Sunday, December 10, 2017

My First Trip to the Girlfriend's Christmas Party - Their 32nd

I have been invited to attend "32nd Annual Girlfriend's Christmas Party."  It's being held at Pinot's Palette and a gift exchange will occur.  This sounds like so much fun and a chance to meet people I don't already know.  I've looked at the roster and "think" I may know one person other than whom I was invited by.  Oh that's terrible grammar but I just can't fix it as my brain won't wrap around it right now.

The party is at 2 so Mister and I decide to do some shopping for the morning and work our way that direction in time for the party.  I have bought an Ott-Lite for the exchange and it's wrapped and ready to go.

Upon arrival, my childhood comes racing back in.  The tree is a silver one and all it is missing is the color wheel that I remember oh so well.  Talk about a trip back in time.

Appetizers!  Dang.  We've been running around all morning and they just didn't happen for me.  Ugh.  Next year I will make some amazing ones.  I promise.  Here's a quick peek down the table of goodies.  Wow.

After some time to visit and enjoy the goodies, Suzanne comes around with little bits of numbered papers.  We each select one and my number is 9.  Well, that could be good right?  The rules are announced and it's a steal game with a cap of three steals.  How ruthless are these ladies?  Time will tell.

When my number comes up, I steal the gift that Suzanne made and it consists of coaster, a table runner, and pillow cases.  How cute is this?  Unfortunately I am unable to hold onto it and have the opportunity to try for another gift.  This time I steal a set of Moscow Mule cups that would make a  nice gift for my sweet Mister.

However, that gift is not meant to be either and by the time it is stolen from me, I have learned how ruthless they can be here.  Most gifts have been frozen and so I select one of the remaining wrapped gifts and it turns out to be a crocheted afghan.  Nice.

When the game ends, so does the party.  That's it and there's nothing left but the group picture.  While I am waiting, a few pictures of the painting around the room get snapped.  This whole concept scares me to death, but I do love the outcome.

Suzanne is going around asking people to group together for a picture and I've stolen this one from her.

And the final group shot --- also stolen from Suzanne.  I had a great time and look forward to  next year - with appetizers in hand.  Thank you so much for the invite --- bring on #33.

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