Thursday, January 21, 2016

Telluride and Raef's Birthday - Days 1-5

Starting the new year out right with another trip.  This time it is to Colorado.  I am Telluride bound and as I fly through these amazingly blue skies, it's hard to tell the clouds from the snow peaks.

Isn't it absolutely beautiful?  Today is my grandson's 11th birthday. ELEVEN!!!  Wow.  That almost doesn't even seem possible.

Raef is having his "party" on Sunday with the BIG GAME.  However, that doesn't mean that we can't at least have a birthday cake and sing a song.  Right?

Turns out that brownies work well too.  And that's about it for my first day here.  Lazy comes to mind.

With everyone except Raef (he is not feeling well) off to either work or school, I have a day in the mountains pretty much all to myself.  I spend it working on quilt project and starting a Valentine pillow for an exchange in February.  When the other two boys get home, we play for awhile and then Ryan has to get ready for skiing.

It is snowing like crazy outside today and the furniture on the deck is now almost completely buried.

Poor Raef, he really doesn't feel very well but wants to sit and play cards for awhile.  Absolutely.  I can do that.

I remember these cards.  I think I gave them as a gift one year.  And another fairly uneventful day bites the dust.

Day three and I am off to town this morning.  After dropping Caleb at pre-school, I take a few minutes to enjoy the scenery around me.

I spend the entire day in Telluride today.  Time at the coffee shop, a super yummy lunch with Amanda, and picking up the boys after school.  What a super fun day.

Dad just can't stand waiting any longer to give Raef a gift for his birthday.  Yay!!  A new football and just in time for the BIG GAME.  Yep, that's all I've heard about this week.  This game is everything right now.

To top it all off, there is also a mini New England Patriot helmet in the package too.  Double score.

It's time for some Uno, although I really don't like this particular way of playing it.  Give me the plain old regular one anytime.

Day four and it is a blizzard. Today's sickie is Ryan.  I think we are just taking turns hanging out with Gammy.  Yes, I AM just that fun.

I mean, really?  How sick can you be if movies and popcorn sound good?  I spent the day finishing up my Valentine pillow and watching funny videos with Ryan.

At one point he took my pin cushion away from me as he had determined that the pins needed some segregation.  It turns out pretty cool --- and yes, even more cool when one remembers that Ryan is color blind.

It is a completely enjoyable day inside where it is nice and warm while the wind howls and people slide all over the place.  I feel lucky.  Oh, and I finished my pillow.  Isn't it cute?

It's already day 5 and I'm kinda sad.  The time always flies when I am up here and this visit is no exception.

The sun is out a bit today and that always affects my mood.  I am just merrily sewing away for awhile and then am off to town for the afternoon.

Winter beauty.  It always has that really cool blue to it and sometimes if the sun peeks out just right, the snow is littered with diamonds.  I've had a couple glimpses of that today, but sadly, none when a camera was in my hand.

I picked up Caleb from school and now it's just the two of us hanging out at the house.  He's trying to be coy and pretend he doesn't like me, but look at the impish grin he has.  I'm just not buying into his "leave me alone" act.

Once the house has all members back in it again, homework, dinner, and then cards occupies the rest of the evening.  I have convinced the boys that my way (the original way) or playing Uno is MUCH better and they have totally embraced it.  No one wants to go to bed.

Trouble is that we are breaking the rules and I've got to get these kids into bed before mom and dad get home and scold me.  Let's go boys.

Well that's the end of another day.  The days are skimpy picture wise, but wonderful in the hugs and fun department.  Bring on tomorrow.

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