Saturday, June 24, 2023

Road Trip Time - Bigfork Days 9 - 14

 We have hit the 19th of the month.  Almost three weeks in and still going strong.  I did a little sewing today and then we went to the Monday Market in downtown Bigfork for some early evening relaxation.  I love that it is right by the river and has such great atmosphere.

20th -  I worked on some cutting projects while Mister had to work and then we walked down to the boat access point.  There is no one there and we are thoroughly enjoying the water and the serenity.

Finding a place to sit and just enjoy the moment.

The perfect calming noise, provided by nature.

Look how clear the water is - 

Time to head back.

As we are walking out, the dog in the back spots us and it is unleashed with an owner who is more interested in her phone.  The dog starts toward us and then charges, teeth bared.  By the time she notices and starts calling the dog - no stopping it.  Finally, just inches from us, it stops.  No apology, just "I didn't know anyone else was down here and he's just protective."  Ugh.  There is a leash requirement for a reason.  So much for our serenity and my fear of dogs has now been brought forward once again.

21st - Mom and I went to Kalispell today with stops at Costco and Wal-mart, where she found new cushions for her patio chairs.  Goodies are brought home and we just chilled the rest of this Summer Solstice day.

22nd - Some sewing happened today and then, we got the new cushions on the chairs.  Such a bright happy color.  (Mom put the cushions on, Mister thought they should be moved, I put them back how Mom had them - fun, fun.)

Sis and Joe came over for dinner, but, alas, no pictures taken.

23rd - Spent the day sewing and visiting.  For the evening, we went to the A Bar for some fish and chips, which were soooo good.

24th - It's the weekend!!!!  Breakfast with Jill's family at Split Rock.  Gotta say, pretty dang good and pretty dang pretty too.


Yesterday, Joe had called and let me know there was a quilt show in town today.  After breakfast, we stop and here is the LINK if you'd like to check it out.

We went home for a bit and then back into town for some shopping.  The canola fields are just starting to look sooooo yellow.

Mom wanted to go to the new Kohl's and several purchases were made.  Mister got new flip flops to leave there along with a brush and jammies.  I found a shirt and some new flip flops to take home with me (I'll leave the old ones here) and Mom found a new sweater and shirt.  All in all, good stop.  Onto Costco and then home to make dinner.  After dinner, Mister and I went out for a bit.  Stopped at Montana Bonfire for dessert and a drink.  Discovered the Fireside Lullaby, a draft cocktail from the local distillery, Whistling Andy's.  It is made with Pink Peppercorn Gin, Lavender Liqueur, Lime and Ginger Beer.  So, so good.

In fact, it was so good that a stop in town at the liquor store to purchase some Pink Peppercorn Gin followed and we can now make these at home.  Yum.  Then down to the Riverview for some music and relaxation.  Such a nice evening.

Enjoy - we did.

That's it for these six days.  See ya in the next post.

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