Sunday, January 10, 2016

Back to Montana - Matt's's Family - Days 1 & 2

Day 5 dawns and I'm now out in Lockwood at my son's house.  THIS is an early rise house so if you want in on the action, ya gotta get out of bed.  While the kids are waiting for breakfast, I brought some small puzzles that they can work on.  Zyra jumps right into working on hers, but you can see Hyrum in the background and he REALLY doesn't want to do this.  His father is a bit persuasive and soon he is working on his as well.

The plans are for a lazy day at home.  Just relaxin'.  That sounds good to me and as we settle (for this old woman - that is a very true word) down on the floor, the cards come out and a couple of hours are behind us.  What a fun time.  It's so great that my grands are of so many different ages.  I love that it allows me a variety of experiences with them.  Little minds working is just awesome.

My son can only hang out on the floor with his kids for so long before he just has to wrestle and annoy them.  Yeah, some things never change.  It used to be his sisters and now it's his children.  They are good sports most of the time, but he certainly is persistent in his efforts to drive them crazy.  Once he is finished with Zyra, Mama sits down to visit for awhile too.  The kids, meanwhile, have found different entertainment than boring old adults.

When you're at a total loss of something to do and in total relaxation mode, have some ice cream.  I know it's not a great picture, but it's a memory for sure.  After this, for some reason he thinks he needs a nap.  It's pretty likely that it's because he has been up for a very long time.  With the snow last night, he had to plow the businesses in the wee hours.  At least it was quick for him -- not an all day snow removal.

After he leaves, Becca and I get a chance to just sit and chat for awhile.  This is so nice.  Honest.  It's great to share stories of the past year with each other and laugh at the mischievousness of my grands.  I love having a chance to just visit with her as her perspective always gives me something to think about.  She's an amazing mother to my grands and wife to my son.

I decide to take a walk for awhile.  It's pretty cold outside (12 degrees) and Becca shakes her head in disbelief that I would want to walk in it, but really -- once you bundle up, it's not bad at all.  There is another little quilt shop just down the road from their house, over by the coffee hut that Mister and I walk to when he is with me.  I want to check it out and the walk will do me good.

It's a cute little shop and I, once again, add to my overflowing suitcase.  It's gonna be hard to close when I return home.  If you want to see this lovely little shop, please click on this LINK.  I notice that the sun is starting to make it's way down and that means the temperatures will be dropping as well.  Time to get back home and I find the family downstairs all watching a show.  It's "Shark Tank" and I'm shocked that the kids like it too.  I wonder if Mister is watching right now as well.   I snuggle in next to Hyrum and the rest of the evening is spent just chilling.  It's been a perfect winter day.  No worries - just doing whatever the heart desires.  Perfect.

As I said before, this house wakes up early and apparently I didn't get out of bed soon enough.  Thus, I have been invaded by two cuddlers.  What a great way to be awakened.  I am one happy Gammy.

It's Sunday so no one has to work or go to school.  Yes!   Matt and Rhiana have been talking and want to have a play day all together so as I get ready for our  adventure (yep I'm the only one not ready as they were up before me), Mom, Dad, and kids settle in for some minecraft that they all play together.

They have been practicing reducing the technology in the house and so decided that instead of everyone going off and doing their own thing for hours on devices, they would play a game together instead.  Everyone is really good at it and the laughter can be heard into my room.  That and Hyrum.  If you get him started talking about a game, oh my - the floodwaters are opened and off he goes.

Okay, I'm ready and we are going bowling.  Fireside Lanes opened at 9 and we are there shortly after that.  I TOLD you they were early risers.  Rhiana and the girls arrive just a few minutes after us and soon the whole "changing of the shoes" is undertaken.

Happy smiles.  Yay!  So glad we are getting more time together.  Isn't this just such a good picture?

We have our lanes and I'm wondering how I will do.  It's been awhile since I did any bowling.  Once upon a time, I bowled on a league here in Billings, but that was when Jen was about 2 years old so only 38 years ago.  Crazy.  I have bowled since then, but not with any regularity and certainly not the past few years -- well once with Jen's family, I think.

Let's get started!

Elena -

Zyra -

Malea (with help from Mom) -

and Hyrum -

Yes, the adults are bowling too, but who wants pictures of that?

One game is all the attention spans can handle and it turns out that the boys triumphed.  Hey, I didn't do too bad considering how long it's been.  And I'm old.  Everyone keeps forgetting that.   I know, I know -- I'm not really all that old but some parts are certainly starting to feel like it.  Okay, I hear you --- time to get a little more active Lady.

This crew is now hungry and that means it's time for lunch.   We decide to go to the Texas Roadhouse for lunch.  Well it's really a second choice cos the place we want to go isn't open yet so here we are.  I can't believe how often we used to come here when Matt, Rhiana, and Cassie worked here.  Lunch is yummy and with full bellies, we are now going to add a movie to our day.  Yep, when ya start out early, there is a lot of time to do things.  The trouble is that the movie doesn't start for a while and we are on the west end.  That means that we can stop at Rhiana's house to kill some time.  EVERYONE has June Bug on their laps in no time.

Okay, back into the cars and let's go to the theater.  We get tickets and still have a little extra time so I treat to Billings Best Yogurt right next door.  Okay, it's time for the movie.

When the movie ends, good-byes are once again said - quickly this time as it is dang cold outside - and we are on the way home.  It's been a jam-packed day for sure.  Tomorrow is a school day and preparations need to be made.  Sleep needs to take place too.  See ya then.

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