Friday, October 18, 2019

Fall Time With Hyrum and Zyra - Days 1-2

It's been a minute since two of our grandchildren have come to visit.  That means it's a happy day for Mister and I.  After a crazy busy morning trying to get everything ready, I am at the gate waiting . . .

Only to find out that it's not the right gate --- it's been changed and in a completely different terminal.  Lovely -- so much for parking close to their gate for ease of departure.  SkyLink, here I go.  I make it to the new gate and here comes the plane.

With happy faces soon to follow.  The paperwork for unaccompanied minors traveling is just so crazy, but we get it finished and are soon making our way back to where I parked.  SLOWLY.  After collecting luggage, getting turned around once, and adding a restroom break it is almost an hour since they landed.  Goodness.

Straight to the house where Grandpa is finishing up work and ready to play.  Both grands have given me a list of their wants this week and we are going to do our best to comply.  First up is dinner at Tony's and that means a half mile walk each direction.  Cheese pizza for three of us

and spaghetti for Miss Zyra.  Dig in.  After she has ordered, we both remember that this is not the place that had the spaghetti she loves so much.  However, she's a trooper and makes her way through it anyway.

An absolutely outstanding sunset accompanies us on the walk home.  We finish up the night watching Men in Black --- talk at the table led to this, I know, super odd, right?  Then it's off to bed for a VERY busy day is planned tomorrow.  (keep reading)

Good morning!!!!  We have packed this day with a great itinerary, so let's get going.  First up is special pancakes from Grandpa.  Now, that's love.

We follow it up by the daily chores of dressing, etc. and are soon on our way to the train station.  The Texas State Fair is in its final weekend and there is absolutely no way we want to drive anywhere near that mess.  That mess IS our destination, but the traffic is not wanted.  The DART takes us right to the entrance -- for $2.50 each.  Can't beat that.

Train rides are always a good time and an adventure all at once.  Everything goes smooth and we are soon at the fairgrounds -- ready for fun.

We are pretty early so the grounds are kind of empty, but that's okay -- it'll make up for it later I'm sure.

Our first stop is one of the halls that is featuring an exhibit on chocolate.  I'm always up for that and off we go.

The first display is of Molinillos.  What are those, you say?  Well --- they are a vital tool for chocolate making in Mexico.  They are designed for making foam and blending stoneground chocolate with water or milk.  The first molinillos were used in prehistoric times, when foam was a highly esteemed treat in cacao beverages.  Nowadays, molinillos are a traditional handmade craft, preserving the technique through generations.  Their form follows function as well as beauty.  It's a specialized tool to disperse solids into liquids and create a sublime froth by simply placing it between your palms and spinning it back and forth in a rapid motion.

There is also a LEGO chocolate.

Mortar/pestle tool for crushing the seeds.  A glass elevator provides temporary entertainment until it is discovered that nothing is upstairs.  Back down they go.

I didn't pack any water for the day, so we try and pick a bottle or two, but nothing is really open yet.  We are early, as I said.  The next best thing --- fill up for now at a fountain.

Okay, moving on.  More people are arriving and the day is also warming up.  Time to really get this party going.

Next stop is the fiber arts building so I can see the quilts (I won't bore you here with them) and we meet this lady making clay flowers.  She is currently working on blue bonnets and gives Zyra some clay to roll and form the centers as she does.

This building also houses the butter display each year and the kids take a peek at the sculptures.  Yep, that's all made of butter and the case is refrigerated.

We picked up a schedule upon arrival and let these two select a couple of activities --- how about some pig racing? 

And they're off

Hyrum and I decide to take a spin on the Texas Star --- our amazing ferris wheel.  Zyra takes one look and opts out so Grandpa takes her off for a couple of other rides, one of which is a giant slide.  You can barely see her climbing all those stairs on the left.

By the time they finish, we are still in line, but getting close now.  And away we go.

He proclaimed it "Awesome."

Grandpa and Zyra's view.

Across from the ferris wheel is the entrance to the Children's Aquarium and that is also on their list for this week, so . . . why not now?  It's a bit of a tussle getting in, but we manage and are soon enjoying all the wonderful delights our eyes can take.

A turtle skull.

Check out this new resident.  A Gulf Toadfish is an ambush predator, sucking in small fish, shrimp, small crabs, and worms with its cavernous mouth.  They can get up to just over a foot long.  This one is about 4" long so has a ways to go.

Oh Zyra . . . love this so much.

Always a favorite -- the jawfish.

Stingray time!  This is not only a delight for them, but for us as well.  I never get tired of playing with these amazing creatures.

Onto the bird show --- only to discover that it is the same company that does the one at the zoo, but this is pretty cool as they are flying right past us time and time again.

Being released from the Texas Star.

and past us another one goes.

A few more rides - Zyra solo on the Tornado and then they double up for a few.

The slides must have been a good time because she wants to do it again and Hyrum joins her for the fun. 

Spotting this next ride, nether of them are interested.  I can't figure out why.

However, one does look inviting, I guess.  How can she see????

We're watching from outside and here they come on the upper level.

And back out.

Some time at the barns is next --- Oh my -- what fun in the newborn barn.  Baby goats frolicking everywhere.

And the chance to learn all about cotton.

Another show is happening -- this time it's dog performances.  And they are so good.

At this point --- I ask what they want to do next and since we've walked about 13,000 steps, they are most interested in calling it a day.  Okie dokie.  Let's go find Big Tex for a picture and then the train.

They look beat.

But still smiling.  A stop at Taco Joint for dinner and home to watch the Gruffalo.  It's a day --- a great day, but a done day.  See ya tomorrow.

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