Saturday, January 1, 2011

2010 - Year in Review

Another year has gone and this time it is the first full year here on the blog.  Thank you for following along with us in our daily life and just being a part of my journal.

This year was, simply put, AMAZING.  How could it be anything but?  If you have kept up, you know what I am talking about but here is a recap for you anyway --

January arrived with us spending New Year's Eve in a motel as Mister was doing an incredibly cold bike ride the next day.  Call him crazy.  Kyle and Rhiana came to visit the first week and then we were off to St. Louis for a simply wonderful late Christmas gift to each other.  We then flew to Ohio for a few days before flying to South Dakota to watch kids while Jen and Louis took a much needed break.  From there we went to Billings.  What a crazy, long trip.

February brought us 12 1/2" of snow.  Yep, that's right.  We live in Dallas and got 12 1/2" of snow.  Wow.  The rest of the month was spent around town and with me being able to do the Birthday Season for Mister for the first time.  What fun that was.

March saw me back up in Billings (yes, I still am working in Dallas) to do taxes and then just running around the metroplex with Mister.

April waltzed out with a new delivery - Miss Zyra.  What fun to have a new granddaughter.  The rest of the month contained yard work going on and I finally named the man who works around our yard.  He is my very own Mr. Green Jeans.  I spent two days in Billings and the rest of the month is basically FLOWERS -- everywhere including the bluebonnets in Ennis.

May took us to Montana to meet Zyra and Amanda's family came to Texas for a visit.  Their trip was followed up - literally - by mine to Colorado and then to Ohio for Louis and Trent's graduations.  That was indeed crazy.  I flew north again at the end of the month to drive with Jen and the kids back to Texas as the move is now taking place.  They stayed with us for a week before being able to get into base housing while waiting for their house to close.

June saw me flying again to Montana for Zyra's blessing and also a couple of trips down to Temple, TX for birthday and other fun.  Halfway through the month we start out on a trip through Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah to spend time at the family reunion outside of Provo.  What an amazing trip this was and I loved every minute of it.  I must have because there are tons of entries related to it.

July - Oh my.  My sweet Mister asked me to marry him this month. Let the craziness ensue.  The majority of the month is spent around Texas at bike rides.

August had Bekah and Jon come to stay with us and what a great time that was.  I made another trip to Billings for work and we once again had bike rides.  There was also a trip to Montana in which a huckleberry trip turned into a "hunt for engagement ring" event.  Fun times.

September took me back into the kitchen.  Cooking, Pampered Chef, and wedding plans consumed the month.

October was centered on wedding.  What an incredible time surrounded by everyone who means the absolute most to me in this world.  We tossed in a couple trips to Temple again for family events.

November was spent loving Dallas.  We even took a class in making mozzarella cheese.  I made one very quick trip up to Billings and that's it.

December delivered Hyrum and Zyra to us while Matt and Becca went to Mexico.  It was supposed to be for a week but turned into longer when M&B didn't have paperwork to get her back into the United States.  After some frantic calls, everything was arranged and they arrived a few days later.  One of the benefits of flying stand-by.  We attended Jacob's baptism and Amanda and the boys came for a visit as well.  Other than that -- we were baking!!!  Christmas Eve was spent at Jen's.

And another year is gone.  Whew. That was a lot of trips to Billings and those will be ending soon.  I'm kind of sad as it has provided me with many opportunities to spend time with my littles, but it's time to put the business behind me.  I'm remarried and so is John.  Life goes on.  See ya next year.

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