Saturday, February 27, 2016

Bekah's Cotillion

The crazy day is about to begin.  We are off before 6:00 a.m. to catch a shuttle to Montrose for Mister's flight at 10 and then mine 2 1/2 hours later.  Believe it or not, we will land in Dallas at almost the exact same time as he has a layover in Denver and my flight is non-stop.  Everything has to go perfectly for the rest of our day to work out.  Bye Mister.

A crazy miracle has helped us out as we land.  BOTH planes land about 15-20 minutes early AND my luggage arrives quick.  By the time Mister retrieves the car, I am out front waiting for him.  We point the car south and have 2 1/2 hours to get to Temple, TX (along with a clothes change) in order to be there in time for Bekah's Wildflower Ball (Cotillion).  Again, luck is on our side and we don't have any traffic issues, arriving with enough time to park in the back of the lot and change into formal wear.  Yep, we are just that good.  Quilts on the windows and naked people behind them in a parking lot.  Don't all grandparents behave this way?

As we walk into the ballroom, my eyes are moving everywhere.  It is decorated beautifully.  Honest.  I don't think it is even a bit overdone.  Very elegant.

We have enough time for a quick trip to the dressing room to say hi to Bekah and then take our seats.  How on earth did we do this?  Time to spare and I was so worried.  There ya go --- another reason to stop worrying so much.

It's time for the presentations to start and lovely Bekah is number 14.  (I am sitting quite a distance away and trying oh so hard to take a few pictures with moving objects in front of me.  I know they are blurry, but they are all I have.)  It's fun to be in Texas where these type of events still take place.  Gotta love the south.

Isn't she absolutely lovely?  Oh my -- where have the years gone.

She has the absolute best curtsy of all the young women.  I am not just a proud Gammy here -- it's true.  So graceful.

Once the leave the stage, she and her father take up a spot near the back and wait to return with everyone and start the ball.

Waiting for the signal to dance.  First pic I can blow up since it's not blurry.  Ugh.  Helps that they are standing still.

Let the dance begin.

Yes, I got a decent video of this first dance.

The flowers are beautiful and Bekah gives me her bouquet with the stipulation that she gets to keep the bling in it.

Hugs for mom, just days after surgery.  Jen wouldn't have missed this for anything.

They have a small dress up area to take pictures and Bekah takes me over for some fun.  I will treasure this little strip for a very long time to come.

A few moments of quiet.

During dinner, we are out of water.  Mister to the rescue.  Does he look the part?

I am so glad that we made the effort to be here.  It's a memory to hold onto and a major  moment for her.  What a treat.  I do not regret even once making the change in our plans and taking earlier flights to make this happen.

Yes, I am blessed with a beautiful granddaughter.  I am thrilled to be a part of her life and look forward to many more opportunities.

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