Thursday, January 7, 2016

Back to Montana - Rhiana's Family - Days 1-3

It's time to get this new travel year started!  I'm on an early morning flight to Montana for a week with Matt and Rhiana's families.   I haven't had a winter visit up there in a long time.  I'm packed, a the airport and waiting -- let's fly.

Upon my arrival, I exit the building and discover that no one is here to pick me up.  Well this is an auspicious beginning.  I get a cab and instruct the driver to take me to the school where Rhiana teaches.  After a quick hello to my daughter and her classroom, Kasey picks me up and we are soon on our way to get Malea so that I can have some one on one time with her while everyone else works.  There is a sweet little puppy in the truck as well and although I'm not a dog person, I could do this one.  She is just so tiny.  Say hello to June Bug.

Within moments we have Malea and are off to the apartment so that Kasey can return to work.

After a snack and a few games, we settle in to watch a movie while snuggling on the sofa.

Oh wait, I forgot to mention that she takes time to change clothes at least 3 times before her mom gets home from school.  Wow.

Elena arrives home via the school bus and we get a chance to talk and snuggle for a while too.  she has some homework so we tackle that right away as well.  That way it's not hanging over her head tonight and we can all just play.

I love the cropped picture above but here is the whole thing.  Yes, Rhiana is home and offering to take the picture for us.

It's time for some work in the kitchen -- with a helper, of course -- and the rest of the evening is spent with dinner, bedtime stories, and a nice visit.  Since it will be an early day tomorrow, we don't stay up too late and I actually  need some sleep anyway.  I started my day dang early.

Good morning.  After showers, it's breakfast time and they have a cute little table right by the larger one.  It works perfect.    Oh dang, hurry up Elena -- you gotta get out and catch the bus.  I'll see her a little later on today as I'm going to have lunch with her at school.  It's the first time I've done that with a grandchild.  I'm actually looking forward to it.  She's also asked that since I'm going to be there, can she show and tell June Bug?  Well, let's see what we can work out.  Have a good day!  Now to get Malea ready for school.  That's a bit more challenging but it does happen.

As we drive into town to drop Malea and Rhiana (I'm keeping the car) at their prospective schools, we are treated to an incredible sunrise and my mind explodes with quilting possibilities.  Oh these colors.

I'm not so sure that Malea is excited about going to school, but dang it anyway.  That's just what we have to do little one.

The first thing I'm doing today is meeting my son for breakfast.  OMG -- one on one time with him is such a rarity and I am so excited.  We have a lovely time visiting and he has me in tears of laughter as he recounts a recent story with the Chamber of  Commerce.  It's a wonderful time but it has to end all too soon as he needs to get back to work.  I am so happy as I leave the restaurant.

 I still have a few hours all to myself and there are quite a few new quilt shops that have opened since I lived here.  Might as well check them out and see what type of treasures I can find.

After two stops, my suitcase has become a bit fuller and I need to get to the other end of town quickly.  It's lunch time.  If you wish to see the shops I stopped in, please click on this LINK.

Hurry, hurry.  I arrive at the school, check into the office, and receive my visitor badge just in time.  As I find Elena's classroom, I get a quick peek in the window and check out the hallway for a second before they are released for lunch.  Is she missing anything?  That's a LOT of lost and found.

On the other side of the hall are their personal spaces and they are decorated with cute little snowmen.  How fun is this?

As they are released, the have to put all their outdoor clothing on.  What?  I am so lost on this one.  They have to go to lunch and sit all bundled up to eat.  No wonder they are in a hurry to get out of the lunchroom and most of the food goes untouched.

When we get to the lunchroom, I have her take her coat, hat, and gloves off.  Now she can take me through the line and we'll get our lunch.  I'll be in charge of the coat and stuff.  So super crazy.  Our lunch is actually quite nice and it fills the tummies perfectly.  After she finishes, we dress her again and she goes out to play for recess while I go to the front of the school to meet Kasey.  He is delivering June Bug to us for show and tell.  Yep, we worked it out.

The drop-off goes perfect and I take June Bug down the hall and find a place to sit with her.  As the kids come in from recess, I have her inside my coat so that the surprise is not ruined when they walk past me.  As soon as they are settled into their room, I am invited in so that Elena can do her presentation.  She does such a good job and answers their questions on point and with great responses.

When she finishes, I ask the teacher if she can leave with me and we gather up her things for an afternoon together.  A little Gammy/Elena time.  Oh, and June Bug too.

We decide to go over to the mall for awhile and find the Build-A-Bear shop.  Why not?  In we go and she chooses a couple of puppies - one for her and one for Malea.  She is very conscientious in making the decisions on names, scents, and clothing.  I'm so proud of how she wants it to be just perfect for Malea too.

As I'm checking out, I lay my purse on the counter and the employee spots June Bug for the first time.  Yep, she's just been hanging out in it.  Literally.  She's all snuggled in with just her head hanging over the edge.  I gotta admit it's dang cute.  I really need to get away from this sweetheart or I'll be sneaking her on the plane for the return trip home.  It's time to go and Elena has both of her treasures ready for the trip home.  What a super sister she really is.  Malea will be so surprised.  Speaking of Malea -- we decide to go pick her up early, too, and then everyone needs ice cream in January, right?  Of course we do.

Well, let's go get Mommy and our day is over.  Once at the house, Malea is undressed instantly and looking for a new outfit.  She is just so clothes oriented and wants to always be changing into a different exterior appearance.  I'm thrilled to NOT have Rhiana's laundry task.

Now for homework.  Let's get it finished right away, just like last night.  It's just easier that way and then our evening is free for whatever we want to do.

Rhiana is not home for long tonight.  She does a quick change and is off to her second job at Canyon Creek Brewing.  Kasey arrives home shortly after and takes us all to the brew pup for an evening out and a few stolen moments with Mommy now and then.

Both girls (and stuffed puppies) are well behaved.  Honest.  Kasey has these super cute rules that he makes them recite upon our arrival.  "No whining, no fighting, no yelling, no running."  I love it.

We are treated to dinner from a food truck and a few drinks along with some popcorn.  It's a nice evening, but still a school night so we cut it short and get these littles home and to bed.  What a fun day.  See ya tomorrow.

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