Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Mom's 80th Birthday Trip - Days 7-10

27th - People are leaving today and I'm holding onto each moment that I can.  Grandmother, Mother, Daughter/Granddaughter/Great Granddaughter talks are the BEST!  I love moments when this happens.  Four generations just being together.

During some task time today, we stop at a chainsaw carvers place.  Wow.  I'm not taking a lot of pictures now -- this is just visiting time.  Special time.  It doesn't need to be documented.

28th - And the snow is back.  A bit more of it.  Naturally, since I have to take Mister to the airport today.  Argh.

He tries to tackle some of it for Mom before we leave, but it's still coming down.

A stop at the lake for a picture (which he said didn't turn out)

Some coffee and a scone in town at Fieldheads Coffee Roasting Company.  We've been here before but this time have a chance to visit with the owner/roaster.  By the time we leave, look how deep the snow has gotten.  Oh yay!  Driving will be such fun and it's not slowing down.

My sweetheart is held up in security for awhile and I watch as his bag of coffee beans that he bought causes the TSA grief.  It's coffee for goodness sake.

As soon as he is in the air, I'm heading back to Mom's and stop at JoAnn's for some double sided tape to fix my dress that I need in a couple of days in Houston.  While there, I am able to pick up a couple of fall decorations for Mom too.  I stop at Sis' to say howdy and grab a few pictures from her deck as well.  Remember the quilt pictures?  Same backdrop only white now.

29th - I am finally getting some work in on the baby afghan.  I have fixed my dress and this project now takes priority.  Other than that -- my day with Mom is just us two quietly talking and enjoying being together.

30th - I'm headed home today.  It's Mom's actual birthday and I wish I didn't have to go, but I have to be in Houston tomorrow and this was planned over a year ago.  Ya gotta do what ya gotta do.  As my suitcase sits here, Bailey delivers a ball to it.  Shortly after that, he wants the suitcase to throw the ball.  Crazy dog -- so, so funny.

Mom and Sis drop me at the airport and Alaska Airlines is ready to whisk me away to Seattle.  It's another long day, but I've got crocheting to do.  Good-byes are hard and I have tears as I enter the building.  Hopefully I can visit again soon.  Before long, we are boarding.

And up, up, and away once more.  Farewell mountains.  I'll miss you.

Nearing Seattle, I get a glimpse of Mt. St. Helens and I remember the day it erupted vividly.  Clear over here, everything was soon covered in ash.  It was 1980 and Jen was 3 1/2 years old.

Hello Seattle!

I've been crocheting away -- making good progress.

I'm switching planes again and notice that there is a delayed flight that hasn't left for DFW yet.  Asking if I can get on results in a yes and I'm outta here a bit earlier than planned.  Yay!!!

It's a LONG flight but I'm ready.  Crocheting and a movie, what more could I need?  See ya later Seattle, Mister and I plan on a visit soon just to play.

Ooooh - the view out my window is sublime.  The lady in the aisle seat by me is a bit odd (no one in center seat) and at one point she spills her beer all over me and I react like crazy to save my afghan.  Really????

There's Dallas --- I'm almost home again.  It's been a wonderful trip and I'd do it all over again.  Loved it all.  I'm also happy to be back here, however, one would think it would be warm here and it's not.  What's the deal?  I'm so cold.  Hopefully Houston will be warmer tomorrow.

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