Tuesday, January 12, 2016

On the Way Home --- Inspiration Strikes -- Sunrise Magic

Good-bye Billings.  It's time for my flight and the sun is just barely peeking out on the horizon.  I'm ready to head home.  I've missed my sweet Mister and only have a few days home with him before going to Colorado.  Time for some "Just Us Two" moments.

As we make our ascent into the sky, the lights from the city below are shining and sparkling from the snow surrounding them.  It really is quite lovely.

Ooooh, here comes the sun.  I am mesmerized as it shows it's absolute divine beauty.  It seems as though I have been following sunrises or sunsets for awhile now.  I have the idea in place for this year's mystery and as I fly it is solidified.  Oh the fun I will have with these colors.  Enjoy the eye candy as much as I did and remember that these are through a plane window -- not the cleanest one either.

Oh my -- here come the blues and checkout the outlines on the clouds.  Supreme.

That's it.  Hello Dallas.  I'm ready for a little warmth and a few days at home to recoup.  Montana was oh so fun but my man is here and it's here that holds my heart right now.  See ya'll around.

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