Wednesday, December 20, 2017

On the Way to Pick Up a New, Shiny, Red Gift

Back on 11/25 we checked out several new cars and I came away loving this red Subaru Imprezza.  Nothing happens fast in our house and I think Mister likes the blue Volkswagen better so only time will tell which, if any, one of the two make it home with us.

A trip to Atlanta and lots of other happenings have occurred and it's now 12/12 and we have checked out the Volkswagen again.  As we are on the way to have a second look at the Subaru, our car decides to act up and, instead, we find ourselves at the repair shop.  That's the end of car shopping for today.

12/18 - Shall we give this one more try?  I am really not impressed with the service at the Volkswagen dealer (not the car, it's very nice) and want to see the Subaru one more time.  Off we go and dang, we are treated so great that the decision is made and it's a done deal.  Woohoo.  We'll pick it up tomorrow so that they can wash and clean it all up for us.

12/20 - Obviously we didn't pick up the car yesterday.  It was a crazy rainy day and neither of us want to pick up a new car in that.  However, today is a new day and has started out with crazy fog -- I didn't get a picture quite soon enough -- but around 10:00 a.m., it's still there.

I am taking the DART to meet Mister and pick up the car.  As I travel to Bachman Station, I am rewarded with a lovely sunset.

A few steps away and a different angle.

Meeting my sweetheart and driving to the dealership --- one hour later this sweet thing is in my hands now.  I am absolutely thrilled and thank my sweetie so much for an awesome Christmas present - it's even red for the occasion.

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