Saturday, February 13, 2016

Couple Time at the Zoo -- Lego Exhibit

We have finally found a wee bit of time to ourselves this month and I want to walk.  As we have not been back to the Zoo to see the entire LEGO display (see our post of the last trip HERE), today will fill both of those desires.  Members are allowed to arrive one hour early and we take advantage of that but must start in Zoo North instead of the Savannah side.  Like that's a problem.  I have a hunch most of the sculptures will be on this side anyway.  As we cross the bridge -- the lagoon is alive with color.  And they put on quite a show for us as well.  Territory, territory, territory.  The eternal fight.

On the bird walk, the Harpy Eagle is watching us intensely and even has his upper feathers standing n end.  He poses for us nicely though and I am grateful for that.  The Bald Eagle does the same.  I think we look interesting today.  Entering the children's train area, we start encountering the LEGO sculptures.  Oooooohhh -- my eyes are darting every which way.

First up is the Monarch Butterfly on milkweed with her 39,708 bricks.   Oh to be able to visualize and then build that all on your own without a pattern.

We come upon the backside of a peacock with it's tail extended.  Look at the detail in this.

And of course the vibrant front.  All 68,827 bricks of it.  (I think I wiggled the camera a bit on this one -- drat.)

Next up is a hummingbird drinking nectar from a trumpet flower. I LOVE it and truly miss having hummingbirds outside my window.  It was an everyday occurrence in Montana.  This one has 61,107 bricks in it.

Oooh, oooh, oooh. I spot a Galapagos tortoise made from 23,317 bricks.  What is that on top --- oh a cute little finch.  Ahh, my heart.

Across the way is a deer family.  Even from this distance, they look so good.   As we get closer, I just stand and stare.  I think the artist has even captured their true essence with this one.  Wow.  84,442 bricks of pure sweetness.

Looking up, I spot a Corn Spider hanging from a tree.  I am sure glad that this one is not size realistic as I would truly not wish to come upon one of these while out walking.  Oh my.  There are 16, 492 bricks in this replica.  I'm not sure just where my "like" level is on this one.

The next item is a bird bath complete with Cardinals, a squirrel and bees.  YES, bees.  How cool is this.  I feel like this happens in my own backyard all the time.

Even the water is clear enough to see the blue base of the bath.  Details, details, details.  This one is comprised of 14, 802 bricks.  Whose job was it to count the bricks?

Near the bird bath is a family hard at work planting.  Yes, these are also LEGOs.  46, 940 bricks to be exact.

I think that includes the flowers planted in the garden, but not the wheelbarrow.  It alone is 29,900 bricks.

I think we are almost finished with the display.  I can only see a couple more ahead of us on the walkway.  A Roseate Skimmer Dragonfly which makes me stop and go hmmm.  How do they get that to stay without falling?  Mister explains that there must be a rod inside.  Oh dang, I was so impressed before he told me that.    This one has 27,788 bricks holding it together -- and apparently one rod.

Yep, that's my Mister in the background.

Last up is a pansy with a bumblebee.  Again, I think I am in Honey I Shrunk the Kids, but it is indeed beautiful.  29,314 bricks in this and I don't think we even own purple LEGOs.

 Well, dang.  That is the end of the sculptures but hey -- this is the zoo right?  How about some animals?

We are standing right near the cheetah encounter as it begins and I can't believe how big both Winspear (the cheetah) and Amani (his lab friend) have gotten.  This is always a favorite encounter with the grands and we watch how incredibly fast Winspear is.  I would not wish to race him -- even in my prime years when I could actually run.

We are off to see the koalas for my sweetie and he spots this pole.  I don't know if you can read it in this picture but he claims it as his own as it says, "MISTER" on it.

The zoo has added kangaroos back, not the red ones we used to have but a brother and sister team of grey ones.  We also have a wallaby with a joey peeking his head out now and then.  Obviously, not whenever I snap a picture.

 Mister saw it for  just a few seconds and the keeper said it was out of the pouch for the first time a couple of days ago.  We will come back soon and see if we can catch a glimpse of him/her then.

A quick peek at the gibbons and we are on our way.

As we return to the lagoon, several of the beautiful wildfowl have made their way up close to the fence to bask in the sun.  I don't blame them one little bit.

Love this pelican.

Over at the Savannah, all is quiet and the giraffes are not even feeding.  The most exciting thing we see is a lone penguin taking a swim.  I guess our day has come to an end and my tummy is growling anyway.  It's time for breakfast.

Until next time ---- what will you do with YOUR day today?

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