Saturday, December 15, 2018

Red Hat Holiday Spirit

 December is here and that means a Red Hat Christmas is right around the corner.

I was so hoping to be finished with all the dental issues I am having this year, but it just didn't happen.  Thus, here is my picture as I dress for the event.  Ugh --- My biggest hope is that next year, I will once again be able to smile huge and strut that happy person big and bold.

I want to be THIS Red Hatter:

Or perhaps like Billie --- Now, THAT's a smile.

We are the Outback in Garland and Frankie is hosting.  Take a look at the magnificent decorations she has on the tables -

Little elves are absolutely everywhere.  It's the theme and I love it.

The little elf favor is ours to keep and mine even has a jingle bell.

I have arrived early enough to wander around a bit before settling in and so I grab a few more pictures of the decor so that y'all can see just how much work she put into this.

Even Ms. Frankie is an adorable elf - pictured here with her friend, Sally.

The room starts filling and everyone is sharing love and stories of their lives.  It's one of my favorite parts of the day -- just seeing their smiles as they reconnect.

I am such a fan of Miss Etta.  Her hat makes me covet terribly, however I am absolutely sure I could never wear it as well as she does.  Vickie - your care of her is remarkable and as loving as your vibrant personality.

Cynthia captures a picture of Pat and I - it is what it is.

More scenes from the room -

Before our meal, we are treated to a vocal performance by Sally.

She does three songs for us and it's a nice bonus to our day.  She shares with us that this is her first time doing this in public and my hat is off to her.  I know how difficult that can be and although it's been many years since I performed, the memories are real.

Thank you, Sally, for making the day a bit more festive.

The menu has provided a picture of an adult beverage that is just calling out to me.  Yes, pictures DO work.  It is a Gingerbread Cookie Martini.  Don't you want one too?  I let it go for a minute or two and then do an abrupt change of mind.  One drink is fine and perhaps I'll relax a little about the whole mouth thing.

The waiters then arrive with Bloomin' Onions for the tables - a gift from Frankie.  Wow.

Another song from Sally - "Mary Did You Know?"

Lunch has arrived and it looks, smells, and tastes wonderful.  I'm hungrier than I thought and it's a good thing because this is one heck of a lot of food.  (Even saying that, I have to backtrack and let you know that at least half went home to my sweetie for his lunch.)

After our meal, Frankie has more entertainment in store.  We are doing games and the first one is based on the Twelve Days of Christmas.

Each person (or team of two or three) has received one of the days.  Mine is the 9th day and as we come to it in each verse, it is my turn to sing.  Now, how wonderful is this?  Absolutely everyone will be looking at me now.  Okay, martini -- time to kick in.  As the song progresses through the first 8 days, I decide to add a little life to it (apparently the martini DID kick in) and get up to dance as I sing my line.  Well, if they're gonna look, give them something fun to see, right?  By the time we get through the song, others have joined in and made merry along with me.  Our Five Golden Ring girls?  Well, let's just say they kept it up the rest of the event, to the joy of everyone else.  Way to go Arlene and Sophie.  Billie's Calling Bird was pretty sweet too.

After our amazing rendition of the song -- another game.  I'm on a roll now, so up I go.  We are given slips of paper to share something about ourselves.  Mine is, "Share your favorite beauty tip."  Really?  Ugh.  I don't do a single thing regarding beauty and have always considered myself very low maintenance.  What I want to say is, "don't inherit mouth issues," but instead I simply say that I have never used any soap of any kind on my face -- which is true.

And . . . I have no idea what is going on here, except to say that it looks like I'm holding one of those old time cigarettes or something.

More rounds of the game

Well, that's it.  Another event is in the books and I had a great time.  See y'all in the new year and have a very

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