Sunday, January 24, 2016

Telluride and Raef's Birthday - Days 6-8 (Making Snow Candy)

Good morning once again.  I have the house to myself until 11, when I have to pick up Caleb from ski school and I am delightedly spending it doing a bit of sewing.  Everyone else is at work or school leaving me once again in a quiet house.

It has finally stopped snowing and the town is bathed in white.  It is also a crazy, busy hubbub today.

I arrive on time at the preschool to meet the bus and settle in to wait.  They say it is late sometimes but after half an hour, several parents are starting to ask questions along with me.  It arrives an hour later --- crazy since I could have driven up there in 15 minutes time.  Turns out it is harder to round up 20 preschoolers than one would think.

Asking what he would like to do gets me a "get a donut response."  Okay, we can do that.  Apparently that is what he wants for lunch.  So be it.  After parking near the dental office, our walk commences.  Yep, I sure DO have a cute grandson.

When we arrive, he wants a cookie and a donut.  How to solve this?  Oh I know, we'll get one of each and do halvsie shares.

Mister texts while we are there and after I send him a pick of Caleb and his donut, this is what we get back from him.  Goodness there sure is a mess behind him in the office.

Now, onto the library to use up some time before picking up the boys.

Yes, he's an eagle.

In town, I stop to take a few pictures of the beauty that is surrounding us today.  It never hurts to appreciate all that we have.  The ski slopes are gorgeous today.

Everyone is retrieved and we are back at the house.  I have promised that they can make maple snow candy.  Mister told me about it from his childhood.  I lived in snow country for years and never did this --- what the what?  The snow is fresh and clean out on the deck so Ryan goes out to fill a pan with it.

The next step is to take pure maple syrup -- no cheap store brands just don't work here -- and bring it to a boil.  Continue to boil until it reaches the "soft ball" stage.  If you don't have a candy thermometer, you can test for this by dipping a spoon in the syrup and then into a glass of cold water.  If it forms a soft ball on the spoon, it's ready.

Once you have attained the soft ball stage, slowly pour the syrup over the snow, moving along as you do in order to achieve either lines or circles but not touching.

We didn't have a lot of syrup so are only making enough for each person to have one "pop."

Then take a popsicle stick (or in our case - a spoon) and twist the candy onto it.  The snow has cooled it enough to work with.

Suck it off the spoon and it is sheer delight.  Watch the smiles come from all around you as they experience this wonder.

Oh Grandpa, what a fantastic idea.  All I hear is, "Can we do this again tomorrow?"

Sorry to say, we are out of syrup and it's too expensive to purchase in Telluride.  It will have to wait for another time.

What a fun way to end the day.  Smiles all around.

Day 7 - oh no.  Let's not think about it today.  The big boys have ski club today and that leaves me and Caleb at the house for awhile.  I am really trying to finish a project and as I do, Caleb thinks my squares look like chocolate donuts with sprinkles.  He's kinda right.  As I finish up, he plays with the pin cushion for awhile.  It sure does seem to catch these boys interest.  I finish up, clean up my mess and put everything away.  My sewing time here has ended.  Now for a movie with Caleb.  Amanda is home as well, but trying to get some sleep.  When she wakes, she has been accepted as a model next month in the TAB show and we are making plans and arrangements for me to return and help out.  She will be super busy the week before the show and, of course, I want to see the show.  I call Mister and he's willing to use a few vacation days to come up here too.  Let's get those tickets purchased.  She wants to keep working on the books for the office so I offer to go get the boys from ski club.  Now, if I can just get up the hill.  I take a few more minutes as I stop and check things out.  Oh --- my heart misses the snow covered mountains.  Could I live here?  Not sure but do miss the scene.

I arrive a bit early, find a coffee shop and sit outside to wait.  Yep, outside.  Even though it is snowy and chilly, the sunshine is intense and warms the body and soul.  Ah here come my boys looking all ski bum like.

Trent offers to watch the boys tonight so that Amanda and I can have one evening together.  We go to dinner at this great restaurant and are seated by a WALL of snow. I'm not joking.  I think it is what has fallen off the roofs of the two buildings and into the narrow space between them.  Crazy.  Our meal is wonderful and the wine is excellent.  What a nice time to just visit and enjoy each other.

We return to find the boys are cuddled up in the quilts.  My heart is just to happy when I see this.

Ryan and I sit and talk for awhile and as he plays with his finger skis (yes, this kid is serious and always working the skis -- he is going to do something amazing with this talent - just wait and see), I ask him to hold them still for a minute and take a couple pictures.  We then play with the phone to see if we can get some fun effects and my mind instantly goes to making a cute quilted wall hanging for him with one of these pictures.  Time will tell.

The next morning, we try a few more picture but I really like the effect of the night glow from yesterday better.  Agree?

Last night was a bit rough as Raef got very sick and we were up helping him.  He's now in confinement in the bathroom and his party has been cancelled.  Everyone is trying to figure out how to make it so that he can at least watch the game he has been so looking forward to.  I feel so bad for him - at least his party is only postponed until the next weekend, but the poor guy just feels awful.

The other two boys have their jersey's on and are ready to cheer on the Patriots as I say my good-byes.  I have a shuttle to catch so that Amanda can stay home to take care of Raef.  The others are going skiing until the game starts.

At least this time it's only for a few weeks and then we'll have more fun together.

Love ya'll and thanks for letting me play again.


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