Monday, December 31, 2018

2018 - A Year in Review

It's another one of those years that end in 8.  Nice round numbers that mean I'm aging --- rapidly.  I do have to admit that this has been one of the hardest years of my adult life.  Honest!  There has just been so much to overcome and without the love of my sweet hubby, I wouldn't have seen the end of this year.  I'm thankful to be moving on - wish I could say thankful for the experiences, but it's still too new.

I would love to say that January held something.  But it didn't.  The flu was rampant in Dallas and we opted to just stay home much of the time.  I sewed, does that count?  I did attend a Red Hat function and we went to the museum once just in case sewing didn't count.

The following month allowed for 10 days of retreat, lots of visits to Dallas Blooms and my sweet hubby's birthday.  We have tons of decisions ahead so staying close to home happens a lot.

March came in with more trips to the Dallas Arboretum and I've truly embraced the fact that I'm old enough to enjoy flowers --- immensely.  We welcomed John Paul into the family and I went to Telluride to help with grands for a week right after returning home from retreat.

What can I say about April?  It was amazing!!  After a  retreat and a few more weeks of Dallas Blooms, my love took me to Spain and France for a crazy, wonderful trip.  I cannot express how amazing it was to me, nor will I ever forget it.

May was full of events -- our nephew, Bob, graduating for college, 10 more days of retreat, and a trip to Utah for John Paul's blessing.  So much and so many memories to keep.

June arrived and I finally bit the bullet and decided to get my teeth taken care of and the minute I made that decision, Mister was diagnosed with melanoma cancer and needed surgery on his hand.  Of course.  It's not just raining here, it's pouring and we are stressed to the max.  The ONLY bright spot was that Mister set up a birthday weekend in Utah for me to spend with all five of my kidlets and that is a memory I will hold tight to the next few months and beyond.

What can I say about July?  It was horrible.  Truly.  I had surgery on the 2nd for a total tooth extraction and was barely recovered by the time my sweetheart went under for his own surgery 10 days later.  It's a month I'd rather forget entirely.

August found us still healing.  Period.  I made a decision not to have kids this summer due to so much happening and I'm missing them so very much.  Halfway through the month, another surgery for me.  Fun times.

September came and I braved fake dentures and went to see grandsons at a local swim meet and then went to the beach retreat for 10 days without teeth.  This has to be the hardest thing I've ever done, vanity wise.  I am so crazy thankful for the incredible women that I call friends.  Without them, I could never have survived this event.  The end of the month had me put under once again for a medical procedure that had nothing to do with my teeth.  Wow.  Once a month for three months running.  Hello anesthesia, my old friend.  We also both went to the dermatologist again and now I have spots burned off my face.  Can life really get any better?

A retreat got October started and then Mister took me away for a few days and I cannot believe how good that felt.  We went down to the Lake Whitney area and just relaxed together.   We made the trip to Abilene for Jen's Bday and gifted her with a new-to-her Featherweight sewing machine.  That felt crazy good but she was such a trooper through all my medical stuff this year.  I absolutely would not have made it without her support and driving and tender care while I was out of it.

A little more comfortable with the temporary dentures, I was able to make it to Houston in November and enjoy the Quilt Festival once more.  Hyrum and Zyra came to visit (first grands all year) and I was so happy to just be Gammy again.  Matt and Becca joined them and my heart was crazy happy to have them in the house.  Our annunal retreat took place and then Thanksgiving was in Abilene and the next day I was able to attend the Renaissance Festival near Houston with Jen and Becca.  Truly a great time and wonderful opportunity for a 3 generation event.

The year finished out with December's annual Christmas Cookie and Ornament Exchange Party followed by some more teeth stuff and then a trip to San Antonio for our Christmas gift to each other.  The lights on the Riverwalk were so beautiful and we had a great time enjoying the area.  Christmas was spent with Mister's family as we are holding tight to time with Mom H.

That's it.  Another year gone.  Onto 2019 and hopefully, some teeth. 

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