Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2013 - Year in Review

This post wishes each of you a very Happy New Year and hopes that you, like us, are looking forward to another year of unexpected highs and lows.  Let us all hope there are more of the former than the latter.

It is time for a look back at 2013 --- Another year has flown by!  For us, it was a year of great changes and one surrounded by family.  I cannot ever share in words the joy I have felt with the memories we have made this year.  I can honestly say that I believe I KNOW each and every one of of my grandchildren.  With 12 of them (and another on the way), that is saying quite a bit.  We were also blessed to spend wonderful time with all of our children and our parents and siblings.  What more can one ask for in a year?  After looking at this, feel free to find the blog entries that match.

January:  We started out the year in spades.  I was able to reignite my love for quilting on New Years Day by taking a class the entire day.  It took me out of my comfort zone in colors and techniques and set the stage for the year to come.  Mister and I then were able to spend a wonderful week in the Caribbean visiting Puerto Rico, Saint Maarten, and Anguila.  It was absolute heaven and a wonderful way to start the year.

February:  The month began with us driving down to Temple for Jared's birthday and baptism.  We are so lucky to have been there for this major event.  The middle of the month found us in Hawaii for Mister's birthday.  We spent 9 days enjoying this beautiful state while visiting two different islands.  Mister accomplished his goal of visiting all 50 states with this trip - yay for him!

March:  Change came to us -- I was no longer employed and thus we put several travel plans on hold.  At the same time, Matt let us know that he would be leaving United in the fall and so some of our travel privileges would be lost.  We determined to devote the remaining travel this year to family so that we would have time with all in case finances prevented it in the future.  We also started to discover our own city again -- there is just so much to do here.  We ended the month down in Temple for Easter with Jen and her wonderful family.

April:  Art fairs, movies, and museums occupied our city excursions this month.  We were able to visit Austin to enjoy events with grandchildren.  I discovered my love for crafting again and worked on a ceramic project for Elena along with some sewing.  Mister, too, was busy creating and made me a beautiful quilt frame, allowing me to put a quilt on and start hand stitching it.

May:  The annual excursion to Montana for Elena, Malea, and Zyra's birthdays started out our month.  We were there for 8 days and upon our departure, we had two little charges with us.  Malea and Elena returned to Dallas with us for 8 days of pure joy.  I received my first vintage sewing machine as a birthday present this month and we were hooked.  I named her "Annie" in remembrance of the my aunt who instilled in me my love for sewing.  I started quilting in earnest and we ended the month at another major event for a grandchild -- Jon's ordination.

June:  I began this month traveling to Montana for Elena's dance recital.  What a grand time and oh my but it took me back so many years.  Mister and I then went to Wyoming for 5 days to help celebrate Ryan's birthday.  We returned home and made a trip down to Temple for Bekah's birthday.  Oh my but this time of year is full of grandchildren getting older.  We end the month by having Hyrum and Zyra at our house for 8 days.  Again --- we were overflowing with wonderful memories.

July:  The first of the month found us helping Scott and Cass move in with us for awhile so they could save some money and pay some bills.  We only had about 2 days and then had to hit the road for the family reunion in Wyoming.  We had 4 days filled with children and grandchildren.  Each time we are able to do this, I treasure the fact that I have all my "bairns" with me.  My heart is so full when this happens.  Upon our return, we explored Dallas a little more and discovered Cedar Ridge.  What a wonderful place.  Another trip down to Austin this month and we returned with Jon and Jake for 5 days followed by Bekah for 3 days.  We had such a good time with all 3 of them and I truly love the talks we have now that they are older.

August:  Where is this year going?  I made a quick trip up to Montana for Rhiana's birthday so that Elena and I could do a little surprise.  Our home was then blessed to have Jared come and stay for 6 days.  The rest of the month was spent sewing, sewing, sewing.  I discovered recycled shirt fabric and Mister bought me a featherweight sewing machine.  We ended the month down in Round Rock with Bekah and Jake's soccer tournament.

September:  Quilt classes started this month out in fine fashion.  I was able to take 2 of them and once again learned oh so much.  We made a quick trip up to Montana for some more time with family and then to Wyoming to help Amanda.  We had 5 wonderful days with the boys.  We spent the rest of the month discovering estate sales and Craigslist in detail.  We worked Grapefest for a friend and purchased a Wheeler and Wilson treadle.  Our collection is coming along nicely now.

October:  The first week we found a beautiful Memphis treadle at an estate sale and it made it's way home with us.  Rhiana was in need of some help, so we took the girls for several weeks.  We discovered full time parenthood again thoroughly enjoyed having them.  Our anniversary was spent in the town Mister proposed in and at the same spot for lunch.  Amazing that he could plan this and include two little ladies as well.  We took a trip down to Temple with Elena and Malea in tow for Jacob's birthday and finished the month returning the girls to Montana and spending Halloween and Hyrum's birthday with family.

November:   My passion for sewing took solid hold this month.  I could not seem to get enough and was out in the studio early each morning and well into the evenings.  We added another sewing machine - a Singer 306 and I finished several quilt tops.  I took a trip up to Mom's and while on my way found out that I get to be a grandmother again.  Cass and Scott are expecting next June.  Time to start looking at baby things again.  We hosted Thanksgiving at our home and it was filled to the brim for 3 days.  We cooked and shopped and sewed for hours.  I was in heaven.

December:  An ice storm hit Dallas the first of the month putting us in the house for 5 days straight.  It was even too cold to heat the studio so I worked in the office.  Celtic Solstice, the mystery quilt, started and I made 5,512 little pieces of fabric into units for it.  Bekah and Jen came up for 3 days of sewing and soccer --- something I will treasure forever.  Christmas was quiet this year with just us two as Scott and Cass spent the week in Utah.  I ended the year exactly as I started it --- in quilt classes.

Another great year is in the books.  It was a year filled with family and I will always be thankful for that.  It was a year of growth for Mister and I and we both found new or revived old interests to share together.  We eagerly look forward to 2014 and the ups and downs it will present to us.

Happy New Year all.

Mister and Lady

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