Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Telluride Trip as Amanda Models for T.A.B.- Days 1-4

After leaving Las Vegas at midnight and a 5 hour layover in Dallas that resulted in a failed attempt to spend time with Mister (I was just too dang tired), I arrived in Montrose around 11 a.m. and immediately went grocery shopping with Amanda, Raef, and Caleb.  Once we returned to the house, Amanda was off to rehearsals for the T.A.B. show (which I will explain later) and the boys and I hung out until Trent got home.  A quick dinner and then to bed for me.  I am totally beat and completely unable to type in the present tense.  See ya tomorrow.

GOOD MORNING!  It's a sew day for me as I have the house all to myself.  Woohoo.  I am able to finish a top and the backing/binding for it.  Yes, this is a good day.  I really didn't take any pictures except for the quilt blog so you'll just have to keep reading.  Oh yeah -- last night I told you I would explain what T.A.B. is.  Well, it is the Telluride AIDS Benefit, a fundraiser for children with AIDS, and Amanda was selected as a model for it and started rehearsals during my last visit in January.  It is now time for the rigorous rehearsal/performance schedule to commence and thus the reason for my trip here.  I am a helper.  Well -- and a very proud mommy.

Our evening is spent just getting dinner, homework, and baths complete.  Whew.  I still haven't taken my camera out to play.  Must change that.  Tomorrow is a new day.

Day three dawns beautifully.  This is my view as I sit and sew quietly in the mountains again today.  It is my last day to be on my own as Mister arrives tomorrow and then Rhiana and Kasey the following day.  The house is going to fill for sure and we will be on the go the rest of the trip.

I spend all day working on a group project and get cleaned up just before I  need to pick up grands from school and start the evening rituals.  The boys and make a trip into town to catch a movie.  Kung Fu Panda 3.  Yep, it was fun and such a cute movie.

 Hey, at least I took one picture today.  I promise to do better.  Or at least Mister will when he arrives.

Day four and after dropping kids at school, I am off to Montrose in the "super fun to drive" Subaru of Amandas.  What a great little car.  Mister arrives at the airport early and thus has to wait for me to get there.  At least this time when I see him, I am a bit more awake and nicer.  It's definitely a bonus for him.

I have wanted to see the Black Canyon each time I visit here and Mister says it is pretty close to Montrose so off we go.  We both  need some "vacay" time together.

It's a really quick drive and the first stop is a roadside platform with a teaser for what is to come.

There is an overlook and I take the time to thoroughly enjoy the view.

We continue down the road and reach the visitor center before the road ends.  This is all we will be able to see.  Let's walk a bit.

As we round the corner behind the visitor center, I spot a path leading down to a lookout and am soon on my way.  Even the path is not open all the way to the overlook, but we still are able to see nature's beauty all around us.

Mister is snapping pictures as I wander around.  I'm thinking they are of me, lol since our cameras are pointed directly at each other.

What a lovely stop, but we really need to get on our way.  Amanda has asked for us to try and find some specific nylons for her and we are off to attempt that task.

Our task proves to be a difficult one but we do walk away with a couple pair of nylons after four stores.  The bonus is:  I also have a new bottle of perfume thanks to my sweet Mister.  Now to go pick up grands from school.

We arrive in Telluride a wee bit early so Mister is able to see a bit of the town and this gives us enough time to check out one of the local breweries.  After a nice sampler, we are off to finish walking the town before making a bathroom stop at the dental office.  As we walk in there, both of us stop and chuckle a bit.  It looks like an explosion took place.  We're thinking that someone had a difficult time selecting their "prize" for being good.

After collecting our treasures (who are THRILLED to see Grandpa), we are off to the house for a quick dinner and then the older boys are heading back in to see their mom in a dress rehearsal tonight.  Grandpa and I will have Caleb all to ourselves for the evening.  Once we get home, Caleb wastes absolutely no time in getting Grandpa to play with him.  I'm pretty sure both are enjoying it equally.

We have a nice time with Caleb and he is rewarded with the treat he picked out this afternoon at the store.  OREOS.  Ooooh yeah.  Of course he had his dinner first.

When the boys get home with Trent and Amanda, they are full of stories from the show and are making me so excited to see it tomorrow night, which is when Mister and I have tickets.

It's time for some sleep.  Tomorrow is another busy day.

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