Saturday, October 26, 2019

Mom's 80th Birthday Trip - Day 6 - Party Time

Today is the celebration of my mother's 80th birthday, which technically doesn't take place until the 30th, but a Saturday event just works better.  Naturally, we have a bit of snow to help out.  As I go out to the living room, Mom is outside waiting for Bailey and I snap this picture.  It's dang cold out there and Bailey photo bombs (literally) my picture.

Mister decides that they  need to go for a walk to get the paper for Mom.  It's ALL THE WAY at the bottom of the driveway.  Such a long walk.  Then, of course, Bailey brings it back.  Not.

The gang is going to breakfast and an impromptu snow fight takes place.  I think one is coming my way.

The seasons are changing right before our eyes.

Downtown Bigfork for breakfast as the Wood Bay Grill is not open and my sweetheart is VERY sad about it.

I LOVE this pic.  No idea what was said, but I love the reactions.

Home to change clothes and then we are off to set up.  Mister stays behind to bring Mom and the rest of us get to work.  We have cut and chopped and cut and chopped and cooked and shopped and, well you get the picture.

Mom's cake is PERFECT!  I am so glad that they did just what we wanted.  It's a carrot cake, but no little carrots for decoration.

A scene from the room before people arrive.  Sis and I are ready.

Remember that snow this morning --- well, this is the day now.

Several people have arrived and now the guest of honor makes her appearance with my sweet Mister.  Happy Birthday Mom!!!

I'm just going to share pics --- not much commentary.  My great nephews and niece -- Wyatt, Colton, and Scarlet.

People meeting people that are important in mom's life and sharing conversations.

Mom's friends and one with her oldest and youngest granddaughters.

That, naturally, I had to photo bomb.

A better one.  Nice smile Mom.

It's cake time.

Mom and Sis.


Family pic time --- Mom with her grands and greats

Four generations.

The three of us.

Four generations

Three generations

Selfie time --- nephew Zach

Niece Jill

Sister Denise


Granddaughter Bekah  (I missed one with Jen -- I'm sad.)

The party is a huge success, we have cleaned up, and everyone is crashed at mom's just enjoying one another and lots of conversation.

Brother-in-law Joe.  And this day is done.  As am I.  Time for some sleep.  See ya'll tomorrow.

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