Friday, January 8, 2016

Back to Montana - Switchover Day 4

It's Day 4 in Billings and today I have so much planned that it deserves an entry all of it's own.  Let's get it started.  June Bug is everywhere this morning and I'm falling for this sweet gal.  Run Deb, run fast.

We are all hustle and bustle this morning trying to get out the door.  Malea is being non-cooperative and feels as though she is ready to go.  Mom and Kasey have both battled with her to get snow pants and boots on, without success.  I ask if they want me to  try and they throw up their hands and agree.  One harsh sentence from Gammy and we are soon getting ready to leave.  Yep, I'm just that dang scary when the deep, no nonsense voice comes out.  They are just not around me enough to know what they can get away with.  It's a nice tool to use occasionally.  I don't want to be the mean one all the time, but dang it -- we need to go.

After dropping Malea and Rhiana once again, I am off to the coffee shop to meet up with my niece, Jill.  I haven't had much time with her this past year and am looking forward to a nice visit.  We have a nice time.  It's good to reconnect every now and then.  I love where she is in her life and have promised to get her graduation gift to her as quick as I can.  Ugh.  I hate being late on these types of things.  Yep, she's just finishing up her certification and will be a registered nurse shortly.  The visit comes to an end all too soon and I have a bit of time to kill before meeting up with a friend for lunch.

That means I can hit up a few more quilt shops.  If you would love to see just where I go, please click on this LINK.  More treasures for the already very full suitcase.

Now I'm running late and need to hurry down to meet my friend Glea for lunch.  I haven't had a chance to just sit and visit with her since I left Billings in 2009.  Has it really been that long?  Oh goodness.  We have such a nice time reminiscing and catching up with each other's families.  I will definitely make it a point to see her when I get back this way and, fingers crossed, she is going to try and come down to one of our retreats.  That would just be oh so lovely.

Now, I have to hurry again.  Rhiana has me helping in her class today and I have no idea what we are doing, but am sure it will be such fun.  When I arrive, she puts me to work helping the kids with some turtles that they have colored.

It turns out that they are making me a super cool turtle quilt and my heart is touched more than I can say.  I promise them their very own blog post about it and you can find that post HERE.  Wow.

The fun in class goes long and before we know it, I'm late to pick up Elena from school.  Oh dang.  Zoom.  She is waiting for me and we are soon on our way for some fun before the others get home today.  A quick stop at Scheels gives us just what we are looking for.  First up:  Bowling

Then we check out the fish before heading off to the indoor ferris wheel.  You read that right.  In this store there is a full size ferris wheel.  I've heard about it but this is the first time to see it.  Obviously, this was built after I left as well.

We were gifted two tokens for it from the front cashier so it's time to go up, up, and away.  What a fun moment.  I really want a picture and they don't let you take ANYTHING up with you, including a camera so we ask the attendant to take our picture before we put my purse away.  So fun.

Okay, everyone is off work by now and we are getting together with Matt's family for dinner tonight.  It's the one night I get to have everyone together.  I'm treating and we are off to Umi, a Japanese steakhouse.  I'm sure the kids are going to enjoy it and that makes it good enough for me.

When the grill is lit -- oh my.  The heat from it is intense and the entire table goes silent.

Malea, Zyra, Elena, Hyrum -- at their own end of the table.

Such a sweet picture of Elena and Hyrum.

Can we get a quick family picture?  Sometimes this is challenging to say the least.  It takes several attempts and Matt has to stand, but the waitress accomplishes what I have asked for.

The chef is so entertaining and I can tell that the kids are enthralled as while he is working, their eyes never leave him.  Malea wants some rice and her  gives her a spoonful as he cooks which then elicits a response from her that, "I want a lot more than that."  
He makes sure that she does and then she is one happy little girl.  Too funny.

Everyone has plenty to eat and a wonderful time together.  I think I am most happy just watching the cousins interact.  To me, that is just so special.

What a happy time together.  The problem is that it comes to an end and oh too soon.  That means that I have to say good-bye to my sweet girls as I am traveling home with Matt tonight and spending a few days there.    Dang, tears again.  This is just so hard for me to do.

Ah, here we go.  Onto the second house and I'm looking so forward to some time with Hyrum and Zyra now.  I like that I split the time between houses as I am able to devote better attention.

When we are done playing for the evening, I go downstairs to my room and this is what greets me.  Oh so very nice and welcoming.  Thank you, Rebecca for the effort you and Matt have put forth to have me here.  A warm fire is just the best. But . . .

A treat on the bed is pretty dang cool too.  Oh yeah.  Night all -- see ya tomorrow.

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