Sunday, December 31, 2017

2017 - A Year in Review

This year holds the end of the 50's for me.  I do have to say this has been one amazing decade in my life.  So many changes and so much love.  I am in a happy place and so, so thankful to all who touched my life.  Here's my recap:

We started out the year in January revamping the office and making a better place to work for my sweetheart.  He is able to work from home a bit now and this will make it all better.  I went to Telluride to help Amanda move as she has lots of changes in her life too.  Matt and his family came to visit and I started the slipper extravaganza.  Some crazy women decided to make a pair of slippers for everyone on their birthday.  She should be medicated.

Valentine's Day, Mister's Birthday, 10 days of retreat plus another 4 days retreating/taking class occupied most of February.

Since March is supposed to roar in like a lion, I decided to go with that and cut the hairs.  Yep, quite a change.  A weekend in Abilene followed by retreat and then fun times in D.C. with Jen and Jacob take up the first half of the month.  The second half is another 10 days in Telluride with my grandsons and daughter.

Rhiana put together some fun family time at Daytona Beach and that got our April off to a wonderful start.  Back home for retreat and then two days in Mineola for classes.

My birthday month always seems to be bursting with activity.  This May is no different.  Ten days at retreat, followed by red hat activities and fun times with friends.  The month was ushered out with a granddaughter graduating from high school.  Am I really that old?  Congratulations Bekah.

When June arrives it means that school is out and Gammy camps begin.  We had Jacob here for 5 days, Jared for 6 days, made a trip to Utah for 6 days and O's bday.  I spent a lot of the month working on a quiet book for Ava.  My daughter-in-law took her citizenship oath and I'm crazy happy for her.  Congrats, Becca.  More camps ended the month: Josh here 5 days, Raef, Ryan, and Caleb here for 7 days.  THAT's a full month.

And as the calendar turns to July, we still have the boys for 8 more days - so much fun being had.  A trip to Utah for 5 days to deliver Ava's Quiet Book for her birthday.  Then some fun in San Francisco with Amanda 5 days and we closed out this month with Jon and I to going Boston for 3 days.  We're not finished with summer yet.  Woah.

August means fun times for us.  I went to Jens for 8 days to help watch kids while they took Bekah on her trip, returned for a Red Hat event and then we went to Oregon to see the solar eclipse and had an absolutely incredible trip.  It was soooooo worth it.

The Dallas Zoo has to close it's Australian exhibit in September (this month) so our first venture out was for Mister to say good-bye to his beloved koalas.  I went to the beach retreat for 10 days and refilled my soul.  I need to be at the ocean at least once a year.  I started another mystery quilt, fulfilled an H&Z request, played around town and went to a swim meet to watch Jon.  It seemed like we were busier than that, but it is what it is.

My favorite month of the year comes along and with October is the fair, our Anniversary (which involved drag races), more city exploration, a 4 day retreat AND a trip to Montana for 8 days to help with kids and just have fun.  It ended with Red Hats and a costume.

I started out with 3 days in Houston at the Quilt Festival and then the Annual November retreat for 5 days was the only big ticket before Thanksgiving.  Jen and family came here for 3 days and we had so much fun having them.

With the calendar showing December, Mister and I wen to Atlanta for a pre-Christmas gift to each other weekend.  We had a great time and then came home to lots of holiday fun with me holding what I hope to be an annual event.  The Cookie and Ornament Exchange was so fun and I was also invited to the GirlFriends party this year too.  I became an official Red Hatter and we bought a shiny new Red Car -- a Subaru Impreza.  I love it.  Christmas with Mister's family rounded out the year.

It was a full year -- full of fun, love, laughter, travel and amazing moments.  Bring on 2018.

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