Thursday, December 31, 2015

2015 - Year in Review

Wow -- another year has come and gone.  It truly seems that the older one gets, the quicker the years fly by.  I have absolutely no idea where it went.  Shall we take a look back and see?

January started out with Elena and Malea here for 2 weeks.  What a super special treat for us.  From there we went right into watching the Ohio State Marching Band - which I have admired for YEARS -- and then off to Boston I went with my nephew, Bob.  That was such a fun time and so great for both of us.  With such a great start to the new year, this month ended on a really tough note.  A dear friend lost his battle with cancer and I lost a true soul mate.  I don't think I've known sadness this deep before.

February brought SNOW and the birthday season for my sweet Mister.  We ran away to the Hill Country for a fun weekend as part of that celebration.  I ran down to Rainbow for a quilt retreat as well -- what fun that was.

March took me to Washington D.C. for the very first time.  What a treat that was to spend it with Jen and Jon and about 80 more people.  I am hoping to repeat this in a couple of years when Jacob is in 8th grade.  It also seems that spring appeared this month for the color and beauty was just everywhere.

April gifted us with the boys from Colorado for 11 days.  It is just so much fun when we get to have grands for those extended periods of time.  ELEVEN days.  Woohoo.

May is the birthday season for me and between quilt retreats and lots of "just us two" time, it was made super special again this year.  This month also brought quilt retreat time and I do love that opportunity.  This month I got to stay there for 10 days and that was just amazing.  I spent the whole time working on either wedding dresses or gifts.

June meant that summer had begun and thus summer camp was in session.  First up this month was Jared and while he was here we experienced quite a bit of flooding in Dallas.  I went to Provo for Ophelia's first birthday and then to Montana to see my daughter get married.  When we returned, we had two grands in tow, Hyrum and Zyra, for the next week and while they were there, Cassie, Scott and Ophelia made a trip down here.  What a jam-packed, family-filled month.

July was a bit calmer as we just went from camp session to camp session featuring Jon, Jacob, and Bekah, only leaving Dallas once, with Bekah when I took her to Boston for a couple of days.  Hey -- she is 16 now.

August had the last summer camp session with the Colorado gang as Raef, Ryan, and Caleb came to stay again.  Twice in one year is a definite treat.

September seemed calm.  Period.  I made one trip up to Telluride and thoroughly enjoyed the beautiful fall colors while there.  Additionally, I went down to Surfside beach for a weekend with friends.  It was amazing and we are going to do it again next year for 10 days.  Such a great time of year.

October gave us our 5th anniversary.  Has it really been that long?  Wow.  We ran away for a couple of days and I also made another trip back up to Utah to enjoy the fun of all there with Cassie and Ophelia.  It ended with me at a Halloween quilt retreat.  Great way to end the month.

November meant the year was winding down and the month was fill with "us" time.  I had a quilt retreat and it managed to take place between rain storms.  What a lot of water around here again.  We spent Thanksgiving with Tina and her girls along with Mom H.

And finally, December, closed out the year with Josh's baptism, the Post Modern Jukebox concert and Mister getting a new Christmas train.  It was a very quiet holiday this year.  I'm sure that is likely to become a trend as everyone is just oh so far away and busy with their own families.  It's exactly as it should be.

Well that's it for 2015.  I am 57 years old and have managed to make it through another year.  May you all be blessed and remember to keep the most important things close to your heart at all times -- family.

Bye til next year -- Lady

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