Saturday, December 9, 2017

Red Hat Holidays

December has arrived and with it comes another opportunity for me to attend a Red Hat gathering.  Today is a dress up Christmas luncheon, except I didn't really absorb the whole "dress up" part until rereading the email yesterday afternoon.  Hmmmm.  I am still just barely building a purple wardrobe and most of what I have now are tops and leggings.  Believe me, nothing qualifies as dressy.  Now what?

Oh wait a minute.  I picked up a lovely saree at October's retreat in the hopes of making a pair of pants and a vest or jacket.  Where did I put that?  AND, I know I bought a pattern too.  A little bit of hunting and I found both items.  I got it all laid out on the bed and was ready to pull an all-nighter making this outfit when I remembered that I need a new serger needle for my machine.  Ugh.  I was just too tired to deal with it at that point and gave up, thinking, "I'll get up early and give it a go."  Off to bed.

Well, now it is morning and I still have the serger issue.  My sweet man comes in and suggests that we go buy a dress.  Seriously??  A purple dress??? Just like that??  Who is even open this early??

Well, it turns out that Penney's opens at 8:00 a.m. and we are there by 8:30.  We split up and go through the sections of the store just hoping for a fancier purple top that I can put with my black pants.  My sweetie finds a couple of tops for use at a less fancy event and right about the same time, I hit the jackpot.  Off to the dressing room I go with FOUR dresses to try.  Wow.  What luck.

Two actually fit nice and I can't choose between them so once again, this sweet man is an angel in disguise and off we go to the checkout with both of them and a shirt.  Along the way, he also finds a scarf in the right shade and I am now set.  I have the new red hat we picked up last month to complete it all.  Why am I going crazy over this?  Well, it's like this --- I take my Big D Re-Gals Vows today and who wants to look frumpy on a day like this?  Not me.

With the little bit of bling also picked up last month and some heels, I'm ready to go.  Whew.  My sweetie takes a picture and sends me on my merry way.  I sure I haven't forgotten anything.  Hat - check, Purple - check, Bling - check, Nametag - check, Kazoo - check, Membership Card - check.  Oh, and some money to pay for lunch.  Time to drive.

We're meeting at the Outback in Garland and have a room all to ourselves.  Nice.  Frankie is hosting this month and has done a great job of setting this up.  Mingling and getting caught up with each other is the high priority right now.

My trusty camera and I try and snap a few group moments - Fonda, Arlene, and Sharon

Oh drat, closed eye selfie with Sohair

Spycee and Joan

Kathleen and Estella

Selfie with Etta

Paula and Vickie

It's time to sit down, select a dish to order, and enjoy lunch.

After a delicious lunch, Queen Cynthia calls me up front to take my vows.

(I tried to get a video but things just didn't work out -- so sad, but the memory is always there.)

Re-Gals Vows:

Do you wish to join in the fun of the Big D Re-Gals Chapter of the Red Hat Society?
Do you agree to grow more mature with humor and to take your silliness seriously?
Do you join, in the spirit of friendship and sisterhood, your red- and pink-hatted sisters as we go for the gusto together?
Will you strive to help create new bonds and strengthen existing bonds among our sisters as we move forward to wherever life takes us next?
Do you promise to regularly practice having fun now so that you will know how to when you are old?
Do you promise to welcome our visitors and guests with a "red hattitude"?
Do you promise to be a proper and fun guest when visiting other Red Hat chapters?
Will you openly and knowingly fraternize with other Red Hatters?
Will you endeavor to learn to play Happy Birthday on a kazoo?

Please place you right hand on your hat and repeat after me:  "I do light-heartedly swear on my hat that I will do my best to uphold the spirit of the Red Hat Society."

Welcome to the Big D Re-Gals!

And it's done all official like.  I've been dubbed Lady Montana and can't wait for more adventures to come my way. (still more to this post)

The last thing to happen is that Etta has a beautiful ceramic cat to give Queen Cynthia.

Group picture time

And another fun event comes to a close.  We have a chance to grab a few more pictures outside and I do love these so much.  Billie and Queen Cynthia

Add in Fonda and Spycee --- what fun and laughter -- it makes my heart happy.

Now, the post has come to an end and I wish all my sister Red Hatters a Very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.  Onto 2018 and many fun moments to share together.

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