Sunday, October 20, 2019

Fall Time With Hyrum and Zyra - Days 3-5

With only a few days to play together, we are going to jam the days as best we can.  Today's request includes the Children's Garden/Arboretum so after making eggs with Grandpa, we are dressed and out of the house.  It's time for some beauty and fun.  Beauty first.  Simply lovely.

First things first --- how about a picture?

Now for the fun.  Each area has interactive zones that teach while they play.  It's wonderful and I'm so thankful that it is included with our Arboretum membership.

I love that each area allows for teaching moments for many different ages.  Each visit lets us go a little more in depth.

Even Grandpa enjoys the kaleidoscope.

With three separate ways to change the design, it is definitely never the same.

Grandpa has found another fun spot to play --- using sand and a cone while I am distracted by this incredible cactus sitting in the sunlight.  I don't think I've ever seen such beauty in a cactus.  It takes my breath away and I absolutely must take a picture of it.

As we just let the kids go --- they discover things to challenge themselves and have fun while doing so.

Do you see what we see?

The wind tunnel is always a big hit ---- ALWAYS.

Do you think the hats will fly?

Pull Hyrum, Pull

Zyra's turn --- with help.

This is the first time I've seen ducks walking around here.  How fun.

WATER!!!!   I think this is my favorite spot.

Such a great picture.

How high can you get?

Peek-a-boo -- I caught you.  He's sneaking away.

He snuck away because Zyra still wanted to play.

A little more beauty.

Wanting to make a quick stop over at the Pumpkin Village in hopes of a great picture with these two, the walk begins.  It takes a bit to get there, but I love the pumpkins so very much.  I'm not going to really go into all the displays in this post, but you can see them up close and personal by clicking on this LINK.  Hyrum and I arrive before Grandpa and Zyra, giving us a chance for a picture.

Now for some pictures I can love on ----

Cute, cute, cute

She's gonna kiss him.   Noooooo - get away or I'll hurt you.

Hi there

One last stop at a bench.  Not too bad Hyrum --- of course I was tickling him.

Autumn loveliness.  This just makes my heart happy.

As we are leaving the arboretum, Zyra and I manage to capture a photo of one of the very busy butterflies we have seen all day.  It's the best we could do.  Next is food!!  They both LOVE burgers and have never been to In N Out so we track one down that is close to our next destination.  Happy bellies are so much more fun to be around.  Whose is whose???  Always a challenge.

When asking these two what they wanted to do this week, we took their list and added a few of our own to it.  Today we are off to the Bureau of Engraving and Printing where they can watch the money as it is made.  Both are sooooo good and watch everything, listen closely, and ask great questions.  It's a no picture place, but trust me -- we had a great time.

A long day for sure, but packed and full of fun.  Home Grandpa!  Off we go and as soon as we arrive, Grandpa and Zyra are back in the kitchen together again.

Busy, busy hands ---

Oooooh, they have created a cheese board and cocktails for us all.

Cheers and dig in.

Games of Fish ensue.  Just look at Zyra and Grandpa's faces.  A fierce competition is going on.

Fun times for all and this day is a wrap.  Sleep is needed by all to play hard again tomorrow.  (same post)

19th - Good Morning!  We are out of the house bright and early for a trip to the zoo.  Stopping at the coffee shop gives us hot drinks and treats to eat.  An admonition not to mess up the car is heeded and the day is underway.

The plan was to arrive at the zoo prior to opening and we have been successful.  This gives us a few minutes to talk about various animals pictured on the signs and grab a picture or two for posterity.  That's what these moments are for, right?

The hippos are our first stop and we make a rapid walk towards them, hoping to get there before they are in the water.

No such luck but they ARE active and having fun.  Great entertainment.

Roll over Mom -- let me nurse.

Butterflies abound right near us as we watch these great water horses.  Zyra has her arm out hoping one will land.

What next?  The Gorilla Trail is nearby and beckons.  Do you see the little Klipspringer?

Or the Congo Peafowl?

How about now?  Quite the hairdo, right?

It is called the Gorilla Trail for a reason --- we end there.

We have babies too.

I'll just sit up here and have a snack while you play.

A trip to the zoo is not complete without the obligatory elephant picture.

And onto the Savanna.  Elephants,

and giraffes.

Oh my!  This is just the best!!!  Have you ever fed a giraffe?  Well, ya oughta.

Grandpa's camera working when not noticed.  He has always thought this little gal was crazy photogenic.

Break time.  I was actually smart enough to put some fruit in my bag along with the cups that I forget half the time.   It's a perfect snack.

Well, hello there Ms. Cheetah.  You are certainly up close and personal today.

Now for Zoo North - and the Bird Landing.  Oh how this place makes me smile.  And the kids too.

And now for two of my favorite pictures --- check it out -- a real smile from Hyrum.

I just kept taking pictures

What do you suppose these three are looking at?  I have no idea.

Near Bird Landing is the Underworld and it has new inhabitants.  They are eager to see them up close.  Come along.  Emperor Tamarins above.

As well as Toucans.

One of the toucans wants to check Hyrum out as much as he want to check it out.

A few more stops and sights to see ---

Before coming to the tortoises!!!!  We get to feed them today.  So, so, so much fun.

As we are walking out, Hyrum is asked to hold a baby dinosaur.  He goes along with it, but happy, he is not exclaims Yoda.

Zyra plays a little better.

Quick stop at the carousel.

And we're done!  These two have been wonderful to run around with and I don't want them to leave tomorrow.  I'm taking my mind off it and finding something else to do still to keep the fun going.

I think we did them in!!!

Home for lunch and then we are off again.  See, I said I was going to try and fit in one more fun thing to do.

A cup full of nickels nets some smiles and off they go.  Let the racing begin.

Then --- this game was discovered!!!  It became the favorite.

It wasn't beat, but it sure was played until all the nickels had vanished.

Why was it the new favorite?  Because it gave out lots and lots of those silly (and incredibly useless) tickets.  Off to the counter we go.

Ice Cream on the way home.  Yep, treats before dinner.  We're grandparents and get to do it our way.

Now for the not fun part.  It's home to do laundry and pack.  Drat.  More games for the evening and much laughter.  Lots and lots of laughter as we played.  I cannot even begin to share how full my heart is.

20th - We have EARLY departures to the airport this morning.  It's oh dark thirty.  One quick picture with Gammy -- or maybe two --- or three (not posted).

Hitting the road --- the sun is rising behind us.

They've changed the gate AGAIN.  Back onto the SkyLink we go.  These two also look sad to be leaving.  I know I am but as I look at Hyrum, I just want to melt.  We need longer times together and more often.  If it means moving north, so be it, but it's gotta happen.

I'm walking oh so slow and behind these two.  Not a happy Gammy, BUT a thrilled one to have had this time at all.  I just want to keep them.

Grandpa asks for a picture for him to keep too.  All those feelings I have?  He does too.  And that's it.  We wait until the plane is in the air and then look at each other, grab hands, and go back to our quiet house.  Our hearts are happy --- the memories are grand --- but . . .

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