Thursday, February 25, 2016

Telluride Trip as Amanda Models for T.A.B. - Day 5

Mister and I are off for the morning and the first thing is to drop off kids at school BUT we make a quick stop at an overlook so that he can grab a couple of pictures.  Isn't it gorgeous?

I love this spot as you can see so many wonderful peaks while still seeing the valley as well.  Ah, the mountains have a way of filling the soul and making one look at life through entirely different eyes.  Put some snow on them and everything is even better still.

After dropping the boys at school, Mister finds a place to park downtown.  As we prepare to walk around, I discover that my jacket is missing.  What the heck?  I never even got out of the car.  Where did it go?  Grrrr.  We drive back up to the overlook thinking maybe it fell out while we stopped the car, but if it did, it's long gone now.  Back to the house to grab my other coat and now we have lost valuable morning time together so instead of going back down to Telluride, I head to Mountain Village so that we can ride the gondola down into town and back.  This way Mister gets to see a little something today.  About part way up, we exit the lift and walk around a bit.  My sweetie is off to take a few pictures.

His view?  Here ya go:

Back into a gondola car we go and down into town where a kind gentleman offers to take our picture for us.  Yes, I have the dang dress coat on but I'm lovin' life anyway.

Back up the mountain we go - sucks that our visit is cut short but I have to run into Montrose and pick up Rhiana and Kasey who are flying in just after noon.

As we leave Mountain Village, we spot a coyote running through the field alongside the road.  Pretty dang cool.  With only a few seconds lull in traffic, I snap a couple pictures and hope for the best.

A quick trip back to the house so Mister can take a nap while make the quick trip to Montrose and return with Rhiana and Kasey.  Everything works like clockwork and we leave them at the house while we head back into town to do the school pickups.  Since we have a few extra minutes, we drive all the way through town and out to the old mine area.  We don't really have the right shoes to attempt walking up to the waterfall -- perhaps next time -- so we settle for a few pictures.

I spot what looks like some old foundation pieces but I'm not completely sure they aren't old headstones.  I wish we could check it out but just not enough time right now.  Perhaps later.  Now to pick up grands.  Once they are safely in tow, and Caleb's day has been made since GRANDPA picked him up, we are off to the house to get ready for the evening.  Along the road, large rocks have suddenly appeared and a quick clean up is required.  

View from the deck at the house.  Simply lovely.

A quick dinner for the boys and a change of clothes and we are off to an adult dinner up at Mountain Village and then the local night for the show.  I cannot tell you how much I love watching my daughter up on stage.  Oh how it takes me back in time and I am absolutely as proud today as I was each and every time I saw her perform.  What a treat for me this night is.  I am thrilled.  Enjoy the pics:

Opening Number

Various lines:

And a couple of "borrowed" professional pictures from the site:  Oh I wish I'd had this angle.  (Their watermarks have not been altered at all.  You can see whose work these are.)

Ah, my beauty.  If you wish to see this entire show, it can be seen by clicking on the following link until the 2017 show replaces it next year.  Click HERE!!!!

It's now time for us to head back to the house to relieve the babysitter and let everyone else party like crazy.  Old people need to sleep.  See ya tomorrow.

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