lawn is finally dry enough to mow and Becca is hard at work.

I decide I want to drive over to Laurel and check out a quilt shop.  Zyra comes along and we find a parking spot near some fun historic stuff.  

And this too - 

It turns out that the quilt shop closed during the pandemic and is now just a long-arm service so we decide to check out the coffee shop next door.  While ordering our drinks, I hear ladies at the back talking about quilting and go to peek.  They are having a handwork sit and sew and I LOVE it.  One has her daughter with her and before I know it, she and Zyra are playing foosball and killing time.

I'm able to have a nice chat with these lovely ladies and a few showed interest in coming down to Texas for a retreat.

When we get back to the house, we missed lunch with Matt, but all is good.  Mister finishes work and finds the perfect place to relax.

Until Zyra climbs a tree and wants help down.  Careful with your back, my love.

Family game time ---- let's aggravate each other!!  Oh, Grandpa won.

Ahhh, the grand finale.  For the evening, it's a fire pit and S'Mores.  YUM!  Finding dry wood is a bit challenging, but they get it worked out.

This is just PERFECT family time.

Round two.  Plates are prepped and ready for marshamallows.

What a great day and evening.  Memories made and moments treasured.  We are switching houses tomorrow morning, but will get together again this week and spend time with both families together.

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